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    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from john0109 in Getting RTD Up & running for feeding quote data from Nest/Now to Ninja Trader   
    Thanks zoheb for your step-by-step guide! even though i don't know anything about the indian market nor trade in it, i do appreciate your efforts to put together the guide to help others who need it. great job!
  2. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in Getting RTD Up & running for feeding quote data from Nest/Now to Ninja Trader   
    Thanks zoheb for your step-by-step guide! even though i don't know anything about the indian market nor trade in it, i do appreciate your efforts to put together the guide to help others who need it. great job!
  3. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from zoheb in Getting RTD Up & running for feeding quote data from Nest/Now to Ninja Trader   
    Thanks zoheb for your step-by-step guide! even though i don't know anything about the indian market nor trade in it, i do appreciate your efforts to put together the guide to help others who need it. great job!
  4. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to zoheb in Getting RTD Up & running for feeding quote data from Nest/Now to Ninja Trader   
    Creating a new thread so anyone wanting to use Nest/Now with Ninja Trader can do so using RTD. Will keep updating this first post here, with any corrections/updates anyone may find works better for them with regard to RTD with Nest/Now. Do vote in the poll above after you try out the following. Thank you & Good Luck !!!
    Read this post incase you wish to know why I recommend RTD over NestGoesNinja:


    Ensure Ninja Trader is correctly set-up. This is most critical & the cause for most seen issues.
    Enable ‘AT Interface’ in File menu
    Setup symbols correctly in the Instruments Manager. Incase you trade Futures, add symbols to Instrument Manager as ‘Stock’, not ‘Futures'

    [*] Ensure Nest Terminal is installed in a folder in the root of C drive (not in Program Files)
    [*] Ensure Nest PLUS is also installed and your broker has activated RTD (they may know it only as 'Link to Excel' option in Nest Terminal). Select all symbols in market watch & paste into excel only to test RTD is enabled. If the quotes update in excel then RTD is enabled by your broker (you will not require excel any more for this activity), else call them to activate.
    [*] Create a 5MB ramdrive after installing Ramdisk (freeware version, 7.1MB):

    Download RamDisk Freeware from: . Choose the 'Freeware' option towards the bottom of the page.
    Install the downloaded file
    Open RamDisk Configuration (there will be a shortcut on your desktop after installation)
    In setting select the following: When I click start, "create a new FAT disk" using "5" of xx MB; "Label it" "RamDisk" and "do not create" a TEMP directory; When I make changes to the files on the disk, "do not save them". Next Click "Start RAMDisk" button.
    Go to explorer > computer > manage > storage > disk management & change drive letter of 'ramdisk' to 'R'

    [*] Install RTD as instructed in the video. Most issues relate to very trivial column order settings or a required column missing. Follow the videos to every itsy-bitsy minor detail & it will work - it is always lack of attention to MINOR details that causes problem. Latest installation files & video can be found here:

    [*] Ensure RTDMan.ini in the RTD program folder in C: (has to be in C drive) matches as given below. Manually edit with notepad (not ms word) if not. Do not copy paste from below as I have added some comments below.
    [*] Don't use the RTD GUI settings dialog to make any changes.
    [*] Backup a working copy of RTDMan.ini, just incase you accidentally access the setting thru the RTD GUI & overwrite the working RTDMan.ini

    [NestTrader] Title=Welcome CSVFolder=[b][color="#FF0000"]R:\RTD\[/color][/b] Future= Datatable=5 Pluschart=No Terminal=[b][color="#FF0000"]Nest[/color][/b] [b][i](will be different if using Now)[/i][/b] DeleteQuote=No VWAPTry=3 MinData=No BarPeriod=0 RTDHide=Don't Hide UpdateRTD=No Preserve=[color="#FF0000"][b]4[/b][/color] [i][b](must match number of scrips below)[/b][/i] Version=Above BidAskRates=Yes BidAskQty=Yes [RTDMan] RTDServerProgID=Nest.ScripRTD CSVFolderPath=[color="#FF0000"][b]R:\RTD\[/b][/color] (configure freeware ramdisk as instructed in how-to / video) BarPeriod=0 RequestRefresh=0 BellWaitTime=30 Client=NT RefreshPeriod=250 Archive=true ViewTicData=0 ViewRawData=0 ViewBarData=0 ViewNTData=0 Scrip[b][color="#FF0000"]1[/color][/b]=[color="#FF0000"][b]cde[/b][/color]_[b][color="#FF0000"]fo[/color][/b]|USDINR[color="#FF0000"][b]16[/b][/color][b][color="#FF0000"]OCT[/color][/b]FUT;USDINR_[b][color="#FF0000"]F1[/color][/b];LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest;;Bid Rate;Ask Rate;Bid Qty;Ask Qty Scrip[b][color="#FF0000"]2[/color][/b]=[b][color="#FF0000"]mcx[/color][/b]_fo|CRUDEOILM16OCTFUT;CRUDEOILM_F1;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest;;Bid Rate;Ask Rate;Bid Qty;Ask Qty Scrip[b][color="#FF0000"]3[/color][/b]=[b][color="#FF0000"]nse[/color][/b]_fo|NIFTY16OCTFUT;NIFTY_F2;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest;;Bid Rate;Ask Rate;Bid Qty;Ask Qty Scrip[color="#FF0000"][b]4[/b][/color]=[b][color="#FF0000"]nse[/color][/b]_fo|BANKNIFTY16OCTFUT;BANKNIFTY_F1;LTP;LTT;Volume Traded Today;Open Interest;;Bid Rate;Ask Rate;Bid Qty;Ask Qty

    Make all the changes as indicated above (in red), customise it to your required symbol. 'fo' is for futures, use what you trade instead.
    In USDINR16OCTFUT, 16 is the 2-digit year, and OCT is the 3 character month
    I suffix my symbols in Ninja Trader with '_F1', '_F2' for tracking multiple contracts of each symbol, you can use whatever you have defined in your NinjaTrader Instrument Manager.
    Incase you add more symbols, change the Scrip# accordingly (it must be in ascending order) and update the preserve setting above accordingly. Do likewise incase you want to track lesser symbols

    Daily Morning before Market Opens:

    Run Ninja Trader (not as admin)
    Connect to External Data from File Menu

    [*] Run Nest Terminal (not as admin)
    [*] Run RTD (AS ADMIN)
    [*] Click on Start RTD on the Neon Green Toolbar which pops-up on starting RTD
    [*] Do not use the RTD GUI for any settings, manually edit RTDMan.ini with notepad. Only use the start, stop, exit & backfill buttons on the GUI.

    Backfill thru RTD is a pain in the a** if you try to use the GUI backfill settings. It will mess up your running quote data feed if not correctly done. I suggest you do the following for backfill:

    Don't bother with Backfill settings
    Ensure Nest Terminal and Nest Plus are running
    Click on the Backfill button in the RTD neon green toolbar
    Enter Backfill Time (Market Start & End time). If you trade multiple markets like stocks, currencies & commodities, enter 8:55 AM for start time & 23:59 PM for end time
    Select Nest Plus as source
    Select Backfill date. it is important here not to exceed the number of historical quote data Nest Plus holds. Mostly less than 22 days. So 15 days prior should be a safe selection. Ideally backfill every night or weekend.
    Select required symbols from the list. Don't worry about changing the names or renaming it
    Run the backfill & wait
    The backfill will output as separate text files into the R:\RTD folder. Please note these will get deleted when Ramdisk shuts down (when you shutdown or restart your computer). So please import the files before shutting down or rebooting your computer.
    Fire up file explorer and go to R:\RTD folder and rename the text files to match the instrument name in Ninja Trader
    Go to Ninja Trade & import the renamed files into Ninja Trader


    Why should I use RTD and not NestGoesNinja? While NestGoesNinja was the first utility for this purpose, and extremely successful & popular, it's developer (popularly known as yusi) has permanently discontinued the project. RTD is an open source free alternative which has been developed by the Indian trading community and is extremely stable and is being actively developed and supported. Any major updates to Nest/NestPlus/Now will render the current & last available version of NestGoesNinja unusable.
    Which version of Excel is best suited ? Excel is only required to test if RTD is enabled by your broker in your Nest/Now Terminal. Once it is established that RTD is enabled and streaming quotes into any excel spreadsheet, excel can be shutdown and will not be ever required for this activity.
    Is it necessary to use RamDisk ? No it isn't mandatory but it is simpler and highly recommended to just use the RamDisk. RTD needs to store & refresh hundreds of real-time quotes someplace extremely fast and you will need to point it somewhere for that. During period of high trading activity, especially during volatility, you will find it affects the speed of chart updates. This applies even if you have an SSD hard disk. If you still don't want to use the RamDisk, you will have to update RTDMan.ini accordingly and point RTD to a folder on your harddisk (eg: c:\rtd_1.40\alt_ramdisk\) and change all reference from 'R:\RTD\' to 'c:\rtd_1.40\alt_ramdisk\' in RTDMan.ini.
    Where can I download a required file from? Links/locations for all required files are provided above (highlighted with blue text) in the how-to.

    Disclaimer: I am not the developer of any of the above applications, hence am limited in my ability to support any issues with these applications. I do not use this anymore, so will not be able to be of much support if the above does not work for you. But since I have tested and used it as detailed above, I can confirm it works.
  5. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from misalto in Bookmap for NT   
    haha!!! God bless you admis! ;-)
  6. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from ⭐ ESVepara in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    @rondonelli, not a recommendation but you may be interested. FREE stuff, don't spend time once you find not situatble. I myself hadn't try.
    C# .Net From Scratch - Development for Absolute Beginners - FREE
    Q: Hey! I am new to programming and I don't know C Language, Can I take this course?
    A: Yes! you are at the right place. Here I am going to teach you programming from scratch. Even if you don't know C programming language, you need not to worry. I will be starting from very basic concepts like what integer is, what string is, what double is and how to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. Then I will slowly take you to the real time world examples like with conditional statements and loops, which will make you ready to dive into the object oriented programming ocean.
    We will be stepping into object oriented programming world with the real time objects students, bank customers, loans etc., And finally you will no more feel that you cannot do programming or object oriented programming.
    What are the requirements?
    - VS 2010 or higher express edition
  7. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in GET: Indicator Incubator / TOM   
    As per request: iRenko, TomBars2 - both of them educated and in the source form:
    IRenko: default slot = Custom3 (line #19 to change)
    TomBars2: default slot = Custom7 (line #19 to change)
  8. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from arya in Bookmap for NT   
    haha!!! God bless you admis! ;-)
  9. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in Bookmap for NT   
    haha!!! God bless you admis! ;-)
  10. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ ESVepara in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Here are the links to the webinar
  11. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ ESVepara in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
  12. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in REQ educate   
    Remark: Don't not run this strategy on real account if you pay attention about your privacy...
    Edit: For all interested in details - the source form of oTD_Autotrader_English strategy:
  13. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to Abhishek Shetty in Multitimeframe SMA   
    Here it is..
    Many Thanks to Santoshv2k
  14. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ santoshv2k in REQ educate   
    It's done...

    Download Link :-

    Password :- as usual
    1. Download .7z file to a place where you can easily find it and extract it.
    2. Import the zip files from the Control Center. Choose:
    File / Utilities / Import NinjaScrip
    Indicators would be listed as :-
    OTD Cloud, OTD Current Price, OTD_PnF_LastBarHoLo, OTD_PnF_WaveEntry, OTD_TrendChange, OTD_Volume, OTD_PivotZones, OTD_Show_Trades, OTD_Rollover_Contract, OTD_ToolBar_Shortcut, OTD_Stochastics
  15. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to Traderbeauty in V1per n3w version   
    he has been banned by the Big Boss.
    thank you Ican.
  16. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ santoshv2k in Critical data volume Profile   
    Putting direct vendor's server link, you may be telling them to shut down their door for open trail as most of them already done.
    BTW :- There is nothing special in latest version. If you can not make money with old version you have, you are not going to earn with this version as well.
  17. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to profile in The Costs of daytrading   
    I may suggest the following given your situation uazpeitia:
    ****** I assume you enter your trades manually on a static Ninja DOM ! ******
    - If you want to use Ninja and Ninja indis (be aware that some Indo edu indis may not work on NT8 and on one day you must move to NT8) then you can consider to use them NOT for entering orders. Just use the lowest pricing model at Ninja brokerage so you can use the Ninjatrader and the indis - or investigate if you will get what you need by using the NT as demo platform (= free of cost). You get the Continuum (CQG product) datafeed for free in demo mode.
    - Select other broker which has lower roundtrip pricing than Ninjabrokerage AND lower (or equal) commissions. And lower margins. You find at least one very quickly once surfing the internet.
    - Open there account and take the option to use the free Sierra chart with CQG livefeed (only usual exchange fees apply of course, but that is everywhere) which has a so called chart based DOM. It looks like a DOM but it is a chart. And it is static in behaviour ! So just use the Sierra chart DOM for entering your orders. It is also way superior over Ninja's Static DOM offer. It saves you as well the additional charge (to be paid to TT) Ninjatrader adds for using the static DOM. Sierra does not need to pay the additional fees to TT as their DOM is not considered a real DOM because it is a chart.
    - Big plus of the Sierra order entry is that many orders (e.g. OCO )are kept server-sided so you are covered in case of connection issues.
    - Biggest plus of all is perhaps that Sierra support is, according to my personal experiences, really superior over Ninjatrader support.
    So in a nutshell you save on:
    - NT license costs
    - Lower RT pricing on ES (Nikkei I do not know, but you can check out). I find the NT brokerage expensive.
    - Datafeed cost CQG (only pay exchange fees).
    - No additional fee to be paid to TT in case of using the static DOM option.
    Hey, and if do not like Sierra, then try the above scenario at the broker with Multicharts for free. But personally I do not like the Multicharts semi-static DOM that much and their support is even way worse than Ninjatrader's (my personal opinion).
    So try to think out of the box.
    EDIT: So you end up with NT and use the academydaytrading pro9 system indis (or other materials from II) to analyse markets, but enter orders manually on Sierra static superDOM and use lower commissions/margins on CQG flavour datafeed (CQG/Continuum).
  18. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ninZa in Larry Pi is the Ninzawarrior   
    Thank you for all of your kind words about me & ninZa.co.
    We try to balance between making sales and supporting the trading community. The 2 purposes are integral part of one another: without this one, the other one cannot exist or prolong.
    The new url to download our free indicators is http://ninza.co/free
    From now on, you won't need to enter your email. Just visit the download zone and get all the freebies you need.
    Our most valuable freebie to date is ninZaRenko for NT8: http://ninza.co/product/ninzarenko
    It's a goldmine! We try our best to make it free for every trader. But we are facing the pressure because we are "breaking" the invisible rule: giving away a very great renko that other vendors sell for hundreds of dollars.
    I am insisting that we try our best to keep ninZaRenko free for every trader. But the future is unsure, so you should secure the renko now by downloading it.
    Best to you and happy trading, friends.
    @stevemoore: Thanks for your purpose to request our NT8 custom programming. But we no longer handle projects. As we grow big, volume of works are increasing more and more. So I had to focus on developing and maintaining our own indicators. Hope you understand and sympathize with us.
  19. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from ylidor in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    @rondonelli, not a recommendation but you may be interested. FREE stuff, don't spend time once you find not situatble. I myself hadn't try.
    C# .Net From Scratch - Development for Absolute Beginners - FREE
    Q: Hey! I am new to programming and I don't know C Language, Can I take this course?
    A: Yes! you are at the right place. Here I am going to teach you programming from scratch. Even if you don't know C programming language, you need not to worry. I will be starting from very basic concepts like what integer is, what string is, what double is and how to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. Then I will slowly take you to the real time world examples like with conditional statements and loops, which will make you ready to dive into the object oriented programming ocean.
    We will be stepping into object oriented programming world with the real time objects students, bank customers, loans etc., And finally you will no more feel that you cannot do programming or object oriented programming.
    What are the requirements?
    - VS 2010 or higher express edition
  20. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to Indiart in Harmonic Indicator - ninj@[email protected]/harmonic-indicator/   
    As I mentioned in the past, another alternative to do harmonic analysis is to use Metatrader 4 platform.
    Download RAR folder,
    install Metatrader 4 platform (exe),
    open a demo account (right from the platform window),
    load indicators and template,
    start program,
    choose your instrument and perform analysis.
    All that requires time, knowledge, and patience.
  21. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to rondonelli in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    Thanks for wise advice. I am not a programmer or know about codes neither have any IT background, what I have learned is from your tutorials and hints etc. manual work is definitely is beyond me., but I believe in learning. I learned my profession not in one or two days but in decades.
    Thanks for code
  22. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    @rondonelli, not a recommendation but you may be interested. FREE stuff, don't spend time once you find not situatble. I myself hadn't try.
    C# .Net From Scratch - Development for Absolute Beginners - FREE
    Q: Hey! I am new to programming and I don't know C Language, Can I take this course?
    A: Yes! you are at the right place. Here I am going to teach you programming from scratch. Even if you don't know C programming language, you need not to worry. I will be starting from very basic concepts like what integer is, what string is, what double is and how to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. Then I will slowly take you to the real time world examples like with conditional statements and loops, which will make you ready to dive into the object oriented programming ocean.
    We will be stepping into object oriented programming world with the real time objects students, bank customers, loans etc., And finally you will no more feel that you cannot do programming or object oriented programming.
    What are the requirements?
    - VS 2010 or higher express edition
  23. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from misalto in [Learn] Edu.me 101 Ninjascript/C#   
    @rondonelli, not a recommendation but you may be interested. FREE stuff, don't spend time once you find not situatble. I myself hadn't try.
    C# .Net From Scratch - Development for Absolute Beginners - FREE
    Q: Hey! I am new to programming and I don't know C Language, Can I take this course?
    A: Yes! you are at the right place. Here I am going to teach you programming from scratch. Even if you don't know C programming language, you need not to worry. I will be starting from very basic concepts like what integer is, what string is, what double is and how to perform simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. Then I will slowly take you to the real time world examples like with conditional statements and loops, which will make you ready to dive into the object oriented programming ocean.
    We will be stepping into object oriented programming world with the real time objects students, bank customers, loans etc., And finally you will no more feel that you cannot do programming or object oriented programming.
    What are the requirements?
    - VS 2010 or higher express edition
  24. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from _markus in IQfeed Level 2 for 5usd   
    i think you meant live (real-time) streaming data by "currency".
    sorry that i have no experience with AMP, neither do i have any experience with the indi shown in your screen cap. so i cannot comment. when you talk about historical data, do always remind yourself what type (tick? minute? day?) you need and what type AMP provides, for what period of time (eg, 3 months). as mentioned by markus, if you need level 2, then under the fee waiver program, CME charges you $15/month as exchange fee if u r non-professional.
    i am new to order flow and i only invest time in learning auctiondashboard. this program makes use of level 2 data. as markus said, u have the luxury to jump the boat but if u hold onto nj for the indis, u may want to use MarketReplay to test out your trading ideas. what i observed is, after the market had a bull run, there will emerge thousands of people claiming how successful a trading method is (eg, order flow, volume analysis etc) or how wonderful the indis are. well, better to keep your hopes low and minimize the risk of falling into a fallacy.
    take care!
  25. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to _markus in IQfeed Level 2 for 5usd   
    Ciao Mauro,
    Sure you can go with AMP, the data package was about 15$ /month including l2 of course, and another 5$ for market internals (nyse tick etc)
    however it wont solve your problem, the problem is within ninja7 is not able to backfill ticks, thats why you have to wait for new bars to form..
    either go with ninja8 and use the new gomtools
    use another software like investor rt (marketdelta)
    try with gomrecorder for ninja7
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