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Hilary Duf

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Everything posted by Hilary Duf

  1. Hi Propolis! I would love this link, but it is old and not available anymore, would you please consider reposting it? Thank you!
  2. Hi~ I realize that you posted this many years ago, did anyone ever respond to you? I would like his book and his meditations as well, but would like to know if they helped anyone. Thank you!
  3. Hi! Has anyone read Rande Howell's book or listened to his meditations? I'd really like to get them, but would like to know that they worked for someone beforespending the money. Has anyone taken his course and if so, did it help you? All of the links to this thread are old and gone, so if anyone is out there with any info, or any of the expired links, I'd love to hear from you. Thank you!
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