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Everything posted by udc

  1. Shaan19, you seem to not understand my point, that is if you try to command people they may just leave. Cui bono? Cui prodest? That's the fact that will not change not a little bit, no matter how much you don't like it. In your whole post all you demonstrated is nothing but a bad attitude and a lot of human s.t.u.p.i.d.i.t.y you apparently possess. And also something else, see the spoiler. As iqofgenius indicated, you may be better off going back to those "few super private sites" where "you belong", as you claim. [spoiler=freedom]I do not have any boss. I am a programmer, doing it since the mid 80s and have my own business. Judging by the standard of your posts you most probably haven't been even born for a long time yet, back then. Thus you can't remember the cold war and what it was like in half of the Europe. Even if you read and watch all the books and movie documents you won't even start having the idea. You can't imagine what it is like to live in a country you are not allowed to leave (except visiting the other communist countries), a country surrounded by barbed wire fence with countless soldiers with machine guns who shoot anyone trying to get in or out at sight. You can't imagine the feeling when you are totally isolated from the rest of the world, where you can't get any news from the outside except the sick deformed "reality" that is presented to you by the Party (check Orwell's 1984). No western newspapers nor TV, Voice of America and BBC stations were heavily jammed and whoever was caught trying to listening them went straight to jail. Everyone was spying on everyone, if you showed a sign of disapproval you couldn't get any decent job (and not having a job was a criminal offense; that's right, 0% unemployment) and your kids couldn't even get to a decent high school. The communist propaganda was pumped to the kids as young as 6 years old, since they started going to school, and never stopped. They were brainwashed by regular screening of propaganda movies, mostly manufactured by USSR, the big brother. There was no concept of a private business and, except the small things, a private property in general, everything was owned and operated by the state. You couldn't escape, didn't have any say, you just had to submit and do as you were told. And if you didn't, you went to jail where you again was forced (by means of a physical torturing) to do as you were told. Above all that was a collective desperation of all those millions of people trapped in this country-wide prison against their will with no prospect of a change. Actually there was some attempt of a change, back in 1968. They called it "socialism with a human face". And do you know what almost immediately happened? USSR and their daughter-countries sent the army to help "straighten up" the people here. They called it "normalization". It was a peace time, there was no war in the Europe and we were a sovereign country, yet a foreign armies invaded us. A hundred of thousands foreign soldiers, with thousands of tanks. While the whole world was just watching. What do you think the big USA did, the USA that was and still is regularly invading other countries under a false pretence? Did they help us, did they, for once, actually help liberating someone? Of course not, they were too scared of USSR and a possible nuclear conflict. And what do you think people here did? Several people burned themselves to death in protest. Young people just like you, 20 years old, 18 years old. Can you imagine how terrible the people must have felt that they were able to set themselves on fire and rather die than to submit to this tyranny? This communist terror that went on for 20 years by then (since 1948), went on for another more than 20 years, including the unprecedented military occupation, and this all was going on not in some forgotten corner of the world but right in the middle of Europe. Who knows what would have happened if Gorbachev didn't come to power in late 80s in USSR and with his revival attempts actually hugely contributed to the dissolution of the whole eastern block. Look at the North Korea, millions of people there died and dying of malnutrition despite the food aid they are getting from other countries. Those are the consequences of a closed community with zero freedom. It's almost 25 years later since we have back our freedom and democracy as we had before 1948, and before WW II, and what does it look like? It's a mess, the same mess as anywhere in the free world. Over 40 years of communism that's 2 full generations of people. If you all of sudden give people back their freedom and free enterprise, the people who were mostly born already in the tyranny, how do you think they will react? It's as if you took your domesticated animal and put it in the wild. It took quite a long time before people got used to it and started taking care of themselves. It's still a mess but compared to other European countries we are doing relatively fine, nowhere near the economic problems in Greece or Spain. Those countries didn't experience what we did. One of the very few "advantages" of being forced to live in a communism is that we didn't know what the debt is, the traditional lifestyle of living on credit the whole western world, especially USA, practiced. We didn't know what a credit card is, or a mortgage, there was no such thing back then. Unfortunately we are quickly catching up the rest of the world, there is almost as much bankruptcies and foreclosures as anywhere in the world now. But anyway, since we have this experience we would never ever ever give all this mess up in exchange for "order". Never, because we would have had to give up our freedom. That's what the Americans who never actually experienced not having freedom don't understand as they in recent years so easily give up their freedom piece by piece. These totalitarian regimes around all the world killed more people than all wars combined. Experiencing that, and surviving it, gives you an incredible perspective. Now, reading your post and your thoughts gives me a familiar feeling of totalitarianism. If you won't sort out your hierarchy of values you will end up being a sociopath when you grow up. The freedom is what I love about this forum. I am not a trader nor I am trying to be (you would find out why, if you learn what is the average salary for a programmer with almost 30 years of experience, then double it since I am not an employee but a contractor), but I love trying to help people here, they deserve it due to the incredible amount of scams and tricks and disinformation in the retail trading world. If I ever noticed any activity of the forum moderators, it was mostly moving the threads into the better suitable sub-forums, not the censorship or the enslaving attempts. Please don't try to ruin the freedom we have here.
  2. It seems you don't realize that people are making those threads and everything they post in there of their own (good)will. And they do it as they please. Sure it's a kind of mess, but that's what you always get when you have freedom. On the other hand freedom encourages people and supports their creativity. Now if you try to force them to do and behave as you please, you may as well instead of having this: V*I*B*Q*U*A*N*T Bin@ry 0ption M@gnet Share - $!nt3$! Fx end up having this: (that's right, there is nothing) You can see around the Internet what all those regulations, closed registrations, invites, rules and whatnot can do. If it's some torrent type site based mainly on sharing files, that may work just ok in a restricted environment. But if it's a site based on ideas, each and every new layer of restrictions will just drive more and more people away. Why do you think even those very restricted closed sites open themselves time to time to a new people? Because their communities are dying, they are internally exhausted. If you lock people up in one room, no matter how good people and mutual friends they are, after some time they will have nothing more to talk about, everything will get gray, boring and discouraging. You need a constant source of freshness to maintain a healthy community, that's what we have here right now. Do you really want to start limiting it just so that your searches would seemingly have a better hit/miss ratio? Will it really actually help you with that? Maybe the people won't be willing to bend over and submit to your rules, maybe your searches will return the same results as they do now, maybe you will just make everything worse for all those thousands other people who are not that lazy to actually put some effort into finding the information.
  3. Hi, since this is a rare even I just thought to give you a little heads-up. It's open since yesterday and probably won't be for long so you better hurry if you are interested in getting access to over 12 thousands torrents including over 700 trading oriented. http://elbitz.net P.S.: sorry for double post, didn't know what would be the best place for this. Feel free to move/delete.
  4. I originally started this thread in hope that someone with access to the advanced elite section of TSD forum would be willing to download and share Ocean Theory indicators reprogrammed there by mladen to MT4 platform. However no one was found so I ended up programming those indicators myself. 09-28-2012 UPDATE New bunch of mirrors (the latest versions of my implementation of the Ocean indicators + Ocean indicators from TSD elite): http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=244973&viewfull=1#post244973 08-26-2012 UPDATE Another variant indi - Ocn_FastNMAvsNMA_MTF (MTF version of Ocn_FastNMAvsNMA): http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=239922&viewfull=1#post239922 08-21-2012 UPDATE Two new (or rather variations of existing) indis Ocn_FastNMAvsNMA 1.01 and Ocn_FastNMAvsNMA_NMS 1.00: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=239240&viewfull=1#post239240 08-15-2012 UPDATE At last, though a little late in the day, the indicators reprogrammed by mladen from TSD forum have been contributed by human18: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=238318&viewfull=1#post238318 A few mirrors: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=238459&viewfull=1#post238459 07-28-2012 UPDATE Original Ocean Theory files for the Tradestation, including all the DVDs, uploaded to some 20 mirrors: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=235828&viewfull=1#post235828 07-24-2012 UPDATE The latest version: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=235069&viewfull=1#post235069 05-07-2012 UPDATE Ocn_BTXx version 1.21: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=221386&viewfull=1#post221386 05-06-2012 UPDATE BTX_2line for MT4: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=221189&viewfull=1#post221189 05-01-2012 UPDATE BTX for MT4 added: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=220160&viewfull=1#post220160 04-15-2012 UPDATE The latest version: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=216874&viewfull=1#post216874 04-12-2012 UPDATE The download link with the latest versions of all remade indicators so far: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=216190&viewfull=1#post216190 The download links with videos, manuals and indicators for TradeStation: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=214426&viewfull=1#post214426 http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/17702-%28REQ%29-Ocean-Theory-indis-from-TSD-elite?p=214427&viewfull=1#post214427 My original message: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone, does anyone happen to have Ocean Theory indis from the TSD elite section? Or perhaps could someone please download it from there and share here? There is a whole dedicated Ocean Theory thread on the TSD forum, created by mladen. He reprogrammed probably all those indicators to MT4 platform. I know there are already a few topics with TSD elite indis here on this forum, but I just can't find any Ocean indi in any downloadable file posted. Or I am just blind (am I?). The names of the most important Ocean indis are: NDX, NST, NXC, NMA, NMC, NMM, NMR, NMS. These are not just another ordinary indicators. The math behind was created by Jim Sloman, that guy is for real, just watch some of his vids (links bellow). He has incredible knowledge and insight. I was fortunate to download a 2.12 GB package (the source link is already dead), it contains: some pdf files: 213 pages Ocean indis manual, 53 pages about strategy (but this is related to only a few Ocean indis), 90 pages Ocean Theory introduction book Ocean indis for TradeStation (including the source codes) 10 DVD videos Nine of those videos are the recordings from the 3-days Ocean Theory seminar, presented by Pat Raffalovich who co-created the Ocean Theory with Jim and programmed it all. These videos are very valuable because he step by step explains each indicator and its math and how to use it. Without it (and the books) the indis would be very difficult to use, if at all. The last video is a bonus with Jim solo speaking for 49 minutes about his views on the current state and the future of global finance. In this video he very precisely described, explained and predicted the 2008-2010 financial crysis. What is so amazing about that? Well, the recording is from Feb 26, 2005. My home upload speed is terrible, but I will try to find a way how to reupload this whole package, it's really worth it. Also, I have adapted a VMware image with fully working TradeStation 8.7 including live Forex feed (with history data as well), which I downloaded somewhere off the Internet, and installed there all Ocean Theory indis. I will try to upload this package too (several GB). I am not saying this is a holy grail or anything, it's actually quite complicated to learn it all, but of all those tens and hundreds books, trading systems and indicators, its main focus on non-arbitrariness and meaningful math makes it just a really worth a try. So please, if anyone have already downloaded, or could download, these Ocean Theory indicators from TSD elite, please please share it. A few links: http://www.manyblessings.net/oceantheory.html http://www.manyblessings.net/financial.html http://www.youtube.com/user/OceanBlue427
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