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    Traderbeauty reacted to yamantaka in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    "Besides free membership, the Website also offers Elite Membership at a one-time non-refundable fee of (USD) $100 for lifetime access. Elite Membership enables the members to access certain privileged and reserved sections of the Website, which provide better services and features."
    As you can read, BMT has raised the cost of Elite membership from $50 to $100. As most of us in the trading community know, Mike is a burnt out, perennial losing trader who started the site to hoodwink other traders into becoming Elite members so he could essentially charge $50 to allow them to download indicators that were developed by other people. He pirated many of those indicators from developers without their express permission. It's constructive to know, Mike lost so much money trading, that his wife divorced him (he admits this on the site) and he had to marry his dog who is his avatar on the site. He created the site because he was broke and desperately needed income.
    Mike must have a very small wenis. Why? Because he gets a real thrill from revoking memberships from anyone who even vaguely questions his wisdom, advice, or trading prowess. On BMT, he is the Wizard of Oz--the small man behind the curtain who wields power over a community of other losing traders. He is said to never get any sleep nor take any time off from the Forum, reading every single post and stroking his faithful (many who spend their lives posting ad nauseum) with a "Thank you" on their posts. In essence, he is a modern day L. Ron Hubbard and Jim Jones rolled into one.
    Anyway, I digress. Elite membership doesn't provide anything "better" than the rest of the site. The Elite indicators are not worth $1, let alone $100, because he got them for FREE from donating members and others who developed them. So, I think it's only fair in the spirit of sharing to the community to give back what Mike has pinched from others. And, as far as the other threads in Elite (Journals, vendor reviews, psychology tips, webinars by vendors who pay Mike) they are worthless in terms of getting a real Edge because they are all opinions, setups and experiences of losing traders who seek winning methods from other losing traders and vendors who were also losing traders.
    A member who realized he was ripped off by Mike, has decided to make many of these indicators available to the community for the very same price Mike paid; namely $000.00. This member has bestowed the collection of indicators to me and carried out his wishes to share with the trading community. After all, this is Mike's mantra, clearly stated on the site: "We firmly believe in openness and encourage sharing."
    So share we will. In the next few days, I will attempt to make these indicators available for everyone in the spirit of Mike's philosophy.
  2. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to omaron in [req] jsservices Levels   
    Like many other "level services" this software only grabs and display levels that are actually calculated on a server and you need username and password to get access. A patch is not really possible since a username can always be disabled from the server, and is nothing you can do about that. And, as i said in another post, you will entirely depend on that service. If they go out of business (or they have technical issues), there will be no more levels on your chart.
  3. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in Need one of our NT "educators" to look at this posting from 2012.   
  4. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
  5. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
  6. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ⭐ laser1000it in REQ: MIDAS explorer tools for Ninjatrader!   
    Here: http://www.+endspace.com/file/4q13ai
  7. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to newbie0101 in REQ: MIDAS explorer tools for Ninjatrader!   
    Hi forexmaniac84, here is 1.4
    http://[email protected]/file/7xqu1b
    got it here, shared by trader1968 (Thanks ) in this thread
  8. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
  9. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in Cycle e autofork QUANTIRICA   
  10. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Il Quotidiano Gratis in APA ZONES looking for indicator   
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    Traderbeauty reacted to tradernate in APA ZONES looking for indicator   
    Here is P@F@A zone es 3 .0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/s8rr21

  12. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to futuretrader in [share] L Levels   
    i got intensive CPU usage after loading this indicator for a while, if i unload this indicator, CPU usage returns to normal. plus i found this indicator has a method to get my IP(see the following code from this indicator), i don't feel it's safe.
    private string GetIP()
    return new WebClient().DownloadString("http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp");
  13. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to newbie0101 in [share] L Levels   
    Hi all, here is a levels indi to check out--
    All thanks go to john.maddog.doe for taking the time to fix it for us.
    http://[email protected]/file/8xxhbs
    Originally Posted by futuretrader (http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php?p=282965#post282965)
    i got intensive CPU usage after loading this indicator for a while, if i unload this indicator, CPU usage returns to normal. plus i found this indicator has a method to get my IP(see the following code from this indicator), i don't feel it's safe.
    private string GetIP()
    return new WebClient().DownloadString("http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp");
    Hi futuretrader, thanks for the heads up, and taking the time to give it a good going over. Knowing this now I would agree with you on not using it myself.
    and posted by bassmark(Thanks bassmark)
    "It checks mySQL DB on the remote server if the user is authorized, then gets bunch of market data from server. So, basically, you would be using a cracked software which sends your IP to access somebody elses server. In my book that's too much risk. I wouldn't touch this indi with any kind of pole. But that's just me. Cheers. BM"
    That is one of the things that makes this forum Great! Is others helping others as well as having their backs and looking out for one another.
    Thanks again for checking it out and reporting.
    Have a great weekend all!
    p.s so keep above and below in mind and if do decide to use--Use at your own risk
  14. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Gladiator858 in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    I recently subscribed to Market Delta trading room www.marketdelta.com/products/tradingroom for $99/month. He teaches order flow on ES using 4 P&F bars and broadcast's live trades, which can be followed in real time. Combining his methodology with my trading style (Volume profile levels, VWAP, Demand/Supply zones) has given me more confidence to execute the trades or stay out with confidence. IMHO anyway. They frequently offer 2 day free trial and webinars and I will post them here.
  15. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to futurestrader in Review For Trading Rooms...Software Used...Price...Room Quality in Making Money   
    Become A Better Trader review, $999 a quarter
    I really feel obligated to write this review in light of the traders out there that may loose a ton of money following robs trades and/or get an extremely skewed view of Rob's live trading room. I will describe my current experience in his room (that will end in one month), post a picture of his risk/reward, and list several cons, and pros.
    I was shocked when I came to this website and saw that all the way back to 2009 people were still saying the same exact thing as I am now. Though the current situation seems worse. Like the others say, he is a great guy, nice guy, feels like he cares about you guy. Turns out he isn't SO much different than the rest, though he is a bit different. This may be a bit long, but only because I want it to be detailed and hopefully I can really help some people from falling into the trap he creates. If you still want to learn it, that is up to you but I just want you to know what it is especially if you are trading on a small account and are really taking a risk joining his service. (this paragraph was referring to reviews i read on trade2win & investimonials websites from years ago)
    Have you ever heard the expression "putting 100 on 10"? Well that describes Rob in one statement. I will go ahead in full disclosure and say his information is definitely good stuff. BUT, his information and his "live trading" room are two totally different things. He will typically put out a "deal" for $799 a quarter giving out all of his video courses with setups, trend following, and various rules to abide by that he made several years ago. If you really are interested in learning his stuff, do that. DO NOT just buy a quarter for the room at the price of $999 or even $799 if he ever lowers it, it is not worth it. And DO NOT EVER follow his trades or even trade remotely close to how he does. His psychology is completely trashed because of his winning trade mentality.
    Now, this is a typical day in the room. The room is only 2 hours and 45 minutes to begin with. For the first hour everyday we go over things that everyone can clearly see on the charts like his moving average support & resistance or key levels, this would take any person that actually was trying to trade 5-10 minutes. Then during the second hour Rob may randomly pick out a trade that most of us have no idea why he is taking and he scalps 2 or 3 ticks out of it. Then after that trade is done we spend the rest of the day listening to him talk about why he isn't trading and why he took that trade for 2 ticks. I know why he does this, its because he is extremely scared of loosing a trade. As you can see in the other comments, its because he will keep adding to a trade until he can get out for 1 tick profit. His psychology is so screwed up he cant handle taking a loss, and instead he only takes losses when he is forced to while he is down $10-$15k. The reason he can't handle taking a loss is because he wants to "wow" people by saying he has done 8-9-10 months or whatever without losses. He will also pick a market direction and we will all sit and watch the market go in that direction and he will sit there and talk about how right he was. Like I said, he has good information but he just cant trade it for the life of him. Whatever the reason may be, whether its that he relies on sub fees or his psychology is shot out the window or he is so worried about what people will think of him if he takes of loss, that is just how it is. He will often talk about how these $50-$100 profits adding up over time. This is assuming you never loose money. Just understand that he is scared to hold for more than 5 minutes so he will try to talk you into doing the same thing, don't fall for it or you will never grow your account. Also I would like to add that he bases everything off of his indicators. Literally every setup and every trade. Why do you think that is? So you will pay the $2000 for them. Well I am here to tell you right now you dont need to do that. Those indicators are nothing special and they are not even his to sell. That is all Im going to say about that besides do not buy them, one day you will be very very pissed off that you did and trust me, I am very glad I didnt.
    This is a perfect example of Rob. Lately he had someone over to his house (one of his "long term" students) and he treats them a lot better than regular subscribers. So apparently they were taking some "large lot" trades and had a great afternoon Monday after the room closed. So we spend the entire rest of the week hearing about how great that one afternoon was and why we weren't trading because the conditions weren't like that one afternoon. He will bring up anything he possibly can to get out of taking trades.
    Now onto the free videos released every night. When Rob says something like "well that trade only gave us 70 ticks today" he means he used 20 contracts and made 3 ticks. That is putting 100 on 10. He is also trying to downplay those "70 ticks" so its sounds like we rode out the market and ONLY made 70 ticks on the trade like we usually ride it for 150 or something. When he talks about "great trading" or "extremely profitable trading" or "successful profits" he means he made 2-5 ticks on the day. He will never put up his DOM because then you will see he is full of it. Why do you think he picks random days/videos to show his DOM with some profits on it?
    You may ask, why he is sponsored by NADEX, CME, infinity futures, trade-station, and other prestigious institutions? Its because he makes tons of money on subscribers. He has lots of influence over lots of people. They don't care if he trades or his members trade or if anyone makes money. They care about their incentive to sponsor him.
    His trading competitions. He claims that he is a domestic & international trading champion. Well, that may be true. But, its the competitions that he enters into is the question. See here we go with the putting 100 on 10 thing again. The competitions he enters are things like the money show, traders expo, some thing in Paris he goes to every year. The people he is trading against are a bunch of scammers. Of course he is going to win, he uses massive size on 3 tick trades. If he entered into the World Cup of Futures trading I don't think the outcome would be the same. International? What about the Singapore Futures Trading Competition? I mean anything that is well known and prestigious. He claims that he will teach you all his strategies that he uses to win the competitions. That is not true. Like I said earlier, he treats his long term students with priority over new traders (that need his help the most by the way). Even with them I doubt he lets out the key information that allows him to take the trades he does, but maybe he does. I don't know, I'm not one of them obviously.
    Now for the dangerous part, his risk reward and lack of informing new comers of his dangerous trading habits in light of not wanting to take a loosing trade when he should be cutting it loose. This was my experience. I come to the room, first week I feel around, second week I get comfortable and start taking the trades with him. I made about 6 ticks per contract (more than he did) on the first few trades. Then about a week later, he took a trade with one contract. Price shot down against us and he added 5 contracts. I cut the trade, it didn't do what we expected so I cut it. Turns out that was the right thing to do because before I knew it he was in 30 contracts and down $12k. Remember he would have trailed the stop right behind and got stopped for 2 or 3 ticks had it gone his way. I was like wow, well OK he will probably make it back since we have been talking about larger trades coming. Never happened. We just forgot about the massive loss and moved right along taking 4 tick trades. Obviously after that I never followed a trade of his again. Which also proved to be the right move because a few weeks later he did it AGAIN! This picture is the SECOND time in a month this happened: http://tinypic.com/r/2ztbwxc/5 You can see the "great trading" he was doing before that netting a profit of $30.
    So I really do hope you take all of this into consideration, and at the very least understand that he is a marketeer just like any other salesman. I do believe he has better information than most but he WILL twist words around to make himself sound a lot better than he is, he WILL bend the past to make it sound better than it was, and he WILL take your money and try to convince you that you need to stay for the long term. 100 on 10, remember that.
    If this helped or you have a question, Id be glad to answer just hit reply. I have posted this on several website trying to get the word out.
  16. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to hacktrading in Volume package patched   
  17. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ⭐ trader1968 in http://www.eminifuturesbuysell.com/   
    enjoy :)
  18. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ⭐ osijek1289 in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    I have to respectfully agree; fancy naming + usage of the term 'uses a complex algorithm' is clear overhype. From what I've seen this doing/drawing on the charts, if you can't envision this yourself, you probably shouldn't be trading. Still, a big thanks for the 'education' of the indi - this is how we all learn. :)
  19. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Gladiator858 in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    Yes, I also agree. They are using the word "Quant" just to get poor suckers into buying the indi. Thanks bassmark for educating it and saving us the real and emotional capital + time.
    I always thought that if an educated indicator works and helps me make $$, I will actually pay the vendor. So far, no one is getting my business. :D
  20. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
  21. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Scalping-RU in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    Hello everyone, is there anyone who can educate this magnificent indicator?
    Indicator link (10 days free trial)
    Indicator manual
    Thanks in advance, Scalper-RU
  22. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to newbie0101 in John.maddog.doe patch t2U suite   
    Hi cornelis give this one a try. Don't know if it is all of them but I just tried and it worked with no message(yet).
    Hope helps
    http://[email protected]/file/lcnx7b
  23. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to thedriver in Order Flow Videos   
    ... and this http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xc5ob DBDelta very nice indicators
  24. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to dennyyusuf in Order Flow Videos   
    I remembered that has been shared before indicator from www.czechwealth.cz which is have orderflow tool.. Download it in http://www.sendspace.com/file/3icdu3 ..Please check it out, I think it is very interesting tool..but i dunno is it better than OFA software or not..
    And do not forget also we also have supperia market profile and supperia tape plotter.
  25. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ⭐ trader1968 in http://www.eminifuturesbuysell.com/   
    this is the latest installer
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