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Posts posted by joe_trader

  1. I've got two words for you. Chris Lori. He doesn't teach you a system, he teaches you how to trade, like the pros. Get his protrader course. You will need to spend a lot of hours learning from his videos but you will get a huge understanding on how the market works through price action. You can waste time and money on cheesy strategies here or there, but to understand which strategy works and why, you'll need to learn the market. If you plan on sticking with forex trading for the long haul, get your feet wet and get his course and learn price action. This is how the 10% of traders who become successful trade. Good luck.
  2. I don't know about you guys, but I have watched many of his webinars and videos and cannot seem to undersatnd anything. He seems on contradicting himself here and there and finally I just fall asleep as I find it too confusing or boring. I think he is successful because he has all those bank reports and knows when the banks get orders to sell or by big in advance like mackers or GM, interest rates, etc. Without all that inside info, we would be lost so at the end of the day we might end up taking his trade recomendations as he has inside knowledge. I found the same all confuser with Peter Bain's videos. nowhere in his videos does he give concise strategies on why he would buy and sell at particualr points without confusing me.


    I find it's quite easy to follow. I think more so because he reiterates everything he does so you do get it. If you find you're falling asleep to his videos, maybe it's just a personality thing, maybe his voice hypnotizes you? Anyway, Chris says himself you can try this type of profession, but it's not for everyone. I may be reading a bit far, but your profile name itself portrays a lack of belief in any kind of structure to the market. It is a chaotic beast, but I think there is a rhythm behind all things in life.

  3. Is there anyone with forex historical data that's already in the proper format for fibonacci trader, and who's willing to share? Every time I find something it doesn't seem to be in the right format or it's corrupted.

    Or, if you have data for an alternate program that will easily install. I don't want Tradestation as it seems to be a pain to get it all working.

    Please, I just want to backtest without having to spend hours on end trying to figure out how to convert this or import that.

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