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  1. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from newbie0101 in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks mastertrader7 for opening the thread.
    Thanks admis for sharing with us the tools. This greatly shortens our journey to search for suitable tools.
    As traders, I hope someday we could produce an II indicator, written by all of us, after learning from each of the "demystified" indis... ;-)
  2. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from RICHI in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks mastertrader7 for opening the thread.
    Thanks admis for sharing with us the tools. This greatly shortens our journey to search for suitable tools.
    As traders, I hope someday we could produce an II indicator, written by all of us, after learning from each of the "demystified" indis... ;-)
  3. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from traderin in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks mastertrader7 for opening the thread.
    Thanks admis for sharing with us the tools. This greatly shortens our journey to search for suitable tools.
    As traders, I hope someday we could produce an II indicator, written by all of us, after learning from each of the "demystified" indis... ;-)
  4. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from thedriver in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks mastertrader7 for opening the thread.
    Thanks admis for sharing with us the tools. This greatly shortens our journey to search for suitable tools.
    As traders, I hope someday we could produce an II indicator, written by all of us, after learning from each of the "demystified" indis... ;-)
  5. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from mastertrader7 in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks mastertrader7 for opening the thread.
    Thanks admis for sharing with us the tools. This greatly shortens our journey to search for suitable tools.
    As traders, I hope someday we could produce an II indicator, written by all of us, after learning from each of the "demystified" indis... ;-)
  6. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks mastertrader7 for opening the thread.
    Thanks admis for sharing with us the tools. This greatly shortens our journey to search for suitable tools.
    As traders, I hope someday we could produce an II indicator, written by all of us, after learning from each of the "demystified" indis... ;-)
  7. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thank you mastertrader for the opening this thread. I'd like to put here some basic info and clues for a future educators. I don't treat it as place for posting your requests nor kind of contest. I'll try to do my best, but, in advance, forgive me for any simplification.
    First of all you'll need to collect all the required tools.
    De-obfuscator: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obfuscation_%28software%29)
    Binaries: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/0xd4d/de4dot/build/artifacts

    Decompilator - Assembly editor:
    You'll need to have something that co-working with the Reflexil (http://reflexil.net):
    Reflexil is an assembly editor and runs as a plug-in for Red Gate's Reflector, ILSpy
    and Telerik's JustDecompile (free) http://www.telerik.com/download/justdecompile
    "Reflexil is able to manipulate IL code and save the modified assemblies to disk. Reflexil also supports C#/VB.NET code injection."
    Another brilliant tool like a swiss knife: dnSpy (by de4dot): https://ci.appveyor.com/project/0xd4d/dnspy/build/artifacts Does its job without the Reflexil.
    Personally I'm using de4dot (a few different releases), Telerik's JustDecompile+all plugins, dnSpy and also a few different releases of Reflector (to produce the sources). To be honest, I have in my arsenal also other advanced tools, but it's irrelevant.
    Almost forgot: Text editor (even notepad)
    To read:
    On the beginning I'll focus only on educating the binaries.
    Note for a novice - try to download and install the following tools: de4dot (just unpack to the selected folder), Telerik JustDecompile Iinstallation), dnSpy (just unpack to the selected folder).
    That's all for now.
  8. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to mastertrader7 in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    This thread is dedicated for the sole purpose of acquiring knowledge and practical technics & methods
    in the subject of Ninjascript coding.
    Here we will concentrate our efforts to gain a better understanding of code/obfuscation and the tricks programmers use to limit software usage.
    Anyone here who can contribute out of his experience and dealings with coding is more than welcome to
    share and help the members here to be code literate & help them to be able to modify,experiment and use code in an effective & fruitful manner.
    May the force be with us.

  9. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in PLEASE I need cracked ninjatrader 7   
    absolutely agree!!! noobs should include those who believe themselves are not IT noobs and those who do not accept themselves as an IT noob.
  10. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in PLEASE I need cracked ninjatrader 7   
    Perfectly explained, the more "if the edu is not clean". So, for all the IT noobs it's better to use in real trading - legal, not customised releases.
  11. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from ⭐ stocktrader78 in PLEASE I need cracked ninjatrader 7   
    i think by "original platform", he meant a "licenced copy" and "serious" meant placing real orders, not in simulation.... (it's my best effort to decode the sentence)
    for those who are confused, here below is the summary:
    1. demo: using a demo licence on nj. You can use all the program's function but cannot place real orders until a live licence is purchased
    2. live licence: pay $ to nj and after keying in the purchased licence code, you to place real orders *if* your broker supports nj.
    3. an edu version: no need to pay $ to nj but you bear the risk and possible consequences if the edu is not clean
    In each of the above, you can use all *supported* data links. I hope this clears up any confusion and please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from jff1713006937 in PLEASE I need cracked ninjatrader 7   
    i think by "original platform", he meant a "licenced copy" and "serious" meant placing real orders, not in simulation.... (it's my best effort to decode the sentence)
    for those who are confused, here below is the summary:
    1. demo: using a demo licence on nj. You can use all the program's function but cannot place real orders until a live licence is purchased
    2. live licence: pay $ to nj and after keying in the purchased licence code, you to place real orders *if* your broker supports nj.
    3. an edu version: no need to pay $ to nj but you bear the risk and possible consequences if the edu is not clean
    In each of the above, you can use all *supported* data links. I hope this clears up any confusion and please correct me if I am wrong.
  13. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in PLEASE I need cracked ninjatrader 7   
    i think by "original platform", he meant a "licenced copy" and "serious" meant placing real orders, not in simulation.... (it's my best effort to decode the sentence)
    for those who are confused, here below is the summary:
    1. demo: using a demo licence on nj. You can use all the program's function but cannot place real orders until a live licence is purchased
    2. live licence: pay $ to nj and after keying in the purchased licence code, you to place real orders *if* your broker supports nj.
    3. an edu version: no need to pay $ to nj but you bear the risk and possible consequences if the edu is not clean
    In each of the above, you can use all *supported* data links. I hope this clears up any confusion and please correct me if I am wrong.
  14. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to lululee in (REQ) Tradeguider VSA Scanner educate   
    yes...just watched their Video that covers the following using these indies with explanation.
    Wyckoffian Logic
    For those new to Wyckoffian Logic known as the Richard Wyckoff Method, this page aims to explain the concepts. Richard Wyckoff presented 3 basic laws at work always in the market.
    The Law of Supply and Demand
    When there is an excess amount of something (supply) the value of that item is reduced to draw in the demand needed to absorb that supply. Or, if there is a scarcity of something, then the value of that item will increase to create the supply that will meet that demand. In the MBOXX Trading System, supply and demand can be seen in both box height and width.
    The Law of Cause and Effect
    In order for there to be an effect (change in price), there needs to be a cause. The effect will be in direct proportion to that cause. Best price moves occur when there has been enough time to allow for a period of accumulation or distribution (or in other words a cause). A great example is when we see an expansion of box volume, length, and time.
    The Law of Effort vs Results
    If there is an effort, the result must be in proportion to that effort and cannot be separated from it. An example is when we have a lot of volume on an attempted up/down move. If we see a lot of volume we should see a lot of move. If we don't, we could have an imbalance in the market. These can create great entry points for trades in the market.

  15. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to stevemoore in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    Admis you have done a lot of education work for the forum, especially this december I noticed.Of course most of us do not have your superlative skills in education(we wish we did and didn't have to bother you most of the time).
    I guess what I/we want to say is THANK YOU! We greatly appreciate what you do for us.
    Not many with your skills are willing to help, especially after being flamed by jealous,stir crazy members and your generosity is obviously heart felt because as you say,you don't use most of the systems and indicators yourself.So thank you and we wish you a very happy holidays and have a great,safe and profitable 2016.
    Bless you and your family.:)
  16. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    I'd not say, the requirements are such strictly, but always it's nice to see someone with a serious attitude, conscious of his expectations and needs. The examples of usage are welcome. Finally, what is the advantage of using. I hate the arguments in the style: "interesting". btw. WTF does it mean - "interesting" in trading???
    Additionally, even hundreds of posts would not be enough to explain for a part of members:
    - how tough can be process of education
    - how time consuming it is
    - instead of what other task and profitable responsibilities, the educational work is made
    - what is the risk
    as they are only interested in getting one more toy in the hope, they will give them a clear trading signals.
    Once again, for the record:
    I'm not a jobless man, I'm not a schoolboy and lastly I'm not a charity fund. ... and of course, I'm not related, in any way, with the owners of this forum (some, still wrongly read my nickname as the admin!)
    If you think, it's simple - there are no obstacles to try yourself.
    If you disagree with the above facts - there are no obstacles to try yourself.
    If you think, like a child, that everything can be promptly found through google - there are no obstacles to try yourself.
    If you think, that I'm happy of using these stuff - you are wrong. In 90% of cases even I didn't install them. Just a very few I'm using, part of them I've customized, - the rest, I'm sorry, is simply a big BS, worth nothing.
    If you are going only to play here for a fun - don't count on me as your partner or supplier.
    If you think, I found here a new friends - you're right, but also hatred, jealousy and contempt... (what you could clearly see lately)
    Too much? First of all, think what you could get in return, the more - for free (at least, until now - maybe, not a bad idea to force more respect, understanding, patience and self-study). I know the current state of affairs of this forum. This is sad, but we are not in a position to fully manage it or customise in our own way. For example, to create a different subsections for interested groups. Part of them closed for more experienced members. Yes, closed, because it's natural like in the school exist grades, levels and classes. Where we could focus on improving our skills, but not only searching for educating of the next new indicator or strategy. As I believe, because of that, we, as a community, already lost a very valuable members...
    I'm almost sure, the most valuable threads and posts in the forum, those, which include description of methods applied in real trading are simply omitted or at most, viewed or read without attention to detail.
    At the end, let me quote a term used by a friend of mine - it can be a "borderline gibberish" for some, but please, read it until fully understanding.
  17. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from traderin in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  18. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from Traderbeauty in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  19. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from ⭐ elishar in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  20. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from misalto in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  21. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from newbie0101 in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  22. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from JoeWilson in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  23. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from rodamas in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  24. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from ⭐ moneyshare in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
  25. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from tryitagainmf in (REQ) FLUX Standard Toolset - $1,995.00 -   
    after reading posts in the NT forum for a period of time, here below, to my best understanding, is the standard protocol when ask for help:
    1. upload the source file
    2. make a brief description of the functions/new features
    3. ask for help in a nice, very nice way.
    When asking for help, I would always remind myself, again and again, that I am not the boss of the helper and my wordings should be as polite as possible, given the potential helper(s) do not see my facial expressions and hear my intonations...
    I see that there are many helpful, generous people here and let's do it better to make the community better. :-)
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