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Everything posted by nevergiveup

  1. what @Traderbeauty says is more than 100% true in trading, it's never about indicators or all those mumbo jumbo out there , one needs to get involved and sincere in his/her efforts, trading demands hard work, thousands of hours of screen time. And there is no holy grail. Contrary to popular belief, trading is very lonely. Try to find why an idea or setup failed ? Then how much adverse excursion was there ? was the trade planned and disciplined? It takes years if not decades to reach some level of proficiency in trading. I am no one to advise but still wanted to give some pointers , after all trading is free to all as per their choices and likes.
  2. Sorry to jump in late to the party, I would like to have 1.Real time data and/or historical data at a bargain price from vendors ( data purity and quality is also to be considered ) 2.Discount brokerage with offers. 3.And moderators with active trading experience thank you. Not easy for a forum to thrive in the age of social media. Truly remarkable that in 2024 we r thriving. Hats off to the daring and brave owner. Many hv already closed shops long back.
  3. Been a member since 2013 and about 150 posts, can my account be upgraded? Thank you
  4. I am wondering if any trader out here is using R language for trading. If anyone out there, kindly post here.We can discuss ideas,strategies and codes here. Thank you.
  5. Please share if you have one, thank you.
  6. Muchas Gracias Amigo, many thanks my friend, btw, do you have Philip Friston books by chance, if u hv kindly share, thank you again
  7. I am also getting this type of errors often, luks like some database corruption issue, admins and mods please have a look into the issue.I am using firefox, win7
  8. Please post/share any type of addon, plugins,expert advisers, indicators etc + manuals + guides , all related to Metastock here. Thanks you
  9. I am requesting mods to please merge this thread with the original one.
  10. links in 7 parts [spoiler=7 part download links] http://ul.to/diy1p5gj/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part1.rar http://ul.to/vtxyibja/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part2.rar http://ul.to/e63oo28z/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part3.rar http://ul.to/anpx2jhf/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part4.rar http://ul.to/ric9k702/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part5.rar http://ul.to/qkjepea4/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part6.rar http://ul.to/8v58utyx/V_N-We_Tr_Ex-s_2012.part7.rar
  11. Share-6 Vic Noble - Weekly Trading Examples 2012 (693mb) [spoiler=links in 3 parts] http://ul.to/xhx7ain4 http://ul.to/0hnlbvgf http://ul.to/nnw23e4m http://pixhost.me/avaxhome/b6/d8/0025d8b6.jpeg
  12. Nice things in life have short shelf life and unless one is prompt and swift, the opportunity just flies by, and its more relevant in trading.So I fear one can get the stuffs here now.All the best.
  13. Can you explain how? which software is used? Kindly detail the procedure
  14. Please re upload everything , no links are working anymore.
  15. Using the NSE site would be a good idea , downloading bhavcopy , many downloaders are available which even downloads Futures and Options data.
  16. Yeah Floridatrader is right, for which I can vouch.
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