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About JamieFX

  • Birthday 02/03/1990

JamieFX's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. could someone reupload this one www.tradethemarkets.com Futures scapling seminar Thanks
  2. 10,000 euro that is crazy He just look like the other bogus forex gurus to me Total load of bullcr@p for me
  3. 10,000 euro that is crazy He just look like the other bogus forex gurus
  4. Looks like you are the one from [email protected], u're the one that keep reporting all the links, U said u will upload the course and PM it, I had already PM u, asking the link, but u never send it and now u even bother to talk about all the BS copyright stuff and just see your profile name "Busted", ain't that sound something to you guys? and look his Join Date "Nov 2013" and look his posting all just dedicated to post in this T@pe reading thread ain't that a bit suspicious? U're definitely the one from [email protected] He is the clown that reporting all the forum member using some rude & inapproriate word, like "u can upload it to my *ss" BTW I had download it already, Thank You Nick
  5. Thanks for your sharing nick & busted BTW busted I had sent u my email address Thanks man
  6. Anybody reupload please the link is dead Thanks
  7. Could someone mirror this OTA Course here to a filehosting that offer resume ability, I had a hard time downloading from the filepost, I had a lame internet speed http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/12332-Online-Trading-Academy-Professional-Forex-Trader-Series-DV/page2 I just need a few part of the course: Day 2 (Full), day 3(few part) & day 4 (few part) Day 2: Rule-Based Equity Market Analysis – Identifying market turning points for opportunity * Introduction to Charting o How to read price o Types of charts & when to use them * Technical Analysis o Understanding Support (Demand) and Resistance (Supply) o Identifying Bank Dealer Demand and Supply in the Market o Trends – When to buy or sell * Rule-Based Strategies o Buying the breakout through Supply o Buying at Demand o Selling Short the breakdown through Demand o Selling Short at Supply o Low Risk Entries o Profit Targets o Managing Risk * Locating Trading opportunities * Creating a Trading Business Plan for Success * Day 2 Course Quiz Day 3: Application of Trading Knowledge * Order types and proper execution o Order entry techniques * Live Trading and Trading Analysis o Strategy practice in the live Equity markets o Trading Platform * 10 Laws for Trading Success * Day 3 Course Quiz Day 4: Trading Tools & Live Trading * Candlestick Chart Patterns * Live Trading o Applying what you have learned o Instant feedback from market and Instructor * Fundamental Analysis of Stocks * Times of the Trading Day and Understanding Market Environment * Day 4 Course Quiz Hope someone would kindly do it Thank's Man
  8. Ok thanks man for the link. Anyone here has this 4 s@m s3iden fxstreet premium video here??? http://www.fxstreet.com/search/contributors/authors/content.aspx?id=5766b88a-1a31-4102-8221-e9bf77216d2f&contenttype=w -Professional Gaps vs Novice Gaps in the Forex Markets (2008) -Forex Swing Trading, Low Risk / High Reward Trading In The Largest (2007) -Understanding The Exact Process Behind The Movement In Price (2007) -Multiple Low Risk Forex Entries With Support and Resistance (2007) if anyone have it please share it here man Thank You
  9. Anybody here can hack this f0rex tester and make it become full license or anyone that had already the keygen or its crack, could you kindly share it here hxxp://www.f0rextester.com/ Thank You
  10. Any (Stock Trading from 1-12) new links??? :((:((:(( plissss upload it to mirrorcreator, it will upload the data to multiple filehosting at once so the link will last longer http://www.mirrorcreator.com/ I hope someone would kindly upload it again ^:)^^:)^^:)^ Thank You
  11. Day 2: Rule-Based Equity Market Analysis – Identifying market turning points for opportunity * Introduction to Charting o How to read price o Types of charts & when to use them * Technical Analysis o Understanding Support (Demand) and Resistance (Supply) o Identifying Bank Dealer Demand and Supply in the Market o Trends – When to buy or sell * Rule-Based Strategies o Buying the breakout through Supply o Buying at Demand o Selling Short the breakdown through Demand o Selling Short at Supply o Low Risk Entries o Profit Targets o Managing Risk * Locating Trading opportunities * Creating a Trading Business Plan for Success * Day 2 Course Quiz Day 4: Trading Tools & Live Trading * Candlestick Chart Patterns * Live Trading o Applying what you have learned o Instant feedback from market and Instructor * Proper use of technical indicators explained o Moving Averages o Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD Indicator) * Fundamental Analysis of Stocks * Times of the Trading Day and Understanding Market Environment * Day 4 Course Quiz Could someone upload just day 2 and 4 to depostifiles, mediafire or extabit plizzz thank you
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