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Posts posted by NinjaMonitor

  1. Something like this should do it :)





    Vars: dateReset(0), MPO(0);


    MPO = marketposition;


    if date <> date[1] then begin

    dateReset = 0;



    if MPO <> MPO[1] then begin

    dateReset = 1;




    if //Conditions for entry // AND dateReset = 0 then begin


    // ENTRY



  2. Hello


    We've finally managed to write a function for TS8 that communicates with NinjaMonitor

    (NinjaMonitor is a surveillance module that does reporting/alerting, developed primarily for NinjaTrader).


    Because my knowledge of TS is slightly limited, I would like to get some feedback of some "real" tradestation programmers/users, to make the product as easy and solid for normal users.


    In exchange for your contributions, we've got a couple of licences to give away.


    If you are interested, please PM me here, or thru the contact form on the NinjaMonitor website. And i'll send you the .ELD file.


    Please provide your email address in the PM, as i am not allowed to reply (yet)

  3. Hello


    MachineID aren't based on mac for many reasons ...


    1/ Most computers have multiple NIC

    2/ Removing / Changing a network card would pop the software.


    You'd have more chance checking the serialID of the primary HDD.

    Altough usually you'd take the cpuID and HDD_ID.


    Or more easily, you could check :




    in the registry. It's not 100% unique though. But it can be used easily to differentiate machines.

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