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shicuco last won the day on November 20 2020

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About shicuco

  • Birthday 02/02/1962

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  1. Happy holidays to all members of this great community!🎉
  2. Hi MrAdmin, I just got your email. I kindly request my account to be upgraded to VIP. Thanks!
  3. No, it is not the PA course. In CL's words, this series of videos is supposed to provide some structure to the PTC archives. Thanks for the share, anyway. Any CL material is always welcome.
  4. You can download any or all of the contents of the torrent file any time you want. When adding the torrent link to your client, you are allowed to choose which files you want to download.
  5. Online class earlier on today by Chris Lori for XTB Gold has always been a popular commodity among new and experienced traders alike. This is your opportunity to learn: - How to spot Gold core technical price behaviours to build your trading model - The importance of time of day volatility - Which Gold time of day patterns to look for - What is the long-term outlook for Gold price http://www.mediafire.com/file/83htg7z3d6w6p5m/How_to_Trade_Gold_feat._Chris_Lori_19_11_20.mkv/file Enjoy!
  6. Mooze, just add a torrent link using your torrent client and copy the magnet URI provided by st_dee. That will do.
  7. Chris Lori spoke yesterday at the TradeOn Summit 2020 Price Action Goes Far Deeper than a Candlestick Price Action is a broad term for price behaviors that maintain logical structure. This video takes a deeper look at liquidity, price relationships, microstructure, order flow and the fractal nature of the market. How price moves. Why price moves and where price is going. https://www.sendspace.com/file/4bw471 Enjoy
  8. Hope this is what you are looking for. https://www.sendspace.com/file/5y0qxz
  9. Not sure what you mean, Trellis. The webinar took place last Saturday, 2016/01/16, so it sounds like pretty new to me.
  10. This is what I use: it's lite, and it's free http://www.globfx.com/products/swfplayer/
  11. There you go! http://www.mediafire.com/download/91pm3d6kjzcs34t/JD_-_UFTS.7z
  12. Check this out: http://www.c@[email protected]/index.php/download-hank-pruden-the-wyckoff-method-analyzing-price-and-volume-movement-using-the-principles-of-mass-psychology/
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