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Adascalitei Chris

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Posts posted by Adascalitei Chris

  1. dear chris it is showing as malware virus ,has u installed it ?


    Hello, I have it installed and it is working perfectly. Patch is not created by me, but Im sure it is 100% safe.

    If you are afraid not to damage your other metasock files, I recommend you the following

    1) Install Deep Freeze. 2) move all your metastock related files to a separate hdd partition. 3) Freeze the drive using the deepfreeze. Freezing keeps the current filesystem untouched. 4) Make changes to metastock and dont worry about malwares cause your files are freezed. 5) If everything is ok, unfreeze the drive, install again the plugin and freeze the system back.

    PS. be careful not to freeze your C drive. If any questions, ask.

    Good luck

  2. Dear Bro Adascalitei Chris ;


    Is it possible to crack motivewave ver 3.4.2 trial at http://www.motivewave.com/free_trial.htm ???

    It is possible to cheat the system using the virtual machine technology.

    1)Install VMWare Virtual Machine

    2) Install Windows on the virtual machine

    3) Install motivewave

    4) Get the free trial.

    Now you can use the motivewave and its full functions.

    Very IMPORTANT: DO not exit motivewave. Never

    5) just pause the virtual machine. When you need to use motivewave again, unpause the machine and use it.

    Hopefully that helps. If any questions, ask ;). Good luck

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