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Gold Dust

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    Gold Dust reacted to Captain in [Req] Vl@dimir Rib@kov's Forex**LST**System   
    Since last week I have been visualizing the future price move to be intra-week bullish (YTC PAT teach how to visualize the future price move)
    On the last paragraph of the post:
    I've been expecting both GBPUSD and EURUSD to have an intra-week bullish move.
    "But seeing the M15 chart I was thinking of a short term future price visualization for the next week. Base on the large pile of Buy at this demand area, next Monday i would expect an intra-week bullish move that preceded by a stop hunt low to test the low, straight long trade, or a gap-up price then fill the gap to test the low. Here is where LST and FMM play their part but we already know what to expect. Lets see them prove themselves."
    They were indeed bullish:
    EURUSD H1 this week (about 240 Pips weekly range):
    and GBPUSD H1 (about 270 Pips weekly range):
    And the bearish move on Thursday - Friday has also been pre-analyze. Look at the comment on the above mentioned post.
    "Since the early week Both EURUSD and GBPUSD indeed move bullish as have been visualized (Monday up, Tuesday correction, Wednesday Up)
    As of June 6th, end of US session EURUSD halted by Supply Area while GBPUSD has been halted before US session and made choppy topping formation.
    On D1 EueUsd has seen a potential Bearish hidden divergence, means if tomorrow the price reverse down then it would be a bearish resume of a D1 bear.
    Align with D1, both H4 and H1 has also showing a potential Bearish Regular divergence, means if the price reverse down then it would be a reversal for H4 and H1
    While on M15, EurUsd made a last thrust and halted by a Supply area. If tomorrow M15 reverse down then it would validate the premises for H1, H4 and D1.
    Price must turn Bearish around this point to validate the divergence state. Otherwise, if a sentiment occurred and pulled price up that also pulled the divergence away then the divergence setup would be invalidated since H1 H4 and D1 is just a potential divergence, not valid yet.
    But seeing all aspect aligned I am strongly believe that my premises would be true.
    Remember though, anything could happen. Lets see the market reveal it self."
    "GbpUsd has also showing the same state but the sign on EurUsd were clearer. Tomorrow might be what Steve Mauro called a Mid - Week reversal"
    As predicted, EURUSD made 180 Pips bearish range while GBPUSD made 200 Pips bearish range.
    See that,,, If you know what to expect you would anticipate the move for the maximum profit. You would also be alert at what area/point should a critical decision to be taken to validate the premises.
    But even both pairs bullish it doesn't mean there would be no short opportunity. At least there were 2 short opportunity along the way when the price made corrective on both EURUSD and GBPUSD.
    On June 5th EURUSD made sharp corrective:
    Well, do not mind about the pips gain (but if you curious zoom the top right hand side to the real time pips gain indicator and count your self). I don't want anyone called me boasting my Pips gain anymore. I was thinking that the Pips gain shown by the indicator on the top right chart was enough.
    The point here is, during a bullish move there would be a corrective and the corrective move will always steep like a falling rock, but it must be seek carefully.
    The rest here:
    I posted two of loosing trade on June 5th because I don't want to be accused of hiding my loosing trade. And I didn't count the pips as I don't want to be called boasting.
    I am still wonder why some reader less attracted on How the trade took and manage. When I was seek for Omotade system (FXCM Micro Winner - 11,000% gain, doubling his initial account by 110 times in one month) I didn't even thinking about searching for his Trade Statement. I was dying hard to find his trading strategy and being told about his trading statement and lot size in the Nigerian's Forex Forum.
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    Gold Dust reacted to meek13 in Req: Real World Forex Trading system by Chin Tan   
    Here is a mirror, enjoy :)

  3. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to ninjatrader in Req: Real World Forex Trading system by Chin Tan   
    I shared this before.
  4. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to Captain in [Req] Vl@dimir Rib@kov's Forex**LST**System   
    I got many request for conducting "Live Trading", "Paid Signal Services" etc.
    But please understand that my presence here (While I could just walk away like any traders who managed to grow) are to show the correct way of trading as my grateful to Indos (Steve Mauro, Lance Begs, Russ Horn, Al Brooks etc) that I could grow in to the present state, nothings more, nothing to prove to drag you to join my paid forex trading seminar to teach you how to harvest 1.671 Pips in one day etc (well I'll show you that 1.671 Pips later).
    I probably failed to attract indo's reader to their - I called - true trading enlightenment, since most of the respond was request for "live Trading", "Signal Services" etc.
    For the purpose of learning, I was thinking that Picture was worth of thousand word. But probably providing a trading statement would worth more to some people.
    Please be aware that rarely a professional trader present them selves here unless he/she intended for a commercial purpose. Why, they are busy making money. Why care about novice that still in the forum keep looking for holy grail that not exist. Why bother teaching novice to trade correctly while novices loosing are part of the money source they win everyday. Admit that most of people that come to forums are looking for holy grail, mean they are novices. When they success they would leave.
    Some of you, in the months/years to come, would find your right path and would remember the lesson that I provided. Sometimes gold are not treated as gold if someone required no effort to earn it. Many of the forumers would still in the novice state that still keep looking for holy grail system and indicator which is not exist or maybe lack of determination to spend time to learn such 600 pages book or hours of videos etc.
  5. Like
    Gold Dust got a reaction from alansim in DDSMM - Anyone heard of this?   
    Totally agree with u, the master trade panel it's very useful money management tool with fair price and Dave is very nice and helpful guy.

  6. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to newbie111 in Order Flow Trading   
    The link in post #52 still works, click the deposit files button.
  7. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to hermes in Pip Accumulator   
    EAs are like wives! They spend your money recklessly.
  8. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to gelan2000 in Video tutorials : webinars & mini courses - continuously updated   
    Changing Minds to Change Behavior - Dr. John Kenagy
    about 1 hr
  9. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to Johan445 in Sam S3iden   
  10. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to Marchello in Sam S3iden   
    Understood ... Thanks
    For now maybe I will post what ever I find on latest goodies and will add here accordingly .. for members that might also need ..
    Good trading wishes
  11. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to Johan445 in Sam S3iden   
  12. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to dk1aussie in Financial Turning Point - Information Only Please (Mods Please Do Not Delete)   
    here is a bundle of "expert 4 x" systems .... !!!
    Financial Turning Point
    With ALL the ODDS
    Long Candle Forex
    Forex Good Vibrations
    Magical Forex MA
    Magical Momentum
    Simple N Easy Series
  13. Like
    Gold Dust got a reaction from ramani in REQ: EWI_How to Trade Choppy, Sideways Markets Strategies for Managing Corrections   
    here you go,, enjoy.
  14. Like
    Gold Dust got a reaction from peterpiak in REQ: EWI_How to Trade Choppy, Sideways Markets Strategies for Managing Corrections   
    here you go,, enjoy.
  15. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to niftymover in Tell me what you want from www.ewef.net   
    Here You Go My Friend
  16. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to vladv in Seized File Sharing Sites   
    It could be :( ,the U.S.A is the biggest Fascist country in the world!
  17. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to csn in [Get] Larry Williams Forcast 2012   

    Larry Williams Forecast 2012

    I have just completed my 2012 forecast... it is an exciting one, projecting three major moves this coming year. Here is a hint at two of them:
    1) There will be a significant sell off in the first half of the year
    2) There will be a very strong rally - before the elections
    You have seen the 2011 forecast. That's why I say, "The future can be known."
    You are probably wondering how I do this? It is simple to explain but not simple to do. I first determine all of the short-term intermediate and long term cycles in a market then blend these together with the historical very long term cycles. The result is a road map of what I expect the market to do this coming year.
    As you can see the Dow has repeatedly followed the road maps with a good deal of clarity. That's good news, but the even better news is the same technique can be used on individual commodities and stocks. This is my 7th year of formalizing these forecasts in a report, with an ever increasing readership because they have been correct.
    Don't take my word for it. Take my charts, the forecasts I made last year. See for yourself.
    Finally, my Forecast 2012 Report includes the most significant set up trades for immediate moves in the first part of the new year. The 2011 selections were for first of the year rallies in Treasury Bonds, Japanese Yen, British Pound, Cocoa and declines for Copper and Crude Oil. Judge for yourself the value of my advice. I have now selected what I think are our best trade Set Ups for the first of 2012.
    My Forecast 2012 Report is pretty much like getting next month's newspaper today. Winning in anything comes from preparation that gives an expectation of what your opponent will do. The Forecast 2012 Report gives us a massive edge in the game, as we have a very good idea of when the market will do, what it will do.
    Stop being shocked and surprised, and unprepared. Know the future.
    Get it from here:

    I am happy to be back after a long time and to be able to finally share it for all of you. Enjoy and give something back to this wonderful forum!

  18. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to maddman in Bob Iaccino's Forex Classroom   
    Both Indicators and Codec he uses.

    Don't Forget to say Thanks!
  19. Like
    Gold Dust reacted to jeannette1713006619 in iFundTr@ders Forex 2-Days Seminar (Part of 7 Days Prop Program)   
    Day 1 videos:
    Day 2 videos:
    Day 3-7 videos:
    (not feasible due to nature of live trading workshop over a week)
    Chatroom Resources:
    Total of 555mins (9.25hrs) of lessons.
    No criticisms please ..... if you don't like the materials just discard. Thanks!
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