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    diabouncer reacted to profile in High% Trading   
    I never used the system. I hope this is what you are looking for. With thanks to the original contributor.
    See https://www.sendspace.com/file/q3pfax and https://www.sendspace.com/file/di7tes
  2. Like
    diabouncer reacted to CashManic in S@nta Cl@us is being incubated!   
    My own settings on iScalper are the default settings as recommended by Incubator.
    Watch this as Chris explains some of the settings.
    Indicator Incubator - iSCALPER Settings Part 1
    Cheers mate,:)
  3. Like
    diabouncer reacted to ⭐ timein in High% Trading   
    High% Trading Platinum Webinar Video
  4. Like
    diabouncer reacted to enzofox in Order Flow Trading for Fun and Profit   
    here I am attaching a series of webinars, hoping it will be appreciated
    after typing thanks .... Regards Enzo
  5. Like
    diabouncer reacted to CashManic in Order Flow Trading for Fun and Profit   
    Received a PM from one of my buddies on my II friends list and he requested for me to find the book Order Flow Trading for Fun and Profit by Daemon Goldsmith AKA Darkstar. So I thought I'd share it with II. OK Brad here it is mate.
    Daemon Goldsmith - Order Flow Trading for Fun and Profit.pdf (22.21MB)
  6. Like
    diabouncer reacted to CashManic in Wyckoff Package   
    I read the recent Indo-Investasi Wyckoff thread with great interest and am pleased to see the strong interest in Wyckoff methodologies.
    Well let me check my DVD discs for any Wyckoff related material that I may have.If you have an interest in Wyckoff, good on you! I dare say it will be time and effort well spent.
    Wyckoff techniques can be very profitable if you know how to implement it's logic into your trading system. But Wyckoffian logic has a long and complex learning curve, however it's definitely worth the effort and time to learn and study. So if you have the opportunity to learn from Wyckoffian experts like Weis, Dayton and the master Richard himself,then you should grab the opportunity.Like I said, it will prove to be a worthwhile,even noble and probably lucrative effort.
    Firstly here's the Weis-Wave 2.01 plug-in for NT7

    It was educated or uploaded to II way back when. My gratitude and thanks to whoever it was.I am also going to include the well acclaimed Weis Wave Training Webinar to supplement the indicators And I have also included the accompanied pdfs Where to Find Trades and Springs pdfs .....as advertised here http://weisonwyckoff.com/weis-wave/
    Secondly here's the webinar and supplemental pdfs.

    And I have read that some of you are looking for the Wyckoff Bar by Bar Analysis and the hard to find new book Trades About to Happen both by Dr.Gary Dayton. Trades About to Happen wasn't easy to find
    online in ebook format.I have included both books for your study and perusal.
    To make it an inclusive package for Wyckoff study, I have also included the Weis Intro to Weis Waves,the Wyckoff-Studies in Tape Reading, Analyzing Trends using Wyckoff Method, The Wyckoff Spring and the favored Richard Wyckoff's Day Traders Bible.
    Thirdly and finally,
    Here are inclusive WeisWyckoffebooks.zip
    Hope you all enjoy the material.
  7. Like
    diabouncer reacted to newbie0101 in (REQ) ATNSignal Fibonacci   
    found this dll--installs auto and indis as far as I can tell--
    worked on my end--
    with nt closed put in "custom" folder
    start nt and should see--
    Hope helps
    EDIT: Does anyone have their triangle indi?
    Thanks in advance
    2nd edit:
    Hi JD if u care to share ur strategy with the rest of us----
    would be awesome---
    edit 3: well JD I hope U share with us what U have put together---as I just found UR site---Do us a favor and give us a pass as seemingly U are putting together UR paid for: VIA the generosity of the II forum!
    If am incorrect---then I apologize for sounding so abrubt----BUT the way I see--- U R taking from here to sell!
    As always is up to U to do whatever U want IMO--
    TIA if U chose to do share with us-- otherwise-HMMMMM! Don't understand
    On another note just want to say THANKS! to all contributors here!!!
    here is the site
  8. Like
    diabouncer reacted to CashManic in (REQ) ATNSignal Fibonacci   
  9. Like
    diabouncer reacted to CashManic in (REQ) ATNSignal Fibonacci   
    JD after reading your post, I made a check and only the SignalTrader was educated not the autotrader itself.Here is the educated signaltrader which is used for discretionary traders.
  10. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Wanderer in L0gikB@rPr0filer   
  11. Like
    diabouncer reacted to atd in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    can someone please reup this system. Thank you
  12. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in (Req) D@yTr@d1ngZ0ne5   
    DayTradingZonesTrendS.cs + raw sources
    S suffix to omit name conflicts
  13. Like
    diabouncer reacted to forexonly in Traderbeauty-Long term ES forecast plus some trading examples   
    Yes TB you do have many supporters here and thank you.
  14. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty-Long term ES forecast plus some trading examples   
    My next long term forecast----
    market should continue up to 1971.50 but might go higher to 1978.75 - remember these are daily levels so hard to be very accurate-; the bigger the leg- the less accurate the number.
    the important thing is that i expect the market to drop and make a new low- so there is profit potential of more than 100 es points.
    i already got my limit orders in place just in case we will have an up spike.
    i am not using any stops so please do not follow me unless you see a stair step down formation or if you have the ability to take some heat.
    take care
  15. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty-Long term ES forecast plus some trading examples   
    Good morning everyone.
    nice opening- As i explain before- at these levels i do not use stops so i got filled down there at 55.75 and made my 7 points. nice start for the day.
    User33 and spectral-
    Grow up- all you do is criticize and complain like little kids.
    You spend more time trying to prove me wrong than to listen to me- oh well - its your loss.
    People like you that poison the well that everyone else is drinking from are the rotten art of this forum.
    The only reason i took this trade was to prove it to you.
    I forecast-ed this entry 2 days ahead of time TO THE TICK. show me any other method that can do that. but you know what- i am wasting my time.
    I just hope that others had the chance to watch a live trade being made .
    Have a wonderful and successful week all of you.
    p.s- if you dont believe me i can post an image of my 55.75 exit...
  16. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty-Long term ES forecast plus some trading examples   
    Hi Spectral Analyst.
    Thanks for sending that link- very interesting.
    I dont know what to say, I do use fibs every single day with every time frame I have and its working almost 100% no less its like someone would write editorials and tell you that you cannot ride a carriage without horses that goes by itself and nobody is pushing it... and yet here you are in your car driving away astonished by what that person is saying.
    Maybe that guy had some bad experiences using fibs not really knowing how to causing him so declare that they dont work, oh well, i keep posting real time example for my entries with fibs and price action- that should convince you at the end :).
    I can take an entire ES day and show you how EVERY SINGLE MOVE follows fibs and price action combined.
    I plan to continue posting here- not to prove you wrong but to explain the method more clearly.
    Take care and thanks again.
  17. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in Reaction Point NT addon John Cr@ne medicine request   
    This is a very good example how should look a request. Well done!
    Actually, I did it in the September (the same release). This time in the source form: (lack of time to play with a binaries):
    btw: profile: You've uploaded only 1st part of video (with a pass: www.c...fx.com) (rar)
  18. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Traderbeauty in [REQ] OTG Swing Indicator   
    Total waste of time, this guys does not know how to trade, most of his trades are breakouts that work wonderfully if the move is extended but unfortunately not every move is like that .
    He was lost almost all the time looking for poor excuses or just shutting down the room and ignoring everyone.
    Once he realized that the people in the room are conversing and complaining he disabled that feature.
    No matter what you do or where you go- DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ROOM even for free.
    Hope that helps
  19. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Darktrader in I need this system   
    Senor kmilo
    I believe the proper protocol here when you are requesting for education from our esteemed educator is to at least provide a Trial package for him to work with.I checked out the site and apparently they have no free Trials, only paid Trials (at IMO unreasonable prices). So surely you can't expect our educator to also purchase the Trial for you just to educate it? A bit unreasonable yeah?:-O
  20. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Traderbeauty in I need this system   
    You should be more polite- you are not a little kid that tells his mom I WANT something.
    Here you should ASK for help the same way everyone else is doing.
    Also- you should have the letters REQ: BEFORE - meaning this is a request and not a demand.
    On the same note--- you have been here for entire two years and you never found the decency to thank others EVEN ONE TIME ?
    Remember- we are all friend here.
    Take care
  21. Like
    diabouncer reacted to admis in [Req] Educate r@ptor trading system from indic@torwarehouse   
    Oh guys, what are you doing? It is so easy to import zip package which I've sent from inside of NT. No additional compilation is required. In the case of iwMeanRenko it can be required compilation after you changed something in the source, but to do that you have to compile ANY indicator you already have installed in the source form.
    info.xml is not a template; all the *.cs (except iwmeanrenko) are (excuse me for simplifying) only kind of declarations for the binaries.
  22. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty-Power of longer term price analysis and my broker's real money reports a   
    so 2 days later lets see what we have-
    It seems like they wont let the market down,
    lets look at the days one by one because this is EXACTLY what is happening during day trading and usually you do not need any indicators other than the volume analysis and price - both leading and not lagging.
    So day number one- 4 bars ago was a DOJI HIGH VOLUME- at the highs- that is considered the best short signal possible.
    Day 2- ( 3 days ago ) I waited for this level and shorted right at the top 2011 - this day ended as a doji with even higher volume , at the top and AT A FIB LEVEL. there is nothing better than that.
    We do have to note two facts still that can bend my analysis-
    First- WE DID NOT HIT THE FIB. i know that 2 ticks is nothing when we talk about such huge legs BUT- and remember this- in the ES fibs are accurate like a Swiss clock.Many many times i see a move from ALMOST a fib level- this moves usually fails, the market is reaching the exact fib level and the next move succeeds. So this is what we have here- the market did not reach the exact fib level.
    Two- we need to remember that the ORIGINAL target for the longs from 1982.5 was the 1.618 which is 2044.5 and here i am trying to short it at the 1.272- so what we have here is just a small reaction off the 1.272 while the market is planning to continue up to the original target, who knows and who cares.
    The third ( yes i have one more)- very very important-
    in day trading if you plan to go AGAINST the market which is what i am doing right now- you need to be AT a perfect fib level AND you need some divergence that can be observed on that time frame.
    When we have such a strong UP trend as we have now- the market DOES NOT rotate on a dime- it needs some divergence which is normally a small break ABOVE the previous high 9 few ticks to maybe few points) and then a reversal down- that is when all the breakout traders are getting caught in the move down and their stops are fueling that down move and accelerate it.
    So far we did not have any divergence at all .
    Lets go to day number 3 which is very important- it was a doji with even higher volume- what happened there was that they trid to take the market down - you can say its a high volume doji on the lows which is VERY BULLISH - please understand that all this huge volume went somewhere and at that day it belonged to the big money BUYERS so that signaled an up direction which happened next day-
    Day 4- friday- an up move with very high volume meaning this up move is not bogus - the volume supports the move- meaning lets stay long or at least during day trading take longs till the market proves us wrong.
    Regarding my long term short account i am still in - in the red but i dont care- for me its a long term game- please DO NOT COPY ME LIVE if you cannot afford to have the drawdown.
    I actually added one more short so now i have 3 contracts in my live account which are short.
    i am adding a screenshot that shows my live account so you can see that this is fully transparent and no bs.
    Hope this will help you for your day trading.
    Take care
  23. Like
    diabouncer got a reaction from ⭐ timein in Req Edu: New Object Trader Extreme from Accu@rte Trade Management   
    wow thanks timein. I find MM extremely helpful especially on longer charts. Regards.
  24. Like
    diabouncer reacted to ⭐ timein in Req Edu: New Object Trader Extreme from Accu@rte Trade Management   
    Diabouncer here you go MurreyMath plus Trigger_Lines & MultiMA_ColorSlope https://www.sendspace.com/file/mth70r
  25. Like
    diabouncer reacted to Brasco in [GET] KwikPop with 3D Box   
    No new version yet, I'm using the previously educated version posted earlier in this thread. Those screenshots were from the presenter. I'm hoping someone can educate the latest version. I'm curious to test out the KPWayne3D indicator on other renko based systems, such as JaySignal.
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