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About ghostpipper

  • Birthday 05/17/1977

ghostpipper's Achievements

  1. So no one has any experience with these guys?
  2. Has anyone had any experience with this company? Supposedly all the big oil companies use them... http://www.tradeoilfutures.biz/ They have a special $197.00 a month price right now Love to hear ANYONE s experience with them Thanks
  3. Has anyone taken the trial? has anyone got an oppinion on the Live Trading room they have? I wouldnt get there indicators but the room might be good. http://www.valuecharts.com/
  4. Admis, would you like to educate this nice piece of software? They trade the ES only here is the companies website http://jbakeranalytics.com/ I am in the trial and here is the indicators https://www.sendspace.com/file/pdr9x0 if you can, thanks in advance
  5. Does anyone have any experience with this vendor? I am taking there trial this week monday through wednsday. The trial only last 1 hour and 30 minutes per day though...
  6. Does anyone have any experience with this vendor? I am taking there trial this week. Trial runs from mon - friday all day and they play Crude Oil primarily. They use Market Profile and the Initial Balance Zone basically
  7. Does anyone still have "The Trading Zone" course from the first page. I am interested in getting into that. Thanks
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