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    diabouncer reacted to Gladiator858 in REQ: Educate S5 Trade Anayzer   
    https://[email protected]/file/87nv28
    About http://st@[email protected]/tr@ding/s5-tr@de-@n@lyzer-for-ninj@tr@der
    Its been discussed here before, requested before by those (including myself) who follow FT71.
  2. Like
    diabouncer got a reaction from ⭐ timein in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    timein, fantastic! thank you.
  3. Like
    diabouncer reacted to snaiper-x1 in market transactions.....   
    Hello guys.Reshil to share with you this type of indikatorov.Oni show the presence of the major players in the market, or else the presence of fraudulent transactions protevorechaschih news background or trend.[spoiler=.........]Using these indicators, together with its trading system for more accurate understanding of the situation in the market and timely entry and exit rynka.Nelzya use them in the nude on the market a lot of false movements and transactions, large fish always tries to stay in the shadows but sometimes leaves explicit tracks or wants us to say, most swallow the bait I'm here but in fact it is she wants us slopat.Dannye indicators written for the futures market and test it there but you can try them in those markets where as futures have a centralized server to Unfortunately this is not in forex, there is absolutely no anecdotal evidence and common server data stream, so leave it.In the video I showed you how to do paging tick history, it is necessary for the indicator-CustomTicksRT for 2 others simply a timetable, different time intervals and types grafikov.Edinstvennoe that he would strongly advise is, do not use them in the nude if you do not understand the principles of interaction between players in the market, as well as various news items and shake the world politicians statements which affect the movement spekulyantov.Udachi you guys and all the best!
    [spoiler=market stop]https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1zTL-B5gdw8eUNNb29TaFd1MjQ/view?usp=sharing
    Ps forgot to add that these indicators show not only the historical transaction, but the most important thing! -Escrow Committed here and now in this moment!
  4. Like
    diabouncer reacted to snaiper-x1 in market transactions.....   
    Understand one thing, it is not the Holy Grail, it is in them, but not nas.Vy should be approached comprehensively to their deal, just all these numbers and letters as well as various indicators you do not dadut.U you should have a different approach from crowd, then you get some of the benefits to them, there is no before and puppeteers to most conventional traders
    and that such fraud (fraudulent activity) in the flow of orders expanded tape, you can find yourself, it is very big and has long been chewed topic
    you have a good producer-[spoiler=.........]J-i-g-s-a-w
    he has a good rasshiennaya tape, learn how to use it in action and you will have fewer errors in the trade, the tape will tell you that you will never see on the chart with the usual girlyandovyh systems and lagging indicators
  5. Like
    diabouncer reacted to ⭐ timein in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    Object Trader Training Videos and PDF File
    ObjectTraderEXT PDF File You will find it in file 1
    Video 1: Object Trader EXT Parameters Explained In Detail with Trades
    Video 2: Using Object Trader EXT to Maximize Profits
    Video 3: Object Trader EXT 2015 Has Added Scale In, Scale Out and Reverse Trades Using Object Types, Market Orders and Bar Closes.
    Object Trader Training Videos File 1.
    Object Trader Training Videos_File 2.
    Videos are at least 1 hour each.
    Good work Admis on all the updates.
  6. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Top1 in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    Here some screenshots from Friday's ES normal 4 range, renko 2-1 , 4-1 and hpbars 3-1 times are EST . Because of the big images i only posted the links .
    Hope it helps ...!!
  7. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Top1 in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    I tested the updated version and it is working great ...!!!
    And i totally agree with Timein
    You are, Amazing!!!
    The life blood of the forum, Thankful for al your help it's really appreciated ...!!
  8. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    ... And finally, I did it (Viper Object Trader EXT 2015 updated edu): https://www.sendspace.com/file/lvinzz
    Should work, but I didn't test it, so please make it on your own and report any issues...In this way, I can save a little more time...;)
    See you soon.
  9. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Top1 in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    Hi Admis
    I tested the fixed package and it's working fine thanks a lot for that !
    The objectrader ext is a seperate package and it's a very powerfull tool whatever system your trading to automate your entries and exits scale in and out on an easy way .
    It should not conflict with the other package so far as i know .
    Thanks..... for all your help and support ...!!!
  10. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    Errare humanum est...
    As I promised. Here it's the adjusted release: (still not tested, so please make it on your own and report any issues...)
    It happened because of my rush and lack of time to make the test.
    You should understand it's almost impossible to install all the stuff only to check it out. Most of them are unusable for me and they just overfilling my disk and slowing down the NinjaTrader.
    I can repeat the same, what one of our famous members said in the past: I'm sorry, but I'm not an octopus...
  11. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    I'll make till tomorrow, but you should know, that most of Viper stuff includes similar set of common indicators with the same names. In the case of simultaneously installation of several Viper products can occur the conflicts...
    The solution is to prepare the common set of indicators, strategies and libraries in the source form, but this task requires the time, which I have not too much...
  12. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    I'll check it tomorrow.
  13. Like
    diabouncer reacted to rondonelli in Req to Educate T3fibs pro trader   
    I am requesting to educate nexgen T3fibs pro trader. I am on 7 days trial. Software installs via .exe file. I could find three files in bin/custom folder which are being posted. It also installs machine specific id file. It install 12 indicators. I have searched if attempts have been made and came to conclusion that it is real hard to educate as it calls server? but with our best educators we can attempt to see if it is possible at all.
    Files are located here. https://www.sendspace.com/file/zd3v5k
    Web site http://www.nexgent3.com/
    Training playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXWUEWRmO5g&list=PLaB1jtum0PZT90vpxVon2umnXqx-hmqGh&feature=share
    Pdf of indicators and settings
    Once you are their click on T3 pro trader setup indicator guide and download pdf which was updated in March 2015
  14. Like
    diabouncer reacted to JoeWilson in Wanted: Jay Signal Trading Partner in US   
    I am confused. Jay says Break out of HVA, then Buy 1st Retracement. He also, says that it is OK for the price to cross back below the HVA....as long as it does not cross the LIS(Big Black Line). Based on the pic that you posted on Gyazo, it seems it would have been a valid trade. Please explain. I am trying to learn his methods.
  15. Like
    diabouncer reacted to azimyt in Wanted: Jay Signal Trading Partner in US   
    NO! Inside HVA = weakness! Short ONLY! http://gyazo.com/f427393556c5412978264f23dcfe16cf
  16. Like
    diabouncer got a reaction from Darktrader in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    nice. hopefully someone can fix this. =D>
  17. Like
    diabouncer reacted to newbie0101 in BWT unirenko bars   
    Hi ciardim--Hope u r great--
    No disrespect and Welcome to best forum ever!!--
    Just a friendly suggestion and that is search-search-search first before starting a "new thread"--I see you know this feature because U post in the original thread but then open a "new thread" requesting same
    I realize when you find an existing thread and U post to it--and do not get a response like in 3seconds or 3 days--one becomes excited and impatient--so they start a "new thread" in hopes someone will respond.
    There are MANY helpful-knowledgeable-talented members here that are more than willing to help us all(Thanks to EVERYONE!!!)
    The infamous "but" --also keep in mind by creating "new threads" for requests and shares that already have an existing thread---can take someone much longer to sort thru as well--- totally clutter the forum with duplicate requests--That = TIME and Time is priceless not to mention the expertise and knowledge that is behind the scenes that I don't think we all respect enough(trust me I can't do it)-wish-wish-wish LOL
    We are very fortunate for the type of people/members that exist here--I THANK!! U all for showing so many of us patience-kindness-and unselfish generosity--These are things that are unfortunately "rare" these days.
    Anywhoo enough babble from me--But U know what--It feels good to say how I feel about this place and the people that make it tick!
    Thanks a lot everyone---Have a Great Day!
    edit: Hey ciardim--Please do not take my post as a rip on U that is not the intent--rather to shed some light on why to not do certain things---which by the way I am surely guilty of myself as well!--the forum is a learning curve in itself.
    Take care
  18. Like
    diabouncer reacted to rondonelli in KPT3DBOX for -TF {REQ}   
    Here you go
    Please follow instructions to install. Extract dll file from this zip archive and place it in bin/custom folder and restart ninja this will give you all kp indicators but not kpdynamic powerbars, To get them install the other kpdynamic zip file within zip archive by utilizing ninja import utility and restart ninja, beware powerbars occupy custom8 slot so take inventory first to make sure that slot is empty and available or you can change the number of the slot.
    Powerbars are just copy of rjrenkospectrum bars and they come with a renko counter which is named as kppowerdynamicbars in indicators section of ninja. If I remember correctly atd educated the .dll file while admis extracted powerbars, therefore credit goes to both.
    Hope it helps. Happy trading.
  19. Like
    diabouncer reacted to rondonelli in KPT3DBOX for -TF {REQ}   
    KpT3Dbox was changed to kpwayn3d in newest released. Let us know you want old or new version?
  20. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Wanderer in Sh! ft The0ry request   
    This is 2.0 educated. Previously posted. Kudos to the educator.
    Let us know if you find anything interesting. I could not.
    Good trading.
  21. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Top1 in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    Here is the trail version of objecttrader EXT this one has all the new features but needs to be educated.
    It's only working on a sim101 account so that also has to be fixed to make it work
    https://[email protected]/file/hsjihi
    Download link for the instruction video that explains the new features
    https://[email protected]/file/c1a919
    Thanks Timein and Admis for the updated vip package ..!!
  22. Like
    diabouncer got a reaction from ⭐ timein in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    timein I don't have it but I know what he is referring to. If you look at the hp site you will see the dynamic trend zones which looks like a new dynamic trend indy with this addition. I watched a bit of a video to see it in action. It is interesting but like so much of these there is no info, at least that I see, that says 'what' it is. What it's based on. So to me it's just another draw on the chart which at some point enough is enough. Just my opinion. But it would be good to know how this adds to the use of the dt which I find to be quite useful. Hopefully we can try it out. I use a very similar chart as you posted above. Thanks for that great post btw. To me one of the big questions with these type of tools is the trend setting. But that's a whole new discussion. D
  23. Like
    diabouncer reacted to orfila in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
  24. Like
    diabouncer reacted to ⭐ timein in (REQ) Newest Viper Trading Systems "Pro Zones"   
    Geez here you go guys Admis the talented educator and contributor to the forum delivers again.
    These are the new LogikUltimateBrickSizeCompute indicator. With these indicators they allow you to find the best brick size to trade your instruments. This is the complete package of Viper Professional Ultimate. Which includes the new multi time frame bar color called ViperProBarsMTF.
    In the package you will find a video explaining how to use and install these indicators. These are the new multi time frame background called ViperProBackgroundMTF.
    Just make sure before you import the new indicators you remove the old Viper Indicators. Installing these over the old indicators can conflict with the installation. You will find in this package the indicators a video and three chart templates.
    I also included the High Percent indicators this way you can put the hp30Dynamic Trend on the chart. For this chart use the Viper Pro Ultimate hp30 Dynamic chart template.
    In order to apply the Viper lighting 1-2or3 on the chart just hold down the shift or alt key than click on the chart where you want to start the zig zag lines. To remove them just do the opposite- hold the shift or the alt key down on the open bar and it will remove the lines.
    Best to all and long live the forum.
    Thanks Admis for all you do…
    Viper Pro Ultimate hp30 Dynamic Chart
  25. Like
    diabouncer reacted to misalto in (Req) Please help educate latest N@vitr@der package..!!   
    https://[email protected]@m/file/fuphxs Market analizer with templates
    https://[email protected]@m/file/e69fr2 .CS FILES
    https://[email protected]@m/file/j8wfd2 EDU DLLS
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