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Everything posted by goffredomameli

  1. Thank you very much for your explanation monkeybusiness
  2. Hello setare, I know you are the first deals with SQUARING THE CIRCLE... I too faced this discussion when years ago I read GEORGE WOLLENSTAIN and I understood some things but not from an astronomical point of view (I am very ignorant on the subject) but from a geometric one: the square represents the EARTH (the price) and the circle represents the sky (TIME). How to exploit this? calculate the distance in pips (side of the square) then calculate the area of the circle using the side of the square = radius: radius x radius x 3.14...the result under square root and get the time. pay attention: to make these calculations you must have the graph to scale and therefore know the price/time conversion factor otherwise you will not be able to see the hidden geometry.
  3. sorry....may be you have Jenkins's books :Stock Trading Using Planetary Cycles- The Gann Method Volume 1 and 2 thank's in advance
  4. this is home page: http://www.themarketmatrix.co.uk/software.html
  5. Thank's in advance...very important to me........
  6. Which is the last working ADGET version in order to keep data from mt4? I read on this forum 7.8....please share if it is true. thank's
  7. MT5 have not DDE....so there is the following software to do it: http://en.mtiqs.com/mt5-dde.php thank's in advance
  8. I think SEQUENTIAL and COMBO are very nice indicators to pick up inversion of trends (I use setup and sequential in multi time frames....)....now...I am looking for Combo...I know may be for metastock it is impossible to make this indicator...but may be it is not impossible for someone....I searched by google but nothing... thank's in advance...
  9. Hi,I am looking for MT 11 rt in order to configure it with metaserver and third party data.... Now I am using MT 10 on windows XP but it does not work properly on w7...so...I read on equis forum that metastock 11 works fine on w7. I have downloaded MT 11 for esignal but it asks me for account...obviously... So,where I can find normal MT 11 rt? thank's
  10. I have DJ from 1900 only close...I need completed data close-high-low in metastock format and if it is from prior 1900..it is better... thank's in advance
  11. Hello boys, news on M.J. PRIVATE SEMINAR VIDEO? thank's in advance.... http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/11007-asto-indicator?p=126480&viewfull=1#post126480 at this link there is no video...
  12. info at: http://www.gatesystem.com.au/gate-ultimate.htm in order to plot future dates....and more... thank's for sharing....
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