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Posts posted by limjackly

  1. Don't make the common mistake of trying to pick the top and bottom of the market in forex. If this is your strategy, wait until your indicators confirm the top and bottom have actually taken form before setting up your position. This is still a risky position to take, but your odds of success increase when you use patience and confirm the top and bottom before trading.


  2. A great tip for anyone looking to invest in the foreign exchange market is to take things slow. There is a lot to learn with regards to Forex and you do not want to get in over your head. Make sure to get comfortable with the investments you make before moving on to anything more risky.


  3. You can be successful at FOREX trading if you are disciplined, eager to learn, and able to read charts and follow technical analysis. You don't have to understand why money moves in the market, you just have to watch your charts and analysis for patterns and follow them. Set-up a consistent strategy that is easy for you to understand and follow it without fail for success.


  4. Simplify your trades. Not every trade needs to be constantly monitored and prodded. Make sure you keep plenty of time for yourself and your family life, because if you do not, your trades may suffer due to sheer exhaustion. Take breaks from time to time, and do not over-stress when it comes to your trades.


  5. Work smarter, not harder. While in many cases, you must do both, Forex is an example of brains over brawn. The more you learn about the market, the better you will become at trading. Finding the best tools and markets is all about your education and the more you learn about them, the faster you will succeed.


  6. If you are looking at forex trading as a way to make money, you need to decide how much money you are interested in making, as well as the time commitment required to achieve your aims. For example, are you interested in just supplementing the income from your day job with some extra money, or are you looking to achieve complete financial independence? Your answer will drive how much time you need to commit.


  7. To get ready for actual Forex trading, you should get a good education in foreign exchange by taking some formal courses. These will assist you in understanding the way currency markets operate. With formal training you will understand the factors that affect currency markets. This will give you an edge when you graduate from your demo account and begin Forex trading in the real world.


  8. Find out if your broker charges commissions. Many brokers do not charge commissions for most transactions, but there are some who want a commission on everything you do in the market. If you find that you are with one of these, it may be time to find a new one, to get away from shady business practices.


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