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Everything posted by TSHennessy

  1. Never covered before but always overlooked Most experienced traders deal with the let down they get from Technical Analysis (TA) through strict discipline never knowing there is a root cause. It's hard to know how to address because there is a huge gulf between the newbie and the well heeled trader. But there is this one topic which has not EVER been covered before that IS every trader's. I was going to write this in a book but it seemed better that it be in video form so please see this. NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: The Trouble with Today's Technical Analysis http://supertradersclub.com/info/ytube_iiifxb.htm If there is one video that every person who calls themselves a trader needs, yes, needs to watch it is this one. Why? This has not EVER been covered. Hope it makes you sit up and take notice.
  2. Remember when in the March 21st 2011 edition they were showing the Up move Complete? They were scoffing at the buy advice being given. But look how it turned out. The buy advice was right and their Completed wave had the top blown off. I can tell you also that the wave labels they applied to the entire area is way off. Why? They have not learned about the New Rule.
  3. They are still calling May 2nd a top, saying that should turn out to be a key date in the life of the indices. That will be wrong. Soon enough the errors brought about by not knowing about the New Elliott Wave Rule will be hidden by a down move and they will look correct for some time. But it will not be starting down from the May 2nd top. And since markets do go down anyone who is a perma-bear will be right occasionally. Is that good enough for you? But the wave is not at the degree they think or the wave they think. Meanwhile is it enough for you to have the repeated errors messing with your head while trying to make money in the markets? Or would you prefer to find out about the New Rule, the first one in over 70 years. I published the book and give it to you free. "The New Elliott Wave Rule - Achieve Definitive Wave Counts" will revolutionize your counting and show you why RN Elliott tried to solve his biggest troublemaker but just could not do it. It will show you what he saw and what the waves have always done to mask the New Rule. This is available at http://newelliottwaverule.org
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