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Banned Forever

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Posts posted by Banned Forever

  1. I can't believe moderators allow FBS to create a thread to promote their scam. Banners isn't enough? Just read FPA reviews here: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fbs.com


    I like this one: 'For every withdrawal you have to give a feedback otherwise you will not get any withdrawal, not even internal transfers! For this you have to register with a Forum like MMG and you have to post your forum username and the forum link, where you have posted about FBS.' This is really bad even according to scam broker standards.

  2. Don't you see it's an obvious scam? The guy accepts only Liberty Reserve for payments because he is 'sick of usual payment methods.' Blah, blah, blah... You'll never see your money again and all the guy wants is just one customer - the amount he asks for will let him live a nice life for a couple of years in Nigeria.


    And the guy is Mr. Favour, who just wants to encourage one of you to buy his 'system'. Nigerian scams are getting more and more sophisticated since everybody is already sick and tired of requests to wire millions from Nigeria... :)

  3. Banned Forever,


    I checked the ebay system and found it to be sold by someone based in the UK whereas waterskiguy is based in Canada. Unless there's some complex international transactions going on, the odds of this being connected to waterskiguy is pretty slim lol. The ebay system is just about identical with indicators renamed to make it seem as though they're something special and has been clearly leeched from this great forum by some unscrupulous individual.


    I don't know which forums you usuall hang out in, though I think you'll find that hyping is rare on II. The main reason for this is that the forum exists to debunk crap commercial systems, so anyone attempting to use the forum for commercial gain normally disappears quickly.


    As others have pointed out to you - waterskiguy's blog is just a normal blog. There's nothing commercial on there - not even the usual Google ads. etc. I may have posted a link to this blog earlier on in thread because I found it contained valuable information. For anyone who reads the blog entries they can see for themselves that waterskiguy no longer trades the system as presented but instead trades on pure price action (with due deference to trends on the Daily and Weekly timeframes).


    Rather than spouting off with numerous posts about your hyping suspicions, the normal procedure is to report a poster to the mods. and they can investigate further and ban the user if they're blatantly advertsing or whatever.


    Instead both you and abdulisback slag off someone sharing their system and treat other posters as though they're total jerks. I scanned through some posts from you guys to see if you'd contributed anything useful to this forum in the time you've been here and and all you seem to do is tell us that systems don't or will never work etc.


    Someone in this thread suggested that if you guys are such great traders, why don't you share some trading gems of your own trading wisdom here - I never saw anything materialise surprise, surprise lol.


    soundfx, that is the problem - no matter what waterski tells us, you just take his word for it. There is no way for you to know for sure the location of waterski, unless you have access to his login info (IP address), and even this is not final say (proxy may be used). I am in Canada also, but I can tell you I am in the UK if it makes you happy.:)


    But really, I couldn't care less about waterski anymore... When it comes to my contribution, telling 'that systems don't or will never work' is not that bad at all. At least way better than hyping knowingly dysfunctional 'systems' whether it is for money or just to boost your ego. It saves time and money for many people.


    I also find it very disrespectful to other members to flood the thread with 'praise' posts (which contained no useful info at all) without testing the system first. That was against the spirit of the forum (at least I thought it was...:)), and many old and respectful members for some strange reason thoughtlessly did so. So if you are talking about treating 'other posters as though they're total jerks', don't rush into conclusions.


    And there is absolutely no excuse for moderators to treat abdulisback and me like trash, so if you are looking for 'jerks', they are closer than you think and, unlike me, will stay here with you. :)

  4. Phreak/Banned Forever,


    Seems as though you're unnaturally paranoid lol. Have you been spending too much time on FF ?


    To accuse indo mods. and others of hyping this thread is too much :D


    I suspect that the mods. have checked the IPs of posters in this thread and have found no evidence of waterskiguy using multiple ID's and hence your accusations are unfounded and only serve to cause unrest amonst the indo happy family which could explain the ban.


    I will always appreciate and encourage any traders who share methods or tips of trading which work for them. There's always something, however small, which you can take away which can add benefit to your own trading. In my case it was the realisation that if I'm looking to trend trade over the longer term, then I shouldn't be forgetting about higher spread pairs (which I normally steer well clear of), but instead should look at all pairs and find the one which is trending most.


    No, accusing moderators is not too much if you face the facts. I don't need IP addresses to figure out fake identities - it's enough for me to read posts by these fake identities. Obviously moderators won't be investigating themselves - they will just ban somebody who tried to investigate them, without any warning or explanation. What is it so bad I've done to get banned like that? What about giving a warning first asking not to do it again and pointing out the fault? This is called 'progressive discipline', which is used by people who are more civilized and less barbaric...


    And don't get fooled by the fact that waterski didn't ask for money (at least on this forum): when system is hyped, it's often a multi-step process, and the first step may not be money making. Indo-investasi is also not the only forex forum where things like that happen. I saw it all before... Somebody on this thread actually found out that waterski 'system' is for sale on eBay, but of course it's not waterski who sells it, god forbid...:) And advertising your OWN website on the forum is not a big deal... sure, why pay money for it, that's what this forum is for...:)


    But you know what: if it's so easy to fool you, you deserve to be fooled. Each to their own...

  5. Hi, everybody. It's me, phreak. I tried to log in earlier and that's what I got:


    'You have been banned for the following reason:

    No reason was specified.


    Date the ban will be lifted: Never'


    Just like that... banned forever for no reason... makes lots of sense...:) By the way, Abdulisback is also banned.


    I feel myself like Wikileaks' Julian Assange - killing the messenger is always easier than dealing with the problem. Why don't moderators care about multiple identities created on this forum for the only purpose of hyping waterski, but ban two users without any explanations for revealing the obvious scam?


    I can tell you why: moderators are behind waterski scam. Waterski was created and hyped by them and some old members of the forum - that's why lots of 'idiotic hype' about waterski starting the first day he posted his 'system' came from old and experienced members, who would have never done it otherwise without thoroughly testing the system first.


    Shame on you, 'indoinvestasi'. You are just a bunch of crooks... And I don't care if you ban my 'Banned Forever' profile. This forum is a disgrace anyway. I will only benefit from not participating in it.

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