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Posts posted by xdin

  1. xdin, may be you just don't beleive in MM method?

    And this is not the reason to harass others.



    You mentioned #MW room, sometimes I participate there but unfortunally there are a little conversations here. Please PM me your skype/email to talk about this.


    Im not harassing anyone, its just that i dont know why people bragging about immorality that causes thread be deleted (since page 1 of this thread, now being deleted) and then not even once shows useful contributions.

  2. Ok here's my easy profit trade prior to NFP news. I like to trade london session prior to nfp becuase it's so slow and easy to trade.

    In red in the asian session, the 50 pips is excedded and was really 62 pips but i'll trade it anyway if i get a signal. During asian session and partial london the MM made 3 pushes down, you'll see them in checkmarks then they went into consolidation/accumulation mode. During that time they formed a small W (marked with up arrow)and made 2 pushes up. When i saw the indecision candle (marked in between black lines i went short. At NY open i moved to b/e and added a 2nd order. I closed both orders 15 minutes prior to NFP news.

    On the 1st order i banked 85 pips and the 2nd order i banked 50 pips. Nice easy trading day.




    Sorry if the picture didn't show up, copy and paste didn't work.


    Now this is what I meant by contribution. No BS. Good trade pcguy

  3. IanFoster said: "Understanding the method makes a huge difference, even if you have 50% odds of guessing which direction market will move (up or down). In below picture, this guy obviously tried to short EU albeit unsuccessfully during european session, scratching out breakeven unhurt. But why did he choose to short EU, attempting twice, while you saw it as fake move and W to play long? How did he know he should play it short?"


    Why not explain it?


    A simple answer of steve question could have been useful, why it was short instead of long, but instead "please do homework, learn it, do this, do that,


    No answer just BS

  4. We already have ALL the materials (illegally distributed in the previous threads) to learn the method. Why are we not learning it?


    hart3000 and joeher133 started the #MW chatroom, why are there no participation during real-time market opening hours?


    Zabana started the M&W thread, http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?p=5440182#post5440182, why are there no participation of homework chart pictures and analysis? (2face did try to revive the interest)


    Yourself started this Aftermath thread, but why no homework pictures of "good" and "bad" trades for discussion?


    Do you think that people are looking for quick answers and short-cuts to "explain this" without spending time to learn the method? Even willing to wait one year and another year for someone to "explain this", instead of putting the work to learn the method? I wonder why.


    Those like ataata who've seen (and downloaded) the 600+ photobucket homework pictures knew how much time and effort those students put in to analyze and submit their homework pictures, heavily annotated with what-ifs scenarios, identifying stop hunts and market maker intentions, daily cycle and weekly cycle structures. The photobucket account has since been locked with password to prevent stealing, but not before the previous threads found them and shared them. These students never asked to "explain it", because as ataata have witnessed, they did their own homework to explain for themselves and submit for correction and feedback.


    Still, the same process can be implemented here. Pictures of "good", "bad", "ugly" (credited to Paul Lange of Pristine.com)


    "Good" trades are those which conformed to MMM analysis and traded correctly to target. Serve as motivation for further studies.


    "Bad" trades are those which appeared to setup according to MMM concepts, but turned out failing and stopped out. Serve to better understand the setups, whether interpretations are incorrect, or other nuances and factors that were missed which others might have seen. "Bad" trades also include good setups that were managed badly, trailing out breakeven or small pips while missing out on the entire homerun moves.


    "Ugly" trades are those taken with all the wrong reasons. Nothing more to explain than serving as confessions of bad patience and bad discipline. Use to provide accountability to oneself and to team. "Ugly" trades are the ones that kill accounts, not because of unproven MMM theory. There are probably 5 attributes to good trading: Discipline, Patience, Consistency, Knowledge, Confidence. Focusing on MMM theory is just one part of 5 (the Knowledge part and possibly adding to Confidence if one mastered the level counts and stop hunts timings), the other 4 attributes cannot be solved by watching MMM videos alone. There are no holy grail or magic pill as the cliche goes. No one else can help you short-cut the homework process, you have to do it on your own.


    On your own, you can file these pictures into "Good", "Bad", "Ugly" folders. Each served a purpose to improve your own trading plan. Publicly, by posting and sharing your "good", "bad", and "ugly" trades pictures served to provide learning opportunities for fellow enthusiasts. Better than asking, ".... which direction will EU open today?" or ".... do you think we can short EU?" or ".... is this the W to go long?" or ".... is there an EA that can trade M and W for me?". Do the homework and post your pictures.


    See all talk about other people, never own work, theory theory theory, Anyone in the forum can do this. when Steve ask for explanation, what was the reply, go and learn it ha ha ha


    Always ask other people to do homework, post pictures etc. Where's your homework? Where's your explanation? Where's anything of MMM from you?

  5. IanFoster said: "We already have ALL the materials (illegally distributed in the previous threads) to learn the method. Why are we not learning it?"


    People are free to participate at any level of their choosing. It is unhelpful to hector and blame people. It is inflammatory to repetitively moralize about those who shared MMM materials. There are better ways to contribute.




    Some people just dont have the guts to start their own threads and keep hanging on to other peoples thread and pretend that they own it, talk about morality etc. begging for response, using other people's analysis/chart, not even once showing own's work or charts, never call trade at real time, just talk about theory (pipper has done a better job)and of course always accuse how immoral everybody else IS. Dont know what the real intention is.

  6. You are the one who used the word "insult", not me. Why should it be insult if stating facts? You are acknowledging that illegal file sharing is wrong?? What is there to deny or insult? The previous one year thread was deleted because of illegal sharing of MMM copyrighted proprietary videos. That's the fact. What is there to insult? Nothing.


    You are right, no discussions anymore with people like you pursuing arguments with replies after replies. Get back to topic!


    Ha ha ha ya right GET BACK TO TOPIC. WOW WOW WOW


    No one is insulting Indo, isn't the constant asking for download links and viciously distributing the illegal videos the cause of previous MMM threads being deleted? It's the fact. You keep twisting the facts. You mean no one asked for download and sharing links on Indo?? You don't know about Indo thread like this: http://indo-investasi.com/forumdisplay.php/46-Trading-Systems-and-Strategies-Request ?? Don't twist the .


    Get back to topic. Just look at your last few posts ...... all personal.



    Tell that to Steveg. He has tried to get discussion going.



    You have absolutely NO IDEA what kinds of issues and problems they are having at the MMM forum, almost like student revolt ....... negative posts quicked censored and deleted.


    Based on your last posts,


    at one end you are against distribution of illegal videos but on the other end you found out truth that the method is a fake but you are in support of it. We can conclude that what you are saying here is that you are in support of the distribution of illegal fake method videos. Ha ha ha please go and see a doctor.


    You did insult indo where you state not only this thread but all the thread in indo is only requesting downloads. Before denying it read back your earlier posts. Denying now ha ha ha.


    Well if you find that the method doesnt work why asking people to discuss. I think you have a twisted mind.


    Im not getting personal, it is you who distrupt the whole thread and it gets very personal to every contributors. Accusing me of getting personal, are you out of your mind?


    Yes Steveg is trying to get the discussion going but when we see your name, its a turn off. Hypocrisy in the highest order. One that wants to kill the thread but yet wants to relive it. Common, we know your BS.

  8. Same reasons as everyone else. I'm just saying I don't see any chart discussions, only requests for downloads. Like you, I'm encouraging discussions.


    joeherr133 posted his charts. I posted some student charts. you should post your charts otherwise the discussion might not kick off since it's hard to understand in paragraphs than in picture.


    as the thread starter and default moderator, you should not go personal. stay with the topic. set yourself as example.


    After you have trashed the thread now you want everybody to start discussing. Very funny.


    And deliberately commented like "This isn't the forum to share knowledge and insights...Here at Indo is for people to request downloads and share links. I don't think there is any discussions going on at any thread here" Insulting indo further. I dont even consider to discuss anything as long as you are around. You are one manipulating chap.


    Why dont go to your MMM forum and discuss there. What are you doing here? No one here has anything to offer/discuss after what you did. Ha ha ha discussion ha ha ha

  9. Yes, the owners are aware that the videos are still in someone's 4shared folder and also at www.ewef.net and several other indonesian and russian sites. The Indo admin is the only one who can tell us why the entire two threads were deleted.


    Please stop commenting on the copyright issue. Members are just venting anger on the deleted threads. Just do what you are supposed to do and start contribute on MMM potential trades. We all know where you stand and enough of your explanation. If you see any illegal uploading, take action. Start contributing and if you have none I suggest PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHUT UP!!!.

  10. Removing that thread is a blessing in disguise. Seriously... do not waste another minute of your valuable time discussing something that has no evidence of working or waste your time learning from someone selling tips on how to trade like a MM when they have never worked for a big name bank or who will show you live how to do it. Check out these guys instead... they have worked in institutions and know what they are talking about... Sam Seiden, Jimmy Young, Steve Primo, Chris Lori.


    Let members freely discussed MMM system here that is the purpose of this thread. If you wish to talk about other system, go to its respective thread if any. We are not in the business of promoting but more of discussion.


    Happy trading.

  11. you think i can delete the entire one year of posts in two threads? i can't even delete my own post here. i'm not the one to delete the thread without warning.


    You think IM ****** to think that you delete the stuff.


    It is the consequences of the action taken by you and your group that forced INDO to delete the threads. All just because you do not have a good online security and now blaming the whole world as criminals.

  12. You keep stating Im twisting facts. Get this.


    1 year of discussions were deleted because of you trying to protect the so called illegal recordings.

    This was a term conditioned by the owners and we as members were not part of it. When you did not get full proof security (the leakages) you start blaming others as criminals and penalised everybody having discussion about it.


    And after all said and done you so called 'missed the compassionate' contributions.What a joke

  13. again you twisting my word. DISCUSSION is ok. just no distribution of illegal recordings. DISCUSSION is fine for 1, 2, 3, even 10 years.


    we just lost one whole year of contributions. there is no rule to delete after 1 year. you know you twisting facts


    Because of trying to protect your so called illegal recordings, all DISCUSSIONS were also deleted. Dont try and twist saying that 1,2,3 10 years. LOL

  14. I propose that we focus on trading the "Money Maker" method and leave all that other unproductive stuff behind. Maybe we can keep going on this thread or create another one that we can use exclusively for insightful and productive exchanges about actual trading. Just my two cents. Good trading to all.


    How are you going keep this thread going when there's already warning that after 1 year all comments will be deleted. Maybe we should use another forum.

  15. nope. you twisting facts again. Captain and Hart3000 never distribute illegal materials. they contribute useful opinions and posts. you know very well who are the recalcitrant uploaders.


    Not twisting anything, you know for sure they didnt share any material that you consider illegal. You are saying one thing about criminals then say something else like compassionate, helpful. I find you are very misleading.

  16. wrong. the one black sheep student did in fact leak out the videos to some "friends". who then pass to more friends and eventually to Indo. but it is wrong to keep uploading the illegal file-sharing links by members here despite knowing the owner's intention to delete the links.


    discussions is allowed. personal lessons and good points are allowed. don't let another one whole year of precious posts be lost because of a few recalcitrant uploaders. the lost of one whole year of notes and contributions (including the passion and effort to make pictures and lessons) are too painful to happen again.


    i particularly missed the lessons and contributions by Captain, Hart3000, jddavis, NUKEM, joekurr123 (sorry i forgot the id), etc. they were helpful and contributed passionately.


    But, you call them CRIMINALS

  17. wrong. the one black sheep student did in fact leak out the videos to some "friends". who then pass to more friends and eventually to Indo. but it is wrong to keep uploading the illegal file-sharing links by members here despite knowing the owner's intention to delete the links.


    discussions is allowed. personal lessons and good points are allowed. don't let another one whole year of precious posts be lost because of a few recalcitrant uploaders. the lost of one whole year of notes and contributions (including the passion and effort to make pictures and lessons) are too painful to happen again.


    To make your job easier, you should tell the owners stop your online classes and just do live classes. Because these leakages will continue in any forum by now.


    Wow you can dictate what is allowed and what is not allowed and this is not even an MMM forum.

  18. when you steal and not get caught, you continue to steal. i guess other threads did not have the attention of the owners, e.g. Sam Seiden and OTA not aware of the XLT videos being uploaded every week. so the illegal distribution continues.


    Its funny when the word "steal" is being used. The distribution was done by one of the paid students, I guess the student stole the recording. But it seems that the accusation is to all non paid members that everybody in INDO forums are all pirates. So INDO should disable all file sharing.

  19. What is the point of having a forum when it is not discussed effectively. Why blame non paid members when the one you should police and pursue is your own paid student who distribute illegally on his/her own terms.


    The members in INDO has nothing to do with these legal implications and to get their thoughts and hard thought opinion for the past 1+ years being deleted just like that is very uncalled for.

  20. Well, if file sharing is now prohibited (illegal/not illegal), it means the whole INDO forums has to be removed and start new entirely, regardless if it is MMM or any other system. (Why only MMM is being treated differently here. INDO should banned whatever paid system being distributed without costs in any forums). They should also ban the members who actually share these files so that they go away from INDO and not put INDO under any legal implications and put a policemen in each forum to monitor... If these are carried out, then the removal of MMM threads is deemed fair to every members.
  21. I believe the amount paid for the course are meant for the after class support. Maybe the videos reveal trade secrets that makes any trader a millionaire super immediately. No wonder SM students are having issues with the free downloads.


    But if you already become a super rich using the method, what is USD5,150? It should be a small issue. Unless you are not successful and do not want others to succeed especially those who did not pay anything.


    If you are a rich man, I suggest just keep on trading and ignore this thread. Or maybe you don't have anything better to do. The one who should be concerned is SM not you students.


    For those who receive the free recordings, you may not have any guidance but the methods should be discussed here.


    To all, don't waste your time bickering about somebody else's gains/losses.

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