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Everything posted by dazers

  1. I've seen some knobs in my time and this is one of the biggest knobs I've ever had the displeasure of gazing at.
  2. Who's got a reshare of Huddleston aka 2nd coming of Christ's work? Obviously computerised algorithms were not controlling markets in the year 1900 dumbass. Stop taking it so stupidly literally. Entities participate in markets to profit. That hasnt changed. Do you think they just enter and exit randomly? 1 min charts pre 2008 look similiar to now. Does that mean HFT algorithms don't exist now and are a conspiracy and we can look at the ticker tape printing out and profit like we did back in the day fucktard?
  3. Does anyone know the 5GB torrent password? RAR passwords are so annoying. All links will be rapidly made invalid for copyright reasons.
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