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    Traderbeauty reacted to westvleteren in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    Longboat, Thanks for your input so all can benefit. By no mean I am going to defend L2ST and merely can only speak about my personal experience with L2ST. After being in the room for a long time and seeing the predicted levels made for the next day and each time those levels were used to take the trades.......Wether a person makes money on those levels or not I do not care and if a trader coach makes money by trading or not I do not care at all. I do care e.g. about the levels being part of the daily plan and that is one of the aspects I have learned at L2ST. No need to see a person trading live as long as the coach function is excellent. Just like football: the best football trainers are not necessary a good football player. As a trainer their job is to create good footballers. If a trader trainer makes money or not I do not care as long as I can learn and be successfull as a trader; which includes to make up the levels. And what L2ST is doing is no secret science. In the same line FT71 and many others (just see the references at the M@rketDelt@ website) are often ending up with the same levels.
    Separate from L2ST. In general one need to get the ability to be consistent succesfull as a trader. There is no receipe taht is valid for each trader. One person will be very happy with trading room ABC while another will abandon trading room ABC and go for another trading room.
    There are very few people who can trade consistent succesfully and coach efficinet and effective at the same time. I only met one person who stopped his trading group for personal reasons.
    As a trader one ashould also find out which trading style fits one personality. Personally I wanted an approach by which I could predict (or better said: pre-set my levels for the next day) and then go trading instead of glaring at a screen all day and wait for an arrow to show up or a beep telling me to press a button. I would never be able to maintain that behaviour for more than 3 months behing a screen all day.
    There is no good or wrong and I do not pretend to know anything. I merely try to help others here by sharing my personal experiences which may not be applicable to other traders. But I am very curious to see if other traders will share their experiences as well so we all can benefit.
    Trading is not an easy job and finding your way around is not an easy job to accomplish.
  2. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Karado58 in (REQ) John.maddog.doe please help educate TFT System   
    Violation detected
  3. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Karado58 in (REQ) John.maddog.doe please help educate TFT System   
    Important TFT System Docs
    Violation detected
  4. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to gonzo in (REQ) John.maddog.doe please help educate TFT System   
    here isx64 for 64 bit.
    hxxp://[email protected]/file/3st9ef
  5. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Karado58 in (REQ) John.maddog.doe please help educate TFT System   
    Violation detected
  6. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to gonzo in (REQ) John.maddog.doe please help educate TFT System   
    Hi, try this..and replace the DLL first and then restart Ninja.
    hxxp://[email protected]/file/a4t3r5
  7. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from sw_es in Acme Trend which is exactly as ASCTrend 3.5   
    Hi Everybody, sorry for the delay I was trading the Es which was just amazing today- ES is minus 30 pts just now and I had enough.
    So let me answer each of the questions.
    Regarding Market Delta- I am using md but only the volume breakdown indicator.I am using the 10.3.9 version which is an older one but works perfectly.Waiting for the 11 version to be educated.
    I use interactive brokers data feed because i could not get either CQG or IQFEED to connect.The entire purpose of MD is only to confirm an entry.I will try to look for Investor RT ( good idea forgot about that one, basically its the same company just the RT does not have the foot print chart which i do not care about anyway).
    Regarding Nexgen- this is a legit version , I wish I had an educated one because if they ever go out of business I will be in trouble lol.
    I see a lot of interest in my method-If people want and if i am allowed to I can explain what I do and show examples.
    Other than a good data feed ( which you can get for free from AMP - CQG if you only open an account) all the indicators have been educated, the trick is to know how to use them and how to read the market.
    Thank You again for all the help and support.
    Please let me know if you want to see today's ES entries .
    Before I forget- Hawkeye volume indicator is very good and when applied to renko spectrum 1-1 is a good enough substitute for Market Delta, as you can see I also put it on my 244 tick chart.
    Take care.
    Jane - Traderbeauty.
  8. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to gonzo in REQ: futuresfx.ca   
    here is the Link..
    put this on your indi...\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom and retart Ninja
    hxxp://[email protected]/file/7dtv9d
  9. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to newbie0101 in [Req] John.Maddog.Doe if you have time   
    for anyone that may stumble upon this thread hunting-
    john.maddog.doe was kind enough to fix and here is link he posted in original thread
    http://[email protected]/file/wwhpkm
    extra link same indi
    again huge thanks go out to john.maddog.doe
  10. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from peterfischer in Killing the markets   
    Totally AGREE with you.
    Once we find a serious and sincere developer unlike many bogus ones we should support him by purchasing and spreading good words.
  11. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from peterfischer in Killing the markets   
    Hi Andys
    YES you can and that is exactly what i do.
    The secret is to know when the market is going to generate a move that you believe is going to be at least few points. a simple example will be a big double bottom or top.
    A more comlicated example will be a fib extension or retracement or an ab=cd moves .
    all these are working perfectly on the ES and that is exactly why i trade the ES and nothing else.
    Once I know what to expect I just sit there and once i get a signal normally on a 70 tick chart i go in with a 2 ticks stop and you can confirm that with the two that traded with me for the last 2 days in real time.
    In some cases when I am 99% sure of the move and the target the i use 3 ticks stop.
    i would rather get stopped twice with a one point stop than once with a two or more points stop.
  12. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from azimyt in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    This is amazing. i can tell you about few more that are total bs like kingfish and many many more.
    So what does that tell you ?
    DO NOT go into any trading room because at least 99% of them are bogus. The solution is -
    WORK HARD and trust yourself. Find a strategy and method that is suitable for you then trade it for at least few month on a good simulator ( one that takes into account the q and does not fill you on a touch) and only then go live.
    Don't waste your money on magic indicators and ultra amazing systems claiming that you will net few million within 2 weeks because there are none.( at least not for sale ).
    I have been trading for a long time and went through everything under the sun like advanced get or visual trader. Its all nice and beautiful in reverse but its a different story calling real time.
    Trust in yourself, you can be your best trading room.
    Good luck.
    p.s i do like kwikpop method, they are actually playing the short term swings in the market but their indicators will be killed on a choppy day like any others.
  13. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from sousou in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    This is amazing. i can tell you about few more that are total bs like kingfish and many many more.
    So what does that tell you ?
    DO NOT go into any trading room because at least 99% of them are bogus. The solution is -
    WORK HARD and trust yourself. Find a strategy and method that is suitable for you then trade it for at least few month on a good simulator ( one that takes into account the q and does not fill you on a touch) and only then go live.
    Don't waste your money on magic indicators and ultra amazing systems claiming that you will net few million within 2 weeks because there are none.( at least not for sale ).
    I have been trading for a long time and went through everything under the sun like advanced get or visual trader. Its all nice and beautiful in reverse but its a different story calling real time.
    Trust in yourself, you can be your best trading room.
    Good luck.
    p.s i do like kwikpop method, they are actually playing the short term swings in the market but their indicators will be killed on a choppy day like any others.
  14. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Wanderer in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    This is amazing. i can tell you about few more that are total bs like kingfish and many many more.
    So what does that tell you ?
    DO NOT go into any trading room because at least 99% of them are bogus. The solution is -
    WORK HARD and trust yourself. Find a strategy and method that is suitable for you then trade it for at least few month on a good simulator ( one that takes into account the q and does not fill you on a touch) and only then go live.
    Don't waste your money on magic indicators and ultra amazing systems claiming that you will net few million within 2 weeks because there are none.( at least not for sale ).
    I have been trading for a long time and went through everything under the sun like advanced get or visual trader. Its all nice and beautiful in reverse but its a different story calling real time.
    Trust in yourself, you can be your best trading room.
    Good luck.
    p.s i do like kwikpop method, they are actually playing the short term swings in the market but their indicators will be killed on a choppy day like any others.
  15. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to longboat in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    I'm sure I will remember more later! Here goes:
    Momentum Trading Systems
    Bogus! They have proprietary levels generated on all 4 equity indexes. They use NT. If the bar closes over their
    level and works, he will say he was in, if not he says he passed it. Total BS. Don't show entries, don't ever bring
    up news times. Can't pronounce NASDAQ, calls it NASDICK. Aweful, nuf said $299/mo
    Es on 7500 vol chart. Win loss percentage not great and the risk reward stinks. The only person making money is the
    brokers. $60/mo basic ES package and $15 more for the room. Ninja and Tradestation
    Al Brooks
    I respect him and have read all his books but do not waste your time or money on the room. $99/mo. He spends the
    day confusing you and talking you out of every setup, then at the end of the day you find out he made a ton of
    trades and made a ton of money. No trade calls at all. Ridiculous, but he is a solid trader and believe him to be
    legit. He uses Tradestation but there are no charts in the room.
    Advance Traders Workshop ATW
    Bogus! Hard sell too! Andy makes his calls, never shows his entries. Says he got in 5 ticks ago did everyone get
    it? Yea I got it. Don't waste your money!Sniper Scalper is $399/mo and other products go up to 9k. Not sure you get
    the room with Sniper or not. There are 2 rooms. Trust me it is expensive
    Emini Sniper
    Rob is a nice guy but too many charts too many potential trades 2 different methods too confusing. Not very good.
    $199 first mo then $99/mo
    Viper Trading System
    Looks super. Gary shows his live NT dome sometimes, with a huge gain- like $1500 on some trades,but something just
    isn't right. He never takes a loss if he does it is a few ticks. He says he makes 5k a day drawing trendlines. It
    is seductive! It is easy to draw trendlines after the fact! He never calls his entry ahead of time. If it works he
    asks did you get it? Yea I never heard that before! $299 , some pay $399/mo. after $199 deal the first 2 mos.The
    autotraders don't look good and the Platinum package you will take huge heat very often. Platinum is an extra
    $189/mo Ninja software. He shows his P&L BUT it is not a ninja trader market analyzer, its a one box summary of a third party summary they put together, so I don't believe it.
    Felton Trading
    Roger seems like such a nice guy, but sorry way over priced. They change the system all the time. He comes in the
    trade room already up a lot of money then proceeds to lose most of it. He leaves and texts winning trades into the
    room he says he took. He admits it is all sim because it is too hard to teach and trade live. My question is: then
    why trade in sim when you are out of the trade room? Answer: to pad the results which are BOGUS! System is or was
    about 4K and then you have to pay for the room after a few mos. I think they want $300/mo for that. He uses Ninja
    Ha Pure BS is what it should be called. he uses Tradestation. He rings a bell when there is a setup in the YM. He
    gets in at a price you never could have filled and pokes fun at all the newbie traders. He is an arrogant a**. He
    claims he worked at Merrill lynch after he was a taxi driver. I have news for you, I worked there too and they do
    not hire taxi drivers and let them be a portfolio manager as he claims he was! Total bogus room. $450 /mo for his
    YM room. He claims an 89% win ratio over 5 years! Total and utter fantasy. No way! Why doesn't the CFTC crack down
    on these jerks and their fantasy profits? Doesn't show his entries. A scam.
    Like I said. I am sure I will remember more (that I would like to forget)!
  16. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ⭐ AndyS in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    I tried Brooks room before. He does a great job explaining price action of what just happen and why it did, but would ( or maybe could not) call out a single profitable trade for me. It was suppose to be an educational experience, but after 30 days and $99 I found out that I also can do a great job explaining past! Actually I was very sharp. He also claims to be pure price action, but after 20 MA and MTF 20 MAs, countless Trendlines, the 15M and 60M chart, as well as measured move fib, it was hard to see the price or any action for that matter!
    I believe that great traders trade, other just sell indicators or get a room!!! Can you imagine Richard Dennis or George Soros setting up a trading room for $99 per month :)
  17. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to sousou in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    Thy guy is a scam , he scalps for 1 tick with multiple contracts and averages down on loosing positions , he is a great marketer
    He used to run a free chatroom on MIRC , back in 2008 , his first website was powercharting.com
    I followed him for a couple of weeks and then he opened a trading room , too priced in my opinion for $349 I l believe ...
    Stay away from him guys !!!
  18. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to hliboi in @Zeraw31 - followup on the Fin-@lg pkg   
    have fun traders
  19. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to peterfischer in Killing the markets   
    Hey guys,
    I received a lot of PM's in the last couple of days and I will start this thread to give you a general idea how the markets work and how you can make money. Most of the stuff I will share is copied from some place else so don't give me credit all I am doing is trying to prevent you from the mistakes I did.
    I should mention that this is for futures traders only the forex guys should in my opinion focus on breakouts in the Cable or some other market that really moves and should stay away from the Eur/Usd at least in the beginning.
    The truth: The markets move because there are imbalances between the buyers and sellers, think about it if you have 10 people who are willing to buy your car and you are offering it for 500$ and everybody is interested what is going to happen? Someone will offer you more than that and the person that bids the most will get it. The markets work in the same way it is an auction (the difference is that is a two sided auction) and there is no such thing as more buyers than sellers. There has to be a buyer for each seller and this is exactly the reason why we can make money! All that matters in the end is the bids and offers. No indicators and no other bullshit.
    The best platform in my opinion is TT's Xtrader and SURPRISE it has very limited charting abilities but it has a very good DOM which shows you exactly what is going on right now. However the guys at Jigsaw have developed a tool which shows you almost the same and which has a few more features which are essential for newbies who want to learn orderflow.
    If I could start again I would only look at the DOM for at least two month because it shows you exactly why a market moves! You need to focus on the bids and offers, the market orders that hit each level and the volume at price (the contracts which traded at each level to see where the big guys are interested in buying or selling) and believe me you don't need anything else. Just focus on the most common levels (Open, close, yesterday and daily high or low) and see what is happening there. I will try to post some more but please don't rush me my primary focus is to make money everyday and not to educate you guys. I will post some trades etc IF I have the time and if I feel like it. There are many good sites you can check out and I will share them all. In the beginning you should focus on the following: the tape is my shape thread on BigMike
  20. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to moranna in [REQ] MarkerReplay(.)net Addon   
    Hi guys,
    here is the educated version: https://anonfiles.com/file/1003639013fd386c7e88fb037cfcbd68
    After import, restart NinjaTrader.
    This version doesn't require indicator attaching.
  21. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ⭐ agares in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    This is a day trading method trading the ES.
    DO NOT RESPOND HERE, I am creating another post just for responses because this is going to be a long post with many screenshots and I want them to be in a perfect order without 50 comments between.
    Why am I posting a method here ? - because I want to thank all of you and because I feel comfortable in this forum so if I go against the regulations please let me know and I will delete this post.
    Why am I telling you how I trade ? because you are not competing with me, if you go long together with me you are actually helping me. ( actually would love to start our own private trading room shared only by us and nobody else and of course no charge at all).
    Why am I trading the ES ? very low commission, very low margin, huge volume so if you stopped out you don't lose 10 ticks like CL on a spike. Slow moves enable to think clearly about each entry and the most important thing- almost perfect fib behavior unlike forex or other markets that just jump up and down.
    What am I asking from you ? Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions to make it even better. Currently I am using renko spectrum by RJ's which is worth every penny, if you think that there is a better time frame or a better renko or any other type of bars please let me know. i am using Hawkeye volume indicator which shows me when the buyers or sellers take over, and I ask you PLEASE- if there is ANY volume monitoring indicator for ninja that you are aware of please let me know and I thank you in advance for that.
    So lets get started ( and I am not going to make it pretty or neat lol ).
    The reason why most traders are losing is not because they are ****** or inexperience, its because they DO NOT read the market and find themselves at the wrong side.When you use lagging indicators like macd, stochastics and almost every indicator that is out there you are basing you trading on the last 14 or whatever bars and you assume that the market will continue that way.Sometimes it works but many it does not.
    The only way to use LEADING view is by reading the market and watching every leg.the market or at least the ES does not change direction with no reason. 90% of the time it moves according to fib levels so lets analyze friday's moves (4-26-2013 ). I took out all the indicators so we just use fibs- nothing else.
    This is going to be PART 1 of this tutorial because it takes me a long time . According to responses I will continue with part 2 which shows the actual entry.
    So here we are- POINT A on friday around 8:40 am eastern time.: the market reversed to the upside refusing to go down and continue the down lower low trend- go long asap, all the shorts are going to run away and bail out helping our long. our target is 1.272 fib extension and we got it to the tick.
    Point B around 9:40 am we go short IF and ONLY IF the short term allows us ( next chapter ) and it did, the reason WHY we consider a short is ONLY because we are perfectly at 1.272 fib. our target is exactly 61.8 fib to the tick and there we are looking to reverse to long , WHY ? BECAUSE WE HAVE HIGHER HIGHS HIGHER LOWS. our target is EXACTLY 1.272 fib extension no more no less WHICH we got TO THE tick. i DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU THAT BY NOW- 10:05 LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF TRADING WE CAN STOP AND GO TO THE BEACH :) BUT LETS FINISH THE DAY.
    POINT D : 10:05 am, same as point B we go short. This time we actually got lucky and it went all the way down GUESS WHERE TO ? of course you guessed 1.272 extension.
    POINT F : 10:43 am we expected the market to go to 61.8 retracement so we can reshort BUT- it surprised us and was tired and only got to 50 fib to the tick. THE MOMENT we got a short signal there WE TAKE IT and we hold keeping our stop 2 ticks above the entry. OUR TARGET NOW IS fib extension of 1.618 which amazingly we got TO THE TICK at point G at 12:05 where we reversed and went long.
    ok i am tired lol enough, so what do you think ? there were NO INDICATORS involved and you could actually use the renko bars to trade as long as you KNOW where the market is going.
    Hope this is helping and please put your comment in the other thread.if you like it then you can press the THANKS button so I know how many enjoyed this post.
    HERE is the chart http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/dn0rc1
    and please help me with any renko or other bars and any volume monitoring indicators.
    Here is also a short I took so you can see the setup and maybe try to see if you can make it better. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/wnkpkt
    Thanks again for all you help.
    Take care
  22. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to tradernate in *Req* B00merang Scalp Trader   
    This is boomerang curr ency with fix instructions. http://www.sendspace.com/file/av9guc

  23. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to westvleteren in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Here you go http://www.bigmiketrading.com/webinars/may4_2013/order_flow_techniques_part1/
  24. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to westvleteren in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    I apologise as the link only seems only to work if you are a member of Big Mike Trading.
    However, on youtube many videos are to be found when searching on jigsaw trading.
    It may be that Big Mike will upload the particular video of the jigsaw session as Big Mike uploaded more videos of other webinars he did on his website.
  25. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to cornelis in *Req* B00merang Scalp Trader   
    Here you go http://[email protected]/file/ony5hx
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