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About htn4653

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Hi, I purchased the spreadsheet and sent out the file in Discord channel.  I did not see you in there so I'm sending it here.

    Readme.txt SPX-Gamma-Dashboard-v1_3b.zip

    1. sapperindi

      ⭐ sapperindi

      Thanks I am traveling this week. Appreciate it

  2. Dear Traderbeauty, please delete the thread "SPX Gamma Dashboard" in group-buy.  We're done and don't want any one to join later.  Thank you.

    1. Traderbeauty


      instead of deleting i locked it, its good for future GB to see that it can be done.

      let me know if you still want to delete it.

    2. htn4653

      ⭐ htn4653

      That works. I just think It's not fair for early participants that I get request from newcomer.  It's ok now that one of the people set up a channel on Discord and everybody agrees to use the new fund to buy more stuff!

      Thanks for your help,

  3. Hi g1080, I'm curious how do you use these levels in your trading?
  4. I like to watch it. Can you share it?
  5. iatin, thanks for the info. I don't have her software, I use TOS to backtest and with the RUT on fire lately I was stopped out. Wondering if the greeks on TOS are comparable with optionnet explorer?
  6. Anyone uses this Time Zone options system? Positive result?
  7. gambler67, are there videos besides the pdfs?
  8. It still works, here. Make sure you replace xx and @ correctly.
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