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Posts posted by x32ab

  1. Hy FloridaTrader, I'm refering to the Power walk forward optimization add-on program that can be added to any TS strategy by Dennis Meyers. (see http://www.meyersanalytics.com/pwfo.php). It is a custom program written by Dennis Meyers that is different form the standard WFO that comes with Tradestation.

    The package includes

    •How to setup a TS9 with the PWFO and any strategy/signal

    •How to use the PWFO with any strategy.

    •An explanation of each of the performance statistics.

    •How to enter and code your user performance metric in easy language.

    •How to use the generated optimization Excel output file.

    •Walk Forward Optimization tutorial.

    •PWFO TS9 EasyLanguage code

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