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    sw_es got a reaction from palshq70 in academydaytrading.com   
    I've gathered 41 videos from academydaytrading. I'm shrinking their size with Handbrake - for example Advanced Training Jan 14 started at 440MB & now is 217MB. Will find a place to upload them all. The file names are not always the names you see on their site unfortunately, but they are useful to have regardless of that. All the video sizes are unique..so there are no dups. Videos include Tips N Tricks, some daily trading Video Debriefs, Advanced Trainings, and videos covering the 5 trade patterns, plus more. A lot of these are available on this thread already. I also ran into previous versions of their indis and strategies, uneducated of course. If those are useful let me know.
    All the best.
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    sw_es got a reaction from doodlebug in academydaytrading.com   
    my bad. https://mega.nz/#!esMAQKSD!PfAA7jQ_z-QXGr8UONWQedtXNOkLc5hBftACTdqIK5g
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    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    do yourself a favor and read all my very old posts- they are priceless.
    bottom line- for example- if the extension was 1.272 i will only long at 61 or 78 not before.
    if i long at 38 i expect my target to be at 1.9 etc.
  4. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    i derive my targets using fibs- i look where the reaction is and this way i know where to exit.
    for example- i shorted at 1974 and my first target is 1944 for 30 points- so using renko is a waste of time.
    i dont use any lagging indicators specifically not macd , stochastic or momentum, they will all drive you to bankruptcy- but thanks for the input.
  5. Like
    sw_es reacted to mastertrader7 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    Shorted with 2 cars,lets see what will happen... :)
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    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    Answers to all- please don't be shy and ask away- i dont mind at all.
    FX- not sure what you mean backtesting- the only backtesting i keep is my bank account - its the most important one- once it goes to zero you are out of the game so this is serious.I dont use boxes and i only trade the ES -the reason is because its being traded by many so it follows fib rules almost all the times ( unless volatility is huge ), due to that i only trade through globex and the spread is one tick, i pay 2.02 $ per side commission.
    MasterT- i dont use indicators to measure divergence- as i said before you will get killed if not today then tomorrow or next day- it does not work when the move is strong.once there is no fib extension I KNOW that the trend is sick and i wait for reversal- i will not enter unless i see a lower time frame confirming.
    The less indicators you use the better your trading will be.Trust IN YOURSELF and dont relay on indicators that follow the history (unless you use leading indicators like volume and price).
    Armute- very good i am impressed and salute you.
    We need to watch the current leg not the old ones- but... we need to look at the history and be smart about that.
    I was shorting as the market went up at the 1.2 1.6 and 1.9 - true- it went against me but i dont really care- i got enough profits to protect me and i am not exiting my positions-
    now- look where we got the reaction--- not at the 1.2 or 1.6 or 1.9 we got it right at the 78 of the entire leg down look top two arrows.
    now- i can be smug and vain and say that i am not going to exit before the 1.272 which is somewhere way down bellow- experience will tech you to be humble and thank any profit you get with a huge thanks.
    so i am going to exit my 73 and 56 at 43 which will give me a nice profit- will lower my risk and i still have few more shorts. if the market goes down i will be happy- if it goes up i will be happier because i can go back with much higher levels.
    you can see where my 38 fib is- lower arrow and thats where i got my 43.
    take care
  7. Like
    sw_es reacted to amruta in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    Hi Traderbeauty,
    Can you explain how you derive 1943 level because in 1440 min chart, the last downtrend is from 2011.75 to 1861 and today market made a high of 1980 which is 1 point above the 78 level i.e. 1979. The next lower level is 61.8% @1954 and 50% @1936.25.
  8. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    we definitely will.
    if you look at the daily ( or 1440 min ) with volume you can see that todays move had a much lower volume compared to the last few days so i expect a move at least down to 1943 where i am going to exit some of my shorts .
    i think we will go down much more- time will tell.( i am keeping some shorts for 1770 ).
    the classic way i assume the market will go is down to 1943 then back up - break the top of 1980 by few points only- creating a huge divergence and luring all the breakout guys in following a huge move down.
  9. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    great job mastertrader
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    sw_es reacted to mastertrader7 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    Ok its a successful trade.went with 4 cars for a long with the trend.
    Took nice 10 points out of the market.
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    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    So here is a very good example-
    Even though the market at that time was red and down a lot- it tells you exactly what to do.
    You can see that the new high went to 1.618 fib extension- meaning THE TREND IS GOOD.
    We would not take a long at the 38 because it never went to 1.918 ( do yourself a favor and read my old post - not going to repeat) so you should not go long at the 38 but wait for the 50- the thing is that it never gave us a signal at the 50 only at the 61.8 which we should have taken using the 1-1 or 2-1 - , that was a 8 point minimum target.
    you could have entered at any of the arrows on the 1-1 with few ticks stop.
  12. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    that might be a mistake- you cannot get "STUCK" on a certain level because its not written in stone.
    if you look more carefully you will see that the was a previous top at 29.75 so what you do is exit a tick before which was almost at the 78. you can be greedy and you have to be flexible and creative all the time.
    a previous top like that can trump the 78 but you are right- most likely it will get there and fill us.
    good job.
  13. Like
    sw_es reacted to mastertrader7 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    The new updated chart with the correct data.
    I have entered with 1 car on demo account.
  14. Like
    sw_es reacted to mastertrader7 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    ES almost touched the 78% and then went down for a correction.
    I moved my stop a little to give it some room and added up 1 more car since i believe it will touch at least 78% if not higher.
  15. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    HI MT
    Your yellow fibs are right on - same as mine and that is why i closed my shorts at 65.75 and you can see that the market already went 20 points or more up.
    i cannot see your green fibs but they seem wrong to me.
    you need to look for long and large legs an not focus on small and minute ones.
    the hardest part of trading with fibs is recognizing the legs in real time.
    it took me years to get it all in my system and i had no one to point me toward the important issues- just keep doing that and you wont be sorry.
    send another image of the green fibs.
    bottom line------------------
    i think that we just have a bounce here because of the big 78, i plan to get back with my shorts very soon- just waiting for the market to go a little higher so i can get back in.
    i still believe that this is just a minor retracement and we will get down to the 1770 but again- no one knows for sure and only time will tell.
  16. Like
    sw_es reacted to ⭐ elishar in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    I have posted this also in the new thread you have created Jane, here again for everyone interested...:)
    I read many times questions about how to learn or apply this kind of trading. Here are all the older threads from Jane where you can learn a lot:
    Thank you very much for sharing!
  17. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    Please don't think that i am trying to brag or show off- this is the only way to show you how accurate fibs can be and how simple trading with market action can be.
    i pin pointed this entire move from 2009 down to 1865.75 just with fib- NO OTHER INDICATORS AND YOU DO THE MATH.
  18. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    as you can see we are getting to the 78 fib which is also very close to a big 1.272 ( lower arrow )- i dont want to take a chance-
    i know that usually we get a nice bounce from the 78 so i exited both shorts 2 points ahead 9 there was also another smaller leg fib extension but i am too tired now ).
    bottom line- i am flat now but will reshort once the market goes higher and will go long around 1770 ( dont remember the exact number ).
    good night
  19. Like
    sw_es reacted to v777 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    thanks for your posts enjoying them... i had a question or two for insight...but if its secret sauce no worries on sharing... but thought i would ask.
    there are a couple of curious questions like when to switch anchors for the fibs etc so as things move forward your expectations are in the right direction here is a picture with a couple.
  20. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    one last thing that i wanted to show you-
    you must be wondering why would i leave 2 shorts after having such nice profit- well- here is the answer-
    look at the left arrow- this will show you that the move has started at the 61.8 fib of the entire down move retracement- that means that my target is at least 1.272 which is 1770 that is another 160 es points which is another $16,000 for these last 2 contracts- so why give it up ?
    as you can see- i already placed another short order at 43.25 - if it goes there before it reaches 17 i will short but if it goes lower down to 17 or bellow then that 43.25 will be cancelled.
  21. Like
    sw_es reacted to enzofox in {REQ} Acme VWAP   
    put through
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    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Acme Trend which is exactly as ASCTrend 3.5   
    Hi Everybody, sorry for the delay I was trading the Es which was just amazing today- ES is minus 30 pts just now and I had enough.
    So let me answer each of the questions.
    Regarding Market Delta- I am using md but only the volume breakdown indicator.I am using the 10.3.9 version which is an older one but works perfectly.Waiting for the 11 version to be educated.
    I use interactive brokers data feed because i could not get either CQG or IQFEED to connect.The entire purpose of MD is only to confirm an entry.I will try to look for Investor RT ( good idea forgot about that one, basically its the same company just the RT does not have the foot print chart which i do not care about anyway).
    Regarding Nexgen- this is a legit version , I wish I had an educated one because if they ever go out of business I will be in trouble lol.
    I see a lot of interest in my method-If people want and if i am allowed to I can explain what I do and show examples.
    Other than a good data feed ( which you can get for free from AMP - CQG if you only open an account) all the indicators have been educated, the trick is to know how to use them and how to read the market.
    Thank You again for all the help and support.
    Please let me know if you want to see today's ES entries .
    Before I forget- Hawkeye volume indicator is very good and when applied to renko spectrum 1-1 is a good enough substitute for Market Delta, as you can see I also put it on my 244 tick chart.
    Take care.
    Jane - Traderbeauty.
  23. Like
    sw_es reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    ok- last one- image 5- WE KNOW that we are looking for a LONG- fib extension was good- 1.6 - the only thing we dont know if FROM WHERE ? so why guess-? let the market tell us what to do.
    Use the renko 1-1 as an entry.
    As you can see it went down to the 78 fib- made a double bottom and gave us the opportunity to enter long.if we entered at 54 with 7 ticks stop ( bellow the 78 fib ) our exit is 1.272 which is 59 for another 5 points.
    So bottom line- the story was playing beautifully - all you had to do is understand WHERE the market is coming from and where its going to.Once you know that- entry is a piece of cake and same for exit.
    Hope that helps-
    please push the THANKS button so I can see if this has any interest for you and will continue.
    Do you see how simple trading is; how relaxed it can be; how not complicated and not flooded with millions of indicators and charts.
    Take care
  24. Like
    sw_es got a reaction from profile in academydaytrading.com   
    my bad. https://mega.nz/#!esMAQKSD!PfAA7jQ_z-QXGr8UONWQedtXNOkLc5hBftACTdqIK5g
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    sw_es got a reaction from eurotrdr in academydaytrading.com   
    my bad. https://mega.nz/#!esMAQKSD!PfAA7jQ_z-QXGr8UONWQedtXNOkLc5hBftACTdqIK5g
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