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Everything posted by goldeneagle1

  1. Liquidity Zones - This doesn't seem to work... Is this the latest version? Is this working for anyone with live L2 data, or replay? Thank you!
  2. Please upload if you have the courses that come with the Liquidity indicator from BSG, educated or not. Thank you!
  3. Thanks very much to apmoo for your contributions to this community. You are very resourceful! Also thanks much to Traderbeauty for recognizing apmoo!
  4. Hi jeanled - Usually they provide a link to download in the article? Do you have the full article from the magazine? Thanks
  5. Does anyone have P@irTr@deF!nder 3. 01 ? Thanks! p@irtr@def!nder [dot] c 0 m @= a != i
  6. Hello - Does anyone have the educated version of Option*NET*Expl0rer? TIA! 0pti0nnetexpl0rer . c0m 0 = o
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