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bothams last won the day on April 5 2024

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About bothams

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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  1. Heres an example of using AI to gather stks sentiment by browsing thru the stks news feed. concretum.streamlit.app
  2. Anybody has this? udcourse.c0m/product/adam-grimes-tradecraft-your-path-to-peak-performance-trading
  3. Anybody with access to rolf's course? fttuts.com/tradeciety-trading-academy
  4. Gary Daytons April 1st webinar. tinyurl.c0m/msp4frhn
  5. anybody got this linda rashke spx workshop? fttuts.com/linda-raschke-one-week-sp-500-day-trading-intensive-workshop-ii
  6. Anyone got the mpa 2023 available on fttuts? fttuts.com/mark-minervini-private-access-2023
  7. New link: tinyurl.c0m/m3ws7k9n
  8. Wyckoff tape reading, weis wave and current mkt read webinar from earlier today. tinyurl.c0m/3knykdts
  9. Adam grimes is doing a 16 wk training program. Think its currently ongoing. If and when these materials become available, worth a gb. marketlifetrading.com/tradecraft
  10. perhaps couple of different browsers, if you haven't tried that yet.
  11. I had a few of those origin errors today. They disappeared after a while.
  12. I have subscribed to several threads and routinely receive notifications when there are postings on these threads. Lately, when clicking on the threads link in the notification (in msg center), I get the below error msg: "Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page. For assistance contact the site administrator." Does not happen with all notifications though. Below msg was on a notification for a post on "Kindle unlimited collection" thread and the link therein was referring to indo-investasi.com/node/812023
  13. If and when this gets to a reseller, might be worth a gb. tickermonkey.c0m/erxgapworkshop
  14. thanks, they add up to over 10gb and the filenames do not imply it to be weinsteins materials. are they the right links? that said, even the links I had posted (which are now gone) seem to refer to "trading psycho" rather than weinstein, even though I had found those links along side other nitro/uploading links to weinstein materials.
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