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About FXX

  • Birthday 07/01/1980
  1. check out : https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/forex-reviews/16651/wbtrading-forex-strategies look for the ones with the lowest rating, and read..... lots of reds flags so beware of this guy
  2. What material would you rank as worthwhile then ?
  3. looks interesting, can anybody please re-upload ?
  4. yes they have a lot of interesting stuff and you can find some of the titles on indo. However application of this mostly esoteric stuff is very hard to say the least
  5. it appears that this book is not yet in print and expected time of print will be halfway 2015
  6. yes i had this also on march 26th 2012, what can one do about this ? Do you have to report this somewhere ?
  7. Indeed link is dead, can anyone please re-upload, looks very interesting
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