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    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    now- just so you understand that its not so simple- i am showing you now the higher time frame 8-2 renko where you can see that the bigger leg is showing that we are right now at the 78 fib. so if this was during the day and i get a confirmation i would have shorted here ( with confirmation) with a min target the 38 fib but we might see a much bigger move- so again - here it is LIVE.
  2. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    I hope that you are following what i am showing you.
    this is how i trade live during the day.
    the game is changing- you cannot decide to short no matter what happens.
    right now because we have a higher low - if you notice- it reached the 2,6 fib extension- so now if it comes down we should buy and go long at the 38 fib
    there are no indicators involved and this is the only way that you will be able to win constantly.
    i cannot show you examples during the day because i am trading live so do yourself a favor and learn what i am showing you and try to understand it.
  3. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    i also added two trendlines so you can see the huge confluence at the 78 fib-
    THIS IS LIVE- so you can actually watch it happening.
    again- the market will do whatever it wants to so do not assume anything.
    right now you should be LONG till proven otherwise.
  4. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    there are no special rules- just use common sense.
    whenever there is a fib extension i calculate the retracement and also have an ab=cd - look at the picture under- you can see the the abcd is within 1 tick from the 78 which gives it much more power but it does not mean anything.
    the market will do whatever it wants to do and you should wait for a confirmation on the scalper before shorting.
    this is live so lets see what will happen.
    we should have a short either at 31.25 or 32.75
    btw- in my experience- the fibs are 10 times more reliable than the abcd ( for es ) but i still draw them.
  5. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    You should be able to know what your position should be EVERY SINGLE TICK.
    Try it- just take your chart go bacvk few days where you cannot remember what the market did - go to the open and then scroll 1 tick or 1 bar at the time with no indicators - so you cannot see whats on the right side.
    you should be able to "know or Guess" what is coming next.
    If you cannot do that then go back to the drawing table and spend few more month just doing what i just told you.
  6. Like
    homey reacted to ⭐ zbear in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    Here is an example of a ABC correction with an extension to 127.2.
    1. 1st leg down is consuming previous legs and the trend is most likely down. We are looking for an ABC correction upward not to exceed the top of the leg.
    2. Leg ABC is an almost 100% perfect correction, meaning length of leg A=BC. (see blue lines. This rarely happens and when it does, its time to take notice.)
    3. Retrace of 1st leg down is 61.8%. 61.8% or 78.6% is generally where a trending leg will reverse and continue.
    4. 1st leg down retrace 61.8% = ABC 100%. There is a high probability that this is where it reverse and trend down again.
    5. Target is 127.2%. There is a high probability that it will hit this target.
    6. It took out 127.2% to the tick.
  7. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    good morning traders
    so you can see how nice and clear the up move was on the renko 1
    this is what i mean- "KNOWING " what the market is going to do and then acting upon it.
    this move did not last long but it was a definite winner.
    take care
  8. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    The most important thing in trading is to know AHEAD of time what to expect the market to do next.
    Once you know that then you can either take position or wait for a signal.
    Trading all the signals from a system no matter how good it is or what time frame you are using is going to be a big loser for the long run no matter what you do.
    here is a perfect example LIVE ( I wanted to show it before when the market was higher but was watching some tv ).
    Look at this picture-
    We have a tripple confluence here-
    Its the big 78 fib which is very powerful.
    its also an ab=cd meaning the distance between the previous top to the previous bottom is going to be exactly the same at this point- ( its where it says 100 )
    its also a fib extension of 1.618
    when you combine all 3 which hit within 1 tick- yes ONE TICK - this is incredible- the chance of the market to go long there are very high. you can either place an order right there at 29.25- 29.5 or wait for an entry on the renko 1 scalper.
    of course- i am not going to trade it- its 11.20 here and i am going to read a book and sleep.
    so gnite- see you in the am and we will all be able to see if this prediction worked.
    take care
  9. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    forgot to mention this long was around 11:30 am- did not draw arrows...
    also- when using the scalper- pay more attention to the colored dots and less to the arrow- remember- its more as a reference tool to help you- the actual entry or exit will be used by the 1 renko bars price action which is a totally different story lol
  10. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    guys guys- slow down-
    the only time i have free to post is normally during the weekend and i will try my best to do so.
    let me answer few of your questions-
    the neo harmonics is totally un necessary- it will give you many false signals and usually it goes against the market which is not smart. i rarely use it and have it just to confirm so assumptions of mine.
    Indicators- lets talk a bit about indicators- 99% of the ones in the market and we do have hundreds or more of them shared here - we can divided them into few group. the most common one is the delayed indicators. whether they re-paint or not- makes no difference. the most dangerous are the repaint ones- when you look back on a chart they give you historical signals that make you believe you are going to make your first million within the next few hours- but what they dont tell you is that you is that looking back it only shows you the successful entries not the bad ones.
    the other ones are the non- repaint indicators- and if you think and look around they all repeat themselves and do the same thing- they try to figure the trend direction and then go in on a retracement. there are so many indicator packages that do the same that its just pathetic. then you have the individual ones - classic - like macd or stochastic or momentum etc that you can apply on a chart.
    now- i am sure that you tried to do that the same like i did when first started- i applied all the indicators on a chart and used a higher time frame and did the same and when they are all green i would go long and same for red- but what a surprise- I LOST... why ? how can that be ? i mean EVERYTHING was pointing green i went long and just then it reversed and i lost... its actually funny now to think how naive i was-
    so here it is ALL THESE INDICATORS ARE LAGGING AND DELAYED. You think you are special and unique, you will take certain indicators that look amazing ( colors lol - sorry- could not help it ... ) and find a unique way to combine them all together in a manner that was never done by anyone before and you will make a fortune. so let me tell you- stop wasting your time, all these are garbage, you will not make a cent unless its a huge one direction move and you went with the trend and not against it because of divergence.
    The only way to be trade is by using LEADING INDICATORS- meaning- you either " KNOW" ahead of time where the market is going or you see live in real time what is happening right now so you have either no delay or very small one.
    let me give you an example- if you use a moving average and you want to by the time it has turned it will be too late and your stop is going to be huge- the reason why is because ma or stocjastics or macd are using the past history of the 8 -16 bars depends on your settings so it will take 8-16 bars into the future before you see any reaction that is happening right now.
    All the "Indicators " that i am using are leading- lets see- fibs are not really indicators- they are ways of measuring and predicting moves in the market- so i basically ASSUME TO KNOW what is going to happen AHEAD of the market which is a huge advantage.
    neo harmonics is just a more composed fib settings- it shows you areas where it thinks that the market might react- again- i have it but i hardly ever use it.
    logic volume is not an indicator- its a way to calculate and show where most of the volume has been placed before helping me decide where or how far a move will go or react.it is not an indicator- its a measuring tool.
    acme 1 ,2 is just a confirmation together with the ma- i normally dont use it so much- its there as a reminder not to go long when its all red for example- sometimes in the middle of the battle when bullets are flying all over its very easy to get lost and make the wrong move so its good to have a reference point.
    If you read books by the best traders in the history - they say that you only need two parts to trade and these are price and volume. price means- the actual move and volume means- its a way to assume or help know if the market is going up, down or stopping. if you look at all my charts you will not see any macd or momentum or stochastics or all these magical ones.nothing.
    so let me give you a simple example-bellow- you can see a huge mup move on the 4-1 renko- so we know that once we get a retracement we should look for a long-instead of guessing where the market will continue upward lets just use the scalper to do our job-
    first image is the 4-1 move
    second is the renko 1 scalper
    i will continue soon but there is a lot to digest here- enjoy - jane
  11. Like
    homey reacted to lululee in TIS_ATR_Ticks {REQ}   
    Hi imfm...I could not find it either...so I created my own, enjoy .. https://www.sendspace.com/file/pofiz7
  12. Like
    homey reacted to abduul in Anyone know how to contact "beccome / futuretrader" who wrote MIDAS indicator   

    enjoy :)
  13. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    Falling asleep here so here is a great example from this morning- you have to see where the market reacted and if the signal you get on the scalper makes sense then take it.
    look at the renko 4 tick look at the arrow on the right- market made a double top and two divergences by a tick on the left arrows so taking a short there made sense - you wait and then you get the confirmation on the renko 1 scalper- was good for few points and you could have taken that short on any of the arrows shown on the renko 1 chart
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    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    i only use LIMIT ORDERS- never market.
    dont have time now but look what happened live after i said run away from the short- it went up and got to the 38 fib retracemement of the entire leg- actually it was ab=cd or 1 tick above the 38 fib which was the place to continue the short.
    have fun and start to paper trade using just price and volume.
    if you notice- i do not use any indicators at all- the moving average is just a reference tool.
  15. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    so last for now but you should know that i just shared a HUGE amount of information with you in this live right now example- i am not going to chew it up for you or give you all the gory and fine details- i am not getting paid for that.
    look at the renko 1- we got a perfect short right at the arrow i drew BEFORE the market got there - it went down but now it goes up again and its making A HIGHER LOW- you see that- RUN AWAY - exit your shorts and wait.
    ok- thats enough for tonight- continuing with wykoff lol
    take care
  16. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    according to the renko 8-2 we are not at the 78 fib and we did not get to the ab=cd - second arrow so the 8-2 is saying that we should continue down.
  17. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    look at the 4 renko chart- we just hit the 1.9 and have a reaction- so we might even consider going long but thats far from here for now.
    keep in mind that the market reacted from a top that was higher high from the previous top.
  18. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    yes i do- i use it on the 1 renko chart to get an exact entry with the direction of the market.
    i will explain that and post the indicator on my next post.
    ok guys- i am listening to wykoff seminar that was posted few days ago and its super boring- so here is a LIVE EXAMPLE - happening just now
    look at the top arrow - that was a beautiful short- right at the resistance.
    right now we should continue to try shorting the market although we have to look at the bigger time frame chart ( 8-2 renko spectrum ) to make sure that we are not at the fib extension-
    so we aim at the previous support that becomes a resistance but i also use the logic want hd to see where most of the volume is located.
  19. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    Hi Kenny- this is a very good question-
    always when you get stuck and lose you look back and say to yourself- damn- if i used another time frame or bigger or smaller stops i would win this move- ...
    the answer is- no need- if you can trade- you should be able to trade in any time frame and any bar type and in any settings for the indicator.
    the market does not trade according to your needs or wishes- its purpose is to cause as much damage to as many traders as possible.
    Again- do not trade this scalper by itself- you need to use it as an entry or exit tool.
    In my next post i will show you how to decide where the market is going to knowing the target in advance and using the scalper as entry or exit.
  20. Like
    homey reacted to ⭐ emity in Req: Forexmentor Trendline Mastery   
    untill anybody share this video , you can check out this very easy ,effective trendline trading method.if it helpful to u then dont forget to prees thanks button :D
    [url https://ausfile.com/xdcc9y9l0xs7/PDF-TrendCollapse.pdf.html
  21. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    we will talk about rules and how to trade something like this-
    the important thing is that the delay response to realize you are at the wrong direction is very small and once you get higher highs on the 1 renko and blue and you are short- you understand at once that something is wrong and you might have to reverse or exit.
  22. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    sorry - forgot to post the indicators and the template
    Rightline BIG THANKS TO ADMIS :)
  23. Like
    homey reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty's 101 & beyoned...   
    Hi Guys
    So now a long weekend and I can breath- not sure who told you but day trading ( if you want to win ) is not easy at all and you need to constantly be focused 100% . its simple to use a strategy- go in , put targets and stops and pray... but i dont do that at all, I am trying to get mostly winners.
    In the past i posted a huge amount of examples ( many in real time while the market was moving live ) but unfortunately all the images are gone so i will start again.
    In this post i will show you a very simple method to scalp the market with hardly any rules just perception.When you have too many rules it becomes to hard to make a decision in real time.
    From here we can go forward but it all depends on your responses. As i said before i dont want to talk to the walls and the rest is up to you. I also expect people to respond with their own ideas and ways to make everything better or simpler.
    If i dont see anything i will just stop for another year or two lol.
    The key in trading and btw- i forgot to mention that i only trade the ES - nothing else , i dont care about any other symbol- so the key is TO KNOW where the market is coming from ( meaning where it reacted from ) and where does it go to.
    The key is TIME FRAME. tf is everything- lets take a good example J-Signal. it looks great and really- how can you go wrong- it constantly telling you what to do so how comes we are not billionaires yet ? the answer is very simple-it works beautifully AS LONG AS THE MARKET STAYS AT THE SAME TIME FRAME. it sounds weird and not clear but let me explain- the market moves in waves - or legs- if the move is lets say 5-8 points then the indicator creates a range and adjusts itself so it knows where the stops are etc, but if suddenly the legs are changing to lets say 2.5 points or 10 points then it loses all its balance or reference points and by the time it gets back there you already lost few times.you cannot have an indicator on one time frame that will give you the right reading, i remember watching j-signal for few weeks and admiring it at first but then i realized where the problem is and stopped using it.
    you can suggest- lets use it on few parallel time frames- na- its not gonna work. we have to work hard for every point or tick- there are no free meals or magic indicators that will do the work for us.
    This scalper method kind of solving this time frame problem by reacting very fast. its composed of 3 indicators - on is the rightline colored moving average and the other two are acme trend which is similar to asc-trend. again and again i admire the person who programmed that indicator- many many times it will react right at the stops.
    As in every method- this is not perfect and is very far from it- its just something to look at or play with.you cannot trade it pure because the market does not work that way. you need to know what is the market direction and then you can use the scalper as an entry or exit if it shows that you are at the wrong direction. what i love about it is that the reaction time is very fast- normally few ticks so there are no 3-5 points stops anymore.
    i use it on a plain renko 1 tick- noting fancy and believe me- you can throw away all these bs crazy bars- they will not make you win.in reality i use few volume indicators that i will talk about in the next post this way i normally get within 1 tick of the market which is not easy. i am attaching the indicators and the chart template so you need to do nothing but open it on a 1 tick plain renko ES.
    if you think that its magic you are mistaken and will be either pissed or disappointed - you need to wait and wait for the right moment- right setup. so enjoy.
  24. Like
    homey reacted to ivan2007007 in Jag-Saw 5.3   
    meet. All in all a good!
    https://[email protected]/file/4ln27e
  25. Like
    homey reacted to Kit in [REQ] - Manual BackTesting indicator   
    Done https://www.s0ndspac0.c0m/file/49c751
    Very useful tool for manual backtesting and training yourself.
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