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Everything posted by Mang_Ncep

  1. FBS is really good broker, always provide an attractive reward for any matters relating to the FBS. FBS Bravo!
  2. That is why many traders feel comfortable trading with FBS. A friend told me that convenience is one key to success. And I'm sure that's true.
  3. Do not give up bro, keep trying !!! I am sure you will definitely get a nice reward from the FBS.
  4. Thank you bro, This very useful to my trade, i have to make profit this week and make withdrawal it in this Friday.
  5. source: http://www.fbs.com/a..._medium=twitter FBS really gives comfort to our trading, we can now withdrawals and deposits with local banks. Deposit and withdrawal easier, low cost and convenient. Thanks FBS, glad I was able to trade with FBS.
  6. Wow nice, FBS makes us become more comfortable trading, can trade with the devices we have and easier. It's really a very good broker, no wonder if FBS get an award two times in a row.
  7. Source: http://www.fbs.com/a..._medium=twitter Hmmm still crisis for europe. Probability trend still bearish for EUS/USD Thanks bro... it could be happen on this week. Nice post... Se be carefull for buyer :D I am still hold my sell, and looking for another short! Got Green Huh...
  8. He is a great trader too, you know? I know him as a senior trader at Indonesian Forum. Keep post for the prediction, who knows next you get T-Shirt from FBS for your right prediction
  9. Nice share bro, Looks like I should always preview the agenda of this every time I want to trade the EURO. Thank you bro.
  10. Yes, glad to get market news and analysis from FBS, not as long as I thought. FBS is really a broker who really understands us.
  11. Thank's bro, How is your trading ???? i hope you get big profit this week
  12. Yes, I am also waiting for a seminar held in Indonesia. Hopefully soon held a seminar in Jakarta. Eager to learn and gain more knowledge of the forex experts FBS.
  13. Thanks bro, Happy Monday too, let's get more profit for this week with FBS. Got green Huh !!!!!!
  14. Nice share, thank you, this is very useful to me. To my last day trading in this week
  15. The difference is very far, even with a second it so far. Participant from Russia is truly amazing. Unbelievable.............i hope Indonesian trader can reach that balance and be the winner
  16. I need news from FBS as soon as possible, although I can get the news from another forum, but I'm used to the news of the FBS. One of the benefits FBS is news and analysis that are always updated.
  17. Yeah, FBS really the best broker. Always make us enjoy with our trading. Always give analytic and news which very useful for us. Really understand us. Congratulation FBS !!!!!
  18. Hi friend, how are you today? The last day open market, is still an open opportunity to gain profit. Today is my day for withdrawal, a larger profit than last week, Alhamdulillah. Hopefully you are get profit like me, FBS invites us to succeed together. Have a nice weekend.
  19. Two days there was no market news updates from the FBS, is not usually like this, usually FBS always update market news. Anyone know why?
  20. How is your trading today?? FBS provides many opportunities to earn profit with market analysis and economic news. Let's create success with FBS
  21. Yeah, i do it too. Just now I read in another forum, there are rules of FBS that says that we can not trade the GAP, so if we profit because there is big news then our withdrawal will be canceled. And I just found out this rule.
  22. huaaa,,, withdrawal in friday before weekend it's really nice =D i hope i can do it either next week,,, but this week i think i can't do that huehue =D Yeah, not big profit but it's anough to make me more enjoy the weekend with my family. I beleive that you can withdrawal this week, don't forget to read the news from FBS, it's very useful. Have a nice trade bro
  23. The day for withdrawal, not big profit but i can use it to enjoy my weekend with my family How about your trading this week ???? hope you are have a big profit Enjoy your weekend, friends
  24. Update for today http://www.fbs.com/contest/999/participants
  25. The last day for trading to me, because tomorrow is for withdrawal, i hope i get a big profit today Happy Thursday all, i hope you are get a big profit today
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