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Posts posted by ASHISH MOHAN

  1. Dears,



    First of all "ID" Mubark to all.




    This will be most probably my one of the last posts in this thread.



    I have just read malacious comments again and I hope this will be my last clarification as I did nothing wrong hence no need to explain further.




    I was out of town for three days and only two people were able to said what they liked.



    I thank to the people who came out in my support, specially - UNCLEPIPS, MANU, PARDY, FMFX, KESK and some others.



    Although I am strictly trying to follow the KESK'S advice that everybody should behave in the manner so as not to destroy our real goal of distributing knowledge, but if I will not clarify then people will think that I am a real culprit.



    Again it is taking my energy and that is intension of NIFTY because he knows my ability and I am trying to put here real a/c statements to show my abilities.



    There were only two objectives to proove when I started posting -



    1 - To meet and make friendship with some really good people.


    2- To show the whole world that There is a unique methodology of trading which is based on VEDIC ASTROLOGY and if used with proper TA it can become a very powerfull trading tool.



    Since my both the objectives are achieved hence there is not any personal interest left to continue with this thread.



    My assistant will continue to reply any abusive language against me.




    A clarification -





    1- I neither did any harm to any person or any member of this forum nor took any money from anyone from this forum, (if yes then prove it) instead by putting a lot of energy i taught them for free.



    2- NIFTY AND MUNCHUN has nothing to contribute ( KNOWLEDGE) instead they are stopping people to become knowledgeable.



    3- Vladimr kharkow is not the name but the username and he is one out of my two assistants, when I was not on my system ( out of town ) obviously he was going to respond.



    4- I openly told every-body that navotna and I am the same person so what is the big secret about it? since my assistant sits on my system hence obviously he opened ID from my system. he is a big fan of russia ( with some realatives there ) and has huge collection of russian indicators (although with no success in trading) that is why we have given him nickname VLADIMIR and he was observing the thread since last more than one month ( As I started posting ).



    5- NIFTY is trying to catch me on technical grounds, I am quite aware of the forum rules ( I know how they detect ID of PC at the time of registration and at the time of posting as well ) and myself have many PCs and it is easy for every-one to open ID from different PC and start posting by taking help of proxy servers but that was not intension hence it was not done. ( If people want then I can plant any-one by this method and I challange that no body will be able to trace me ).



    6- A scammer is a person who takes the money from you for the delivery he promises to make and after taking money he befools you and does not deliver what he promises, Since I have not taken any money hence I do-not fall in-to this category. People/Clients from whom I took the money are more than satisfied from me and they can come out in public to support me but again this will take energy and that we will not waste further.



    Realty of NIFTY-



    1- When NIFTY Called me first time then after knowing his reality I immediately send email to UNCLEPIPS and told his reality ( you can confirm this with UNCLEPIPS )



    2- Since after knowing his reality I refused to make him my client then he planted another person HIMANSHU/hims ( from same state to which he belongs ) to take my DEMO, I was suspicious and hence gave a balanced performance in DEMO to know their reality and he is fully exposed now as my lady assistant never talked to him and she had only one time conversation with himanshu only.( it means Himanshu supplied him with this information that I have one lady assistant.)



    3- NIFTY distributes the worthless softwares/ other materials ( that he gets from wrong means ) and has no knowledge to share here.



    4- He has a long history of abusing people because his parents have given him very good upbringing and his family has such a pure blood that take pride in abusing any-one. I have no doubt that he talks to his parents, Children and wife in the same way as he is displaying here. ( What is disgusting person he is, as out of no-where he dragged my wife in to all this- what a shame! )



    I know that he will abuse me again and again but I want to expose his character hence I want it do be done by him again and again.



    please go to page - http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/15186-Tell-me-what-you-want-from-www-ewef-net/page21?highlight=ewef.net



    and read post no. 204 of - NIFTY, read very good advise at post no. 207 by johnbest, post 208 by pathfinder to know what really NIFTY said, ( everything may be justified but not your abusive language )



    Extract of johnbest post -




    "Dear niftymover,


    Originally Posted by niftymover

    hello my friend leon1


    see my profile picture.....no one can stop a lion understand .........I AM A INDIAN LION stop me if you can ...

    Indian Lion - now moving towards EXTINCTION... so be aware. Though Indian Govt. is trying to increase their population.. But again its Indian Govt.



    Originally Posted by niftymover

    i will leech your whole forum .... and you cant stop me ...lol


    this is not your forum XXX HAVE YOU BOUGHT SOMETHING .....y r you asking me to buy ....this is not your EWEF this is our forum and i PROUD TO BE AN INDO MEMBER ...... i will popular this forum more then ewef ......


    here is some indian words......... you cant understand leon1



    haa abhi sari bhadas nikli


    Well, these kinda words are not right here as there are some female members too. So please be cautious. You can express your bhadas, by using XXX XXX XXX instead.. Also XXX is just a way to express so don't take it other way..


    And one more thing, you said you are Indian lion. I don't think even an lion and that too Indian lion will use such kinda words. Being an Indian and the state you belong too, you must be well cultured. IMO, Indian culture don't allow such thing.


    I request you to edit that post. Please...


    About leon1 - what he is.. what he does.. how he does.. Should not be our business. We must concentrate on leeching.




    Have a nice day







    His ( NIFTYMOVERS ) initial moral character is displayed in his above posts, ( a lot of people are supporting a wrong guy because they think that they are getting the priceless things for free, but all the things are useless for most of the persons, as after getting all the stuff they are still wandering to become a good trader)



    Read his following posts -



    in post no. 382 he himself is accepting that what he is distributing is useless things as he is saying- "All systems are useless... Dont fall in love with it" ( it is clear that by distributing useless things ( he knows that) he is wasting other's time and also trying to become famous and doing a kind of hidden advertising and that is why he has such a long thanked list )




    after his initial abuses how he is behaving like a helpless person in post no. 236, page 24, post 245 - page no. 25, as he is saying --"let me take allthings please becoz leon is tracking ....my downloads please pm me .... for links" and ------.



    I am quite astonished that even after using such an abusive language why he has not been banned yet. One thing is clear this FORUM is giving weightage to a wrong person out of their some personal interests and clearly there is a partiality involved ( I would not like to remain a member of such a FORUM Who does support morally wrong persons )




    Please read following FORUM rule no. 3 -



    "If you participate in any forum on the site, you warrant that you will not:


    Defame, abuse, harass or threaten others

    Make any bigoted, hateful, or racially offensive statements

    Advocate illegal activity or discuss illegal activities with the intent to commit them

    Post or distribute any material that infringes and/or violates any right of a third party or any law

    Post or distribute any unethical, pornographic, vulgar, obscene, discourteous, or indecent language or images"



    and that is what exactly NIFTYMOVER is doing here, he is openly breaking the rules and no-body is stopping and complaing against him - WHY he has some special privileges I want to know?


    I demand the administration/or to ban NIFTYMOVER as he has a past good history of breaking all the FORUM Rules and he is abusing and defaming me openly without any proof.


    If he is not banned then I would like to know why it is not being done.



    5- He does legal/illegal trading in his state. ( Trading places called DUBBA and payment by HAWALA - you know what I mean. Such a person has no right to abuse anyone as he is basically a wrong person.)



    6- When I did not agree to his trading methods, he started abusing me.




    NIFTY'S POLITICS and reality -



    1- I warned about NIFTY to UNCLEPIPS as soon as I knew his reality.


    2- First He thanked me openly to show the public that I have joined him in trading (with wrong methods).


    3- When I openly posted that there is no need to thank me as whatever posted was for information to all and was not meant for a person specific.


    4- Again I send an email about NIFTY'S this politcs to unclepips ( He can confirm about email )


    5- Nifty is demanding investor ID and password because he knows my power to trade.



    By knowing the invester ID and password he wants to trade exactly I do. ( but I will not provide him. I can provide this to only two people - UNCLEPIPS and Pardy Singh ) Actually NIFTY has made a huge profit by my posts and he himself admitted it ( that is why he contacted me ) and when the free party was over he played different mind-games and tactics to know my trading style for free, when he did not succeed he stooped to the level of abusing me. ( I was always mentally prepared for these abuses as KESK rightly said - at public place some will call you brilliant and others a scamster, but where is place for abuses?)




    He is challenging me to trade with him -



    I am asking him - "if he is such a good in trading then why he contacted me at all"?




    Reply to the NIFTY'S abuses.



    1 - I will tell you a short story -



    Once MAHATMA Gautam BUDHHA ( Founder of budhhist religion ) was preaching a large crowd, suddenly a man started abusing him loudly, for some time his disciples waited then they moved forward fast to reach that man, to beat him. LORD BUDHHA stoped them and said that man please continue with your abuses.


    one of the disiples asked why that man should not be punished/beaten? Lord replied - " I am returning back all his abuses back to him as I am not accepting those abuses hence from now onwards if he abuses me then actually he is abusing himself."


    That man did not stop and continued with his abusing drama. After each of his abuse people laughed and after doing this for a long time he stoped and bowed to the lord and started weeping, Lord forgave him.



    In the same spirit - " I am returning back all NIFTYMOVERS abuses back to him as I am not accepting these abuses hence from now onwards if he abuses me then actually he is abusing himself and if he abuses my family then he is actually abusing his family."




    2- NIFTYMOVER from now onwards - you will get only the following response by my assistant - ( If you wish then I will post it from different PC ID)



    With due respect to NIFTYMOVERS' mother this statement I am returning back to his mother. ( NOFTYMOVER please show all your family members this statement - particularly to your mother )



    "Agar ek Baap ki Aulad hai to aa Jana maidan me tere ko promise karta hu 1 week me me tere se kum trade me tere se jyada profit kar ke dikha dunga"









    I hope this will be my last clarification as I am not going to waste my time further.




    Waiting for NIFTYMOVERS' abuses.








  2. Just fyi, he is added his gartley indicator and did snapshot from there. Cheapo man, get over it. It's getting LAME.. LAMERRR

    Samvedic pattern... Joker. If it works, Warren Buffet is out of job, there'll only be Warren Singh and Buffet Krishna.

    Let everybody ignore this Warren Singh/Buffet Krishna and his silly Russian identity(I really think you are a double spy from MI7) that can scold ppl in English. (Navothna,Ashish,Valadimir).

    His con-job shouldn't be able to do much thing now.

    A conman exposed with evidence smacked right in front is the most humiliating thing ever happened to him.

    We have all evidence on how he painted the chart, and how he made his cheapo "con-lionaire" phone calls.

    Shame on him, he has no dignity to face his parents and ancestors anymore.

    Anybody get conned by him anymore from now onwards deserves it. >:)

    Everybody has been warned. We have proven and warned ppl over and over.

    Let's get over this thing. Treat him invisible. I am going to talk to the moderators personally.







    Great to know that instead of being expert in trading you are expert in your abusive languge., I congratulate you on your success, please continue with it so that people will be able to understand your true colours and character.


    If you are any good in trading then show and prove your methods here in live trading as I did.



    Why are you supporting NIFTY without confirming what is true or not?



    First read all posts and prove that I made a single wrong prediction well in advance.



    Second read following query of raveman at page 69 post - 683



    --"Dear Ashish,


    Looks like a harmonic pattern or very close to this patterns, any connection between harmonic patterns and your patterns?

    I read this thread from beginning i learnt and hopefully will learn from this thread.

    At the moment i try to find good planetary settings on TS. So im on the way to share value information







    and my reply on same page post no. 684-



    "Dear Raveman,


    It is almost 3 AM in INDIA but I have just read your post and replying.


    You are confusing it with a harmonic pattern because of its triangular shape, but it is entirely different because of different inputs and parameters used.


    People around the world have used different calculations to make patterns and it may be a co-incidence that at the same time SAMVEDIC pattern is emerging the other patterns are also emerging.


    It is different because of the reason when I use three points to make a triangle ( you are confused because of its triangular shape but whenever you will connect three points mutually then there will be always be a trianguler shape )., the points are current price, last particular position of SUN and also that of Moon.


    Pattern is emerged when there is a particular angle formed among all the three.


    Below posted image can explain you better."





    1- I openly told every-body that I use multiple parameters to confirm my trades.


    2- Gartly pattern is the one every-one aware about it, but some times it fails completely and some times it gives a good signal.


    3- I have gartly pattern indicator installed in my MT4 and when my VEDIC Indicator gives signal at the same gartly gives, then there is very high probability of a good signal.


    4- Since when two indicators will overlap then how you will differenciate if one has strong colors? (Gartley)


    5- Answer - that is why I manually painted it to show the difference.


    6- There are many occasions in a day when GARTLY is formed and since last, I belive 45 days or so,I only shared info. about my VEDIC Indicator for two or three times. reason - it is only for that much times my VEDIC patterns were overlapped with GARTLY and considering these as a strong signal I shared immediately to help people and nothing is asked in return. If VEDIC INDICATOR Were Gartly then at least I have provided that signal once in a day. ( Have you got that? )


    7- Mr. Pardy can tell that he asked me to share this indicator, and he was politely told that this indicator is not for selling as well. If I would have been taking advantage of selling this indicator then definately I would have asked some money in return for that.


    8- As for as Vladimir (nickname) is concerned he is my assistant and has every right to open a/c with my PC ID and reply in my favour as well.




    I hope this will stop you from abusing me and my family as again I am asking you to prove the fact that you are saying - "I have taken money from someone and cheated him."


    Even if I am wrong then you do not have any right to abuse me. Be cautious with your words.


    One more thing - I also have mouth to speak and hands to type but I will not stoop to the levels as yours, hence whatever you try to proove, proove it logically with patience like a true gentleman.

  3. Like I said earlier, even if a seller says he/she wants to sell for 1million$ it is then left to the buyer to agree or go ahead, and even if the mods bann anyone here it is easy to go ahead and create new I'd,(except if they stop new registration for ever) so banning is not the solution. Let us just focus on what we are here for(learning and helping each other) and ignor things that is not related to that or ppl with diff agenda.


    I believe everything is solved now. Thank you Unclepips for the chart :)







    Thank you for all your great support.


    I will teach you vedic trading personally as I am doing it to many for free, if you want. ( I am teaching it to PARDY for free )






  4. Hi guys,


    So you know I enjoy coming in here to post my charts. More often than not, timing-wise, the market went as planned. Sometimes it stunk! But as old saying goes, "nothing is 100%." It is a truism, of course. When I found something that is 100%, I won't come here anymore! LOL... Kidding! I met lots of good friends (cyber-friends) from this site-particularly, so I can't leave! lol. However, I hope you guys calm down on the rhetoric a little bit though. It's because we all are here to learn something from everybody. Let me assure y'all, I have NO HIDDEN agenda on my part. I refuge here because I have no other places that I like to hang out discussing Astro-Trading than here. Why Astro-Trading??? that's because it's the only type of trading that will give you a heads-up of what is going to to happen with the market. With that said my friends, allow me to leave y'all with a EUR/USD Daily chart for the entire month, perhaps even up till November. If the market moves as indicated, great! There is hope! If not, hmm..., I would have to find somebody who is willing to teach me Vedic trading. I hope Ashish or Novatna come back soon!


    Best regards,













    Thank you for all your support.


    I will teach you vedic trading personally as I am doing it to many for free.






  5. Tumhara kahna sahi hai nifty...You want to Trade with him and get more Profit..this is your challange...ok do It!!!.. we all members here want to see how It Goes... Frankly speaking I have no ideal who will do better.. ..personally I'm Interested to find Out. Thats Ok.


    Lekin mf kahna theek nahi tha! Learn to speak.


    Dear Manu,



    As for as an statement that a person is saying - "he is observing the thread since last one month but is a member since only last 10 days."


    I do not think there is anything unusuall in it as in any office and work place a PC is shared by many employees. One can see and observe many things without becoming a member and if he likes the things then he can become a member in a proper way.


    Suppose in an office there are three PCs and there are 5 people who want to become member of INDO then NIFTY is trying to say that the office must buy 2 more PCs and then start posting after registering those two extra people from new PCs. I can only laugh at this idea.


    I responded you that I will not come back again but they forced me again to give a proper response. I hope you will understand.


    NIFTYMOVER is totally a wrong person. do not fall in to his accusations and first test all the things personally.



    Ask about me to some good contributors/members of this thread.



    As for as MF is concerned it is a common language used in NIFTYMOVERS family and you will see that he will again again say it and do it.



    Thanks for your support.






  6. Agree with Manu and Fmfx. This is perhaps the only thread which is not reliant upon signals calculated by indicators. It involves hard work and building your knowledge-base. Therefore, we need to be supportive of each other, and help each other wherever possible. For myself, I am grateful to people who say, look xyz works and this is how you can do it for yourself. Or those that turn on the switch to show the path. This is one road you need to travel on yourself.

    As to whether fx trading is allowed in India or not, on the whole my understanding is it is not. Equally, there are very large numbers of traders in India trading fx - there are ways and there are ways ;-).

    Thankfully I'm not in India so it doesn't affect me, but when I lived there, we had a saying - Rules are for fools, lol. sab chalta hai. Note that most brokers will happily accept traders from India. ****** rules like these are only made by the bureaucrats to make money off the citizenry.

    Anyway lets keep it healthy and invite good karma into our lives, there is nothing else you will need in the hereafter. This is the only currency accepted :-)





    Thank you for all your support.






  7. Hello guys


    i believe we all here are masured men and ladies, pls let's not turn this great thread into a rough one like other great threads which has been forgotten. If we continue this way then we will all start to loose interest and the mods might even decide to close the thread.


    I apeal to all to pls behave like masure men that we are, i believe premature dont have the guts to trade forex ;).


    If Mr Ashish decides to sell his calls or system for 1 million i see no reason why anyone should be affected bcos on the end it all depends on you the buyer. I believe Mr Ashsish has good wishes for everyone so lets welcome him and give him peace.








    Thank you for all your support.






  8. I thought this Topic is Already Closed... If You donot Trust that Guy..Leave him alone. He said he is preparing for something... let him do that.


    I have no Idea if he is genuine or Not.. and I have no Interest in finding Out. All I want you people to not to spoil environment of this thread.


    please try to understand..this is not the Just another thread with another fancy method. You Guys donot need to rip off... you are not here for this. right.


    we have seen earlier how your comments have hurt him and then he tried explaining everything.. You know what a Liar when accused will never try to comfort with lengthy answer and precise explanation.. generally he won't talk about it or he will talk very less about the subject.


    well I understand Ashish had rarely published his forecast all he does he published when he closes.. then there are few statements too... Now I donot understand why he does so...but those charts and statements defiantly cannot be made at Home. If you guys want us to belive those are fakes... do it and show me.


    And even though if you can do that..who wants to Listen to You ? and what you are going to get... A Gold Medal ?






    Thank you for all your support.






  9. Hi Ashish,


    I hope all is well at your end.


    I think that's a great Idea to have a Vedic thread. I sure would love to learn it as well.


    To create a new thread can be done by go to the "forum" tab, select sub-forum tab, i.e., "forex forum" and then go to subject specialty forum, I guess. For this specific thread, I picked, "Forum, Forex Forum, Trading Systems and Strategies," then create your title. That's it my friend.


    I am definitely will be there as well once you've started because I sure would love to learn "Vedic Astrology," specifically for utilizing with trading.


    With best regards,




    Dear Unclepips,



    It will take some time as I am very busy with trading right now.






  10. Dears,


    Now I am seriously thinking about starting a new thread about "TRADING WITH VEDIC ASTROLOGY", as people want to know much more, but are wasting their energy as they do not know basics of vedic astrology.


    First I will post important basics of vedic astrology ( related to trading and other things as well as it has a spiritual connection.)


    Then it is a time to learn about FINANCIAL VEDIC ASTROLOGY.


    Then you can do mastery in trading with vedic astrology.


    It is a very-2 long road.


    I do-not know how to start a new thread,


    everybody's help in telling me complete process will be greatly appreciated.



    Suggestions are invited from every-one.











    This is the latest same a/c statement for 44 Hours of trading.



    please go to - http://www.sendspace.com/file/fka1bg









    Dear fellow traders,



    This is in reference to the above post about submitting the a/c statements.



    Since this thread is about sharing the knowledge hence untill now I was resisting myself from posting the a/c statements. The charts were posted to only help people in making fast decisions in quick markets.



    There are basically two types of people who are observing this thread -



    1- First type - these people want only knowledge and learning ( That should be the real spirit ). I have already replied in post no. 865, page 87, how I would continue to share the knowledge, but this is a long road and may take years, people must accept this hard fact.


    2- There are 2nd type of people who want proof of my performance through statements and I accept their wish that is why today I am posting the DEMO a/c results of two days as given to one of my clients. The trading was done exclusively in GOLD as demanded. This a/c statement is in continuation and with same a/c as posted in post no. 851, page 86.



    Link for initial one day trading - http://www.sendspace.com/file/0zugpt


    Link for second day trading - http://www.sendspace.com/file/fka1bg



    ( 10000 USD A/C with 100:1 leverage, with 100% correction rate, went for 13045 USD in less than 44 hours of trading. It gave more than 30% return in less than 44 H. )



    Now the question is why the DEMO given to 'hims' was not able to perform as per my reputation and only return of 5.2% generated in two days.



    There are three reasons for that-



    1- Since I was in some physical problem ( that I do not want to discuss here ) hence I was not able to focus ( well this is not an excuse as 2.6% consistent daily return is able to make your a/c double in less than two months and every body knows that it is a preety decent performance, but I admit that this is not the performance as per my real ability and reputation. )


    2- The GOD is great and it creats a situation for me that I remain free from any interaction with BAD people.


    3- The scalping DEMO was demanded hence I had to show at least 20 quick trades in two days. ( That affects your ability when you are forced to place a trade ).



    There are a few things that must be understood -



    1- I do not provide DEMO to everyone.[ One of the guys with malacious post is not provided with DEMO yet, although it was demanded by him ( I think, not sure about time period ) almost two weeks ago or so.]



    2- After providing DEMO it is not certain that I will accept him as a client ( There are so many personal parameters involved in choosing my client)



    People must understand the fact that any person [ Like famous Mr. Charles Drummond (He is like my GURU in technical trading)] with real power to dominate the markets will not need the clients at all, as he is able to do his personal trading quite effectivly. But this is a reality that despite a big personal success Mr. Drummond taught his methods to his well choosen selected students, and that is the reason I choose my clients selectively and do not want many of them.




    Now the most important part of this post -



    People must understand there is a big difference in DEMO and real live a/c performance as different psychologies are involved.


    Please go to - http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17663-Astronomy-Trading-quot-Trading-with-the-Stars-quot/page86


    and read post no. - 857, in this post at one place I have written -




    "Instead you asked me to do a wrong thing in principle - That is - I should provide you detailed statement of my existing clients.



    When I refused this and told you that it can not be done as it is against our privacy policy and I can not give you even names of my clients then you asked me to provide me statement with all other info. (private) and suggested me to erase and delete only names of clients from statement, then again I refused it.



    Can you tell this forum how ETHICAL it is? (what you demanded from me.)"



    Now the question is if I can not provide detailed a/c statments of my clients ( due to privacy policy ) then how people will know about my performance in live a/c.



    Well the answer is simple - I can not provide statements of my client's a/c, but certainly I can provide my personal real live a/c statement, there is no issue involved.



    That is why I have decided -



    1-= I have two real a/c (FOREX), ONE is small with GFT (USA) and the other one big with other broker. I occationally trade in my big a/c ( I mostly trade my client's a/c) and will not provide statements of this a/c. My small a/c with GFT is old one ( opened in 2006 ) and at present with my personal demand it is suspended, the reasons are following -




    a- Since GFT is big broker and they are market makers with a dealing desk ( most of the people call them cheat ) hence it is very-very difficult to make money with them. ( But I will show that if a person has abilty then he can make money with any broker )


    b- My a/c was with 400:1 leverage and With new NFA rules, with GFT USA I can not trade such a high leverage with GFT USA.



    Solution - I am going to request to shift my a/c with their UK branch GFT UK, where I can trade with such a high levarage.



    2-- When my a/c will be shifted to GFT UK and I will start trading then I will post my a/c no., but since I am busy hence it will take some time.



    3-- I will start trading with only 200 USD ($) to show that even with this much money a person can make fortune.



    4-- I will post the a/c statement of a larger period ( at least more than one month ).



    So have patience and be ready to see my personal FOREX performance in my personal real, live trading A/C in coming months.


    I hope this will be a deep & hard SLAP in the face of people who are questionning my ability.



    If any one has any questions then ask them openly, and I am still opened to my challange as posted with red headlines ( last part ) in post no. 857, page 86.






    "14- I am ready for open challange of live trading with any one around the world. ( I have already posted information well in advance worth thousands of USD for free and I and every-body else know that)."



    BTW I will continue to post and share parts of knowledge I gained gradually.


    Thanks to all and may the GOD Bless us all.






  12. Hi Ashish,


    Please read Kesk's advice. He has a pretty good response and advice. I wish I could've written better, but Kesk is briliant and had put everything into perspective.


    I hope you and everbody else keep on contributing to our daily trading and learning process so that we ALL can acheive one thing in common, that is "Success."


    Best regards,



    Dear Unclepips,


    Thanks for the reply.





  13. Dearest Ashish,


    I am humbled by your offer. Jis pay santon aur guruon ki nazar pad jaye woh bhagyashali hote hain.

    Let me email you.

    I remember this old story from my childhood told to me by my mother when I asked her about how one should pray. Probably you have heard this one yourself. There was a bhikari ( beggar) who went to the palace gates and was begging. Soon, he was asked by the king passing by him - bolo, kya mangte ho? what do you want? And he replied, 10 paise dey do ( give me 10 paise). Standing in front of the King all he could think of asking was a measly 10 paise whereas he could have got so much more. So my Mum said if you stand in front of God, asking to be made a "big" person or asking for lots of wealth is like asking for 10 paisa. Agar Bhagwan sey kuchh maangna hi hai, to Bhagwan ko hi maang lo. Kind of same thing here.

    So I will think hard before I ask :-)




    Dear Pardy,


    I am a petty mortal with a very- very little power and nothing more than that.



    Only The Great God has the capacity to help me or you.



    So I pray to The GOD help both of us in making others life better.






  14. I think the recent issue has arisen out of expectation. This being a sharing forum, as demonstrated by many contributors who have shared systems, indicators etc which in some cases they have paid for, also demonstrated by giving people like Unclepips, Kesk, and others on this thread ( apologies for not naming everybody). I salute them.

    Surely Karma will be rewarded - it is perhaps one of three ways in which to change your destiny, according to Scriptures.


    So there was a natural expectation that Ashish would share his knowledge, or software or indicators that he used, in order that the few people on this thread who wanted to learn, and importantly believed in astrology, could do so.



    Ashish is of course well within his rights if he decides not to share those things. Whilst I respect his decision, personally I find it little use to see infrequently posted charts as signals, which you will miss at the right time anyway. What have I learnt, nothing. Again, others might find this useful, and I have no issue with that.

    I do thank him for providing the inspiration to look into vedic astrological trading and for that I am grateful. I also know that this is hard and long road, I have to be honest I have made very little progress. Without a "guru" to teach you, it will be very difficult.


    There is also a strong element of spirituality in this, all the best astrologers I know of in India for example will never delve into astrological prediction without having done their meditations and puja in the morning.


    So therefore, let us put our ego's behind us. May Saraswati and Ganesh give us the knowledge and fruition in our quest.

    Of course if I find something that we can all use, I will post it here.




    Dear pardy,



    I really appreciate your reply with well chosen words, A person's true identity and character is displayed by his thought process. As you have chosen the following sentence --


    "There is also a strong element of spirituality in this, all the best astrologers I know of in India for example will never delve into astrological prediction without having done their meditations and puja in the morning.


    So therefore, let us put our ego's behind us. May Saraswati and Ganesh give us the knowledge and fruition in our quest."



    And after reading this I firmly believe that you are a decent spiritual person. From today you are in my personal friends list, ( very few ) I choose friends with a little caution as this world is very selfish, and I do not want to provide my knowledge and skill to worthless people. (who are only after the money).


    As your statement clearly reflects that you are a spiritual person and you are only second person in this forum, who I think has the same mentality and thought process as I have. ( There may be others and I apologize because I do not have the chance to know them personally ).


    Most of the people do not understand the meaning and effectiveness of Spirituality and purity of thought process. Some people think that they can buy everything from money, but this is not always true.


    As my GURU ordered I daily go through the process as you described in your post ( Meditation and Puja ), if without this I will predict then gradually the predictions will become wrong and this is the reason I can not provide my complete knowledge to every-one who is simply paying the money.


    You are absolutely right in saying -


    "personally I find it little use to see infrequently posted charts as signals, which you will miss at the right time anyway. What have I learnt, nothing. Again, others might find this useful, and I have no issue with that."



    Well these charts were for the mass of the general public and not for a special person like you.



    And in response I offer you ( completely free ) all the resources I have [ except my VEDIC INDICATOR, I will provide you this as well for free, but only after knowing you a little bit more ( I am sorry because I made promise to my GURU that I will provide it only after knowing a person well. Whenever I will provide Indicator - it will be for free.)]



    Please tell me what you want exactly and how you want it so that you can learn a lot from me.


    I will post exactly in the way as you may be, and will be able to learn.



    I will put my all ego behind, as you suggested, but I can not prevent my-self too much despite my efforts. As my personality is driven by my planets in HOROSCOPE and I will try to explain why.



    - As my horoscope tells ( main points )-


    1- Mine is SINGH LAGNA ( Ascendant in 5th sign - Lion with Sun as a ruler, and in fire sign )


    personality - Administrative, dominating, aggressive, egoistic etc.



    2- Mars is in Aries again giving me a all fire characteristics. - very -2 aggressive ( you can analyse in detail ).



    3- Jupiter and Mercury in good position to give me all knowledge and Mind ( Mercury is with-out any blemish and clear - not with Sun and not ASTA, so in full power.)


    4- Saturn in 11th house with RAHU and mercury is in sign of Saturn to provide me all the comforts of life with only after hard work and using my mind and knowledge.



    5- At present I am observing KETU Maha -Dasha hence The GOD is blessing me with all the hidden knowledge and process, which is known to none ( KETU is KARAKA FOR MOKSHHA and gives you knowledge about ultimate truth ).



    6 - I am able to observe my all drawbacks and faults and can make a unbiased opinion about myself because I have moon in KARKA Rashi ( Cancer ) and it gives the ability to differentiate right and wrong.



    Although the Moon gives me emotional stability ( in cancer moon is powerful and moon is Karaka graha of mind control "MAN") but it has one problem - it is in 12th house and hence some times I loose my temper as driven by mars and Singha Lagna. ( Again as their effect is gone the Moon becomes effective and gives emotional stability .)



    Well this personal analysis to show only how planets effect a person and despite his efforts a person can not always remain free from their effect. ( With great effort this can also be achieved, although I am trying hard but still not able to reach that level where I can control, all my emotion by my will only )


    So I will have the natural personality of a fire sign.



    I know that you are well versed in ASTROLOGY and hence please comment.



    I have explained more than required and Again Mr. Singh please ask me whatever you want.


    I will be honored to help such a person.



    Best Regards,



  15. Hi Ashish,


    Congratulations on your 100th post.


    Best regards,




    Dear Unclepips,



    Please reply to my post no. 101 ( with Subject : A Detailed response to Mr. Himanshu about his false statements ) openly or send me an email.



    I am seriously considering to leave this forum as I have no personal interests to continue and I do not get ample time to post.



    What is your advice my Big Brother?






    Ashish Mohan Tiwari.

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