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    babeidi reacted to Shenong in Motivewave 6.2.4   
    THANX a Lot to every Bro here, especially to the posters...
    Was ill since more than 1 year...
    Better NOW...You did all a great JOB...
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    babeidi reacted to Traderbeauty in JTMAI ES Scalper V1.1 no indicators   
    Hello Trader Friends.
    Wanted to thank again everyone that is helping and sharing and giving ideas.
    So what is JTMI scalper- J is Jane, T is Traderbeauty , M is Mechanical, A is Adaptive to the market conditions and I is for *****s ( no pan intended - just wanted to create an impressive name lol ).
    since I am a full time trader , its hard for me to post during the day so i use the weekend as an opportunity to help or at least try to help others.
    First- let me warn you- do not use this method live unless you traded paper for few weeks with no losses.
    This is no magic or anything new but there are many rules and pointers that will prevent you from entering at the wrong time or place.
    This is a plain 2-1 ticks renko spectrum with only the zigzag UTC on it just to clearly mark the zigzags.
    I did not post the big picture on purpose- meaning i am ignoring all the big support and resistance, double tops/ bottoms etc which you should watch normally and consider them but in this post i like to keep everything simple for *****s like me that need a simple yes or no in order to push the button.
    So lets get started-
    Rules 1: and the most important one- since we dont use indicators- the only way to know the end of a move/ trend - ahead of time is by watching the distance between the tops for an up move or bottoms for a down move.once we have 1 or 2 ticks then it means get out and sit on the sidelines.
    Lets look on friday's trading.
    Point 1- that is early in the am and we are still fresh and anxious , we can clearly see that we had 2 tops before with a nice distance between them so we are looking for a long entry,once we got it we go long with a stop 1 tick bellow point 1 or you can use a 70 tick chart with acme trend and only go in when you see a clear consolidation then you can get in with 2-3 ticks stop.
    since the distance beteen the last 2 tops was big it tells us that the trend is strong and we can easily few points- in this case we could get 3 points easily.
    Point 2- we still see that the distance is big so like machine we look for the next long entry which came at point 2- this one would have given us 5 points meaning we could actually stop trading less than an hour after we started with 8 points.
    Rule 3---- its not advisable to go more than 2 or 3 times in the same direction, normally the market changes sides and we should expect it to start going the opposite direction so being greedy is ******.
    that is why we could but should not take a long at point 3, but even if we did we would go long at 1695 and exit with 2-3 ticks loss once the next bar turns red.
    point 4- we have now lower low with a big distance between the bottoms so we look for a short- we take it with stop above point 4 . could have gotten another 3 points here- again using the 70 ticks to monitor.
    point 5 is a very small loss or breakeven.
    point 6 is a winner for another 2 points. but noticing that the distance between the tops( will call it DELTA from now on ) is much smaller than before gives us the knowledge that this is not a strong trend.
    point .
    point 7 is ultra obvious- you have to be an ***** NOT to take a short there- look at the delta and the length of the previous move- the market is TELLING US that the move is strong with a big gain expected in this short entry not only few ticks- this was a 4,5 points profit.
    point 8 -i need to explain what is going on here-so please pay attention- the ***** rule is- since we have a lower low we just look for a short and we did get it at point 8 and even if we shorted there we would win a little and definitely not lose. BUT...look at RULE 3 - we just entered 3 times short down and point 8 is the 4th short entry with the direction down with hardly any retracement - so we just have to watch, the other more important fact that you have to notice is- we had a VERY STRONG down move with a huge delta- so WHY THE HELL DID THE MARKET GO UP SO HIGH AND SO CLOSE TO POINT 7? unless its planning to reverse. ( mmm, so that is not just for dummies anymore, we need to think a little ...).
    point 10- basic and obvious long for another 2 points.
    point 11 - same as 10 with another 2 points.
    by now we made so much money almost 20 points using only ONE CONTRACT. we had 1 or 2 very small losers and its total mechanical entry with hardly any rules so we cans top trading after 4 hours and go to the beach.
    Bottom line- if the legs start to get too small it means we are in either chop or consolidate and we better stay out or SWITCH TO renko 1-1.
    Hope it helps-
    I am willing to continue my analysis posts but only if I see enough responses and the only way to see that is by people hitting the "THANKS" button.
    There is much more to this method by using very basic simple fib levels that will allow you to enter countertrend and make even more money but as i said before- i will only continue if i see some responses and support.
    Hope you enjoyed and thank you all again.
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