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Posts posted by EXNESS1713006412

  1. Laporan EXNESS mencetak rekor volume perdagangan untuk bulan Juni







    Yang Terhormat klien dan mitra,


    Hari ini, EXNESS dengan senang mengumumkan bahwa perusahaan terus melihat adanya kenaikan volume perdagangan yang kuat dan laporan mencetak rekor volume untuk bulan Juni sebesar 232 miliar USD. Angka ini naik dari 217,63 miliar USD pada bulan Mei.


    Volume perdagangan untuk bulan ini adalah 7% lebih besar daripada untuk bulan Mei, dan meningkat 25% pada volume perdagangan untuk periode yang sama tahun lalu. Selain itu, angka ini juga 35% lebih besar daripada volume perdagangan rata-rata pada tahun 2014. Selama sebulan terakhir, 44.841 klien sudah berdagang dengan EXNESS.


    Perlu dicatat bahwa, sejalan dengan komitmen kami untuk menjaga standar industri etis yang tertinggi, volume perdagangan EXNESS untuk kuartal kedua 2015 juga akan disertifikasi oleh Deloitte dan tersedia untuk umum.


    George Tsaparillas, Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis Global EXNESS, berkomentar: “Kami dengan sangat senang hati mengumumkan satu bulan perdagangan tambahan yang kuat untuk EXNESS ketika kami sekali lagi mampu menunjukkan bahwa komitmen kami atas layanan klien dan pilihan telah mendorong meningkatnya jumlah pengguna pada platform kami. Kinerja kuat kami yang tiada hentinya untuk tahun ini telah didorong oleh kepercayaan dan pengakuan dari para pelanggan kami, dan kami saat ini benar-benar menjadi perusahaan penyedia pilihan mereka”.


    Peringatan Risiko: Berdagang produk dengan dana penumpu seperti CFD memiliki risiko kerugian yang besar dan mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Berdagang produk tersebut berisiko dan Anda dapat kehilangan semua modal yang Anda investasikan.

  2. EXNESS mengucapkan semoga Anda selalu dalam kondisi sehat selama bulan suci Ramadan






    Yang Terhormat klien dan mitra,


    EXNESS Group mengucapkan Selamat Bulan Suci Ramadan. Semoga Anda diberi iman yang lebih kuat, semangat, dan kebahagiaan selama sebulan penuh. Kami mengundang Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam program bonus khusus.


    Dengan membuka akun perdagangan Mini di EXNESS sebelum 16.07.2015, Anda dapat memilih program bonus "Ramadan 2015", yang menawarkan peluang untuk menerima bonus hingga 75% pada tiap simpanan. Ini adalah peluang yang luar biasa untuk mendapatkan dana tambahan di akun Anda. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang program bonus di sini.


    Semoga kemakmuran dan kelimpahan menyertai keluarga Anda dan, tentu saja, kesuksesan dalam berdagang!


    Peringatan Risiko: Berdagang produk dengan dana penumpu seperti CFD memiliki risiko kerugian yang besar dan mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Berdagang produk tersebut berisiko dan Anda dapat kehilangan semua modal yang Anda investasikan.
  3. EXNESS wishes you well during the holy month of Ramadan







    Dear clients and partners,


    EXNESS Group wishes you a Happy Ramadan. May you enjoy stronger faith, spirit, and joy during the entire month. We invite you to participate in a special bonus program.


    By opening a Mini trading account with EXNESS before July 16, 2015, you can choose the "Ramadan 2015" bonus program, which offers the opportunity to receive up to 75% bonus on each deposit. It is an excellent opportunity to get extra funds in your account. Lean more about the bonus program here.


    We wish prosperity and plenty for your families and, of course, success in trading!

  4. EXNESS merilis angka terverifikasi yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan pada triwulan pertama 2015




    APRIL 28, 2015


    EXNESS hari ini melanjutkan panggilannya untuk industri Valas ritel untuk menjadi lebih transparan guna membangun kepercayaan di antara para pedagang ritel.


    George Tsaparillas, Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis Global EXNESS, berkomentar: "Sungguh tak dapat dipercaya bahwa pialang Valas ritel telah tumbuh menjadi industri yang begitu besar dengan transparansi yang sangat minim. Banyak pedagang menyimpan dana mereka dengan pialang tanpa mengetahui secara pasti volume perdagangan, kinerja, atau kekuatan keuangan pialang mereka. Pada saat ada tekanan pasar, seperti yang kami lihat dengan Franc Swiss pada bulan Januari, transparansi benar-benar penting dan menurut kami sangatlah penting bagi industri Valas ritel untuk membangun kepercayaan di antara para pedagang yang bergerak maju."


    Hari ini, EXNESS telah merilis volume perdagangan, penarikan klien, dan komisi agennya untuk periode 1 Januari sampai 31 Maret 2015. Semua angka telah diverifikasi oleh Deloitte, salah satu perusahaan audit terkemuka di dunia.


    Untuk triwulan pertama tahun ini, volume perdagangan EXNESS mencapai US$549 miliar, meningkat sebesar US$13 miliar pada triwulan keempat 2014 dan US$91 miliar lebih dari periode yang sama tahun lalu. Rata-rata volume perdagangan bulanan mencapai US$183 miliar, naik 20% dibandingkan dengan triwulan pertama 2014.


    Penarikan klien, yang sering menunjukkan laba yang diambil oleh para pedagang, mencapai US$50,3 juta selama tiga bulan pertama tahun ini, meningkat 20% pada triwulan keempat 2014. Komisi yang dibayarkan kepada klien karena memperkenalkan pedagang baru untuk EXNESS mencapai US$8,1 juta, meningkat 19% dibandingkan dengan triwulan terakhir tahun lalu.


    George Tsaparillas berkomentar: "Kami telah melihat awal yang kuat untuk tahun 2015 dan fokus kami untuk menyediakan kondisi terbaik untuk berdagang telah membuat para pedagang sangat tertarik kepada kami. Para klien kami juga memulai tahun dengan kuat dengan peningkatan yang signifikan pada penarikan klien dan komisi yang dibayarkan."



  5. Para mitra EXNESS menikmati Malaysia Grand Prix





    Tim EXNESS menghadiri PETRONAS MALAYSIA GRAND PRIX akhir pekan ini dan mengambil kesempatan untuk mengembangkan hubungan pentingnya dengan para mitra Asia tenggara kami di Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, dan Thailand; diskusi difokuskan pada berbagai perkembangan menarik yang dapat diharapkan para mitra dari EXNESS ke depan dan pengembangan kerja sama antara semua anggota.


    Para mitra undangan kami memiliki kesempatan yang menarik untuk bertemu dengan IRBR Team Principal Christian Horner, serta pembalap Red Bull Daniel Ricciardo dan Danil Kvyat untuk sesi tanda tangan. Para anggota tim IRBR menyambut para mitra EXNESS di sirkuit Sepang. Para mitra undangan juga memiliki kesempatan untuk berkeliling garasi tim sebelum perlombaan dan dapat melihat aksi tim teknis yang bekerja di dalam mobil.


    EXNESS sangat ingin melanjutkan hubungan kami yang bermanfaat ini dengan para mitra Asia tenggara kami di masa yang akan datang dan berterima kasih atas dukungan mereka.


    Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang kemitraan EXNESS dan Infiniti Red Bull Racing









  6. EXNESS प्रतिभागी शंघाई ग्रांड प्रिक्स का आनंद लेते हैं।






    अप्रैल 14, 2015

    EXNESS टीम ने इस सप्ताहांत पर शंघाई ग्रांड प्रिक्स में भाग लिया और साझेदारों से अधिक सहयोग के मुद्दों पर बातचीत की।


    प्रत्येक साझेदार को EXNESS के सीईओ पीटर वाल्व से मुलाकात का मौका मिला, जहां वह प्रश्न कर सकते थे और अपने व्यक्तिगत सुझाव साझा कर सकते थे।


    शंघाई के अभ्यास लापस के दिन पर, EXNESS साझेदारों को आई आर बी आर टीम के प्रमुख, क्रिस्चन हॉरनर और साथ ही ड्राइवरों डेनियल रिकॉर्ड और डैनल कुयात से मिलने का अवसर मिला। यह हमारे साझेदारों के लिए एक महान अनुभव था जिन्होंने रेड बुल रेसिंग टीम के सदस्यों के साथ कुछ अद्भुत तस्वीरें भी लीं और प्रत्येक ड्रायवरों से उनहें ऑटोग्राफ भी मिले।


    यह रेस खासतौर पर सभी पक्षों के लिए बहुत मजेदार थी क्योंकि शंघाई इंटरनेशनल सर्किट एफ1 कैलैंडर में सबसे प्रसिद्ध और दिलचस्प सर्किट है, जो एक परीक्षणीय लेकिन शानदार रेस साबित हुई।


    यह सप्ताहांत EXNESS और हमारे साझीदार, दोनों के लिए फलदायक साबित हुआ, और इसने दोनों पक्षों के बीच संबंध और अधिक स्थिर किए। हम अपने साझेदारों से अपनी प्रतिबद्धता पूरी करने और सभी के लाभ के लिए चीन में अपनी रणनीति स्पष्ट करने के लिए आत्मविश्वास महसूस करते हैं।


    EXNESS और इन्फिनिटी रेड बुल रेसिंग के बारे में अधिक जानें। https://www.exness.com/infiniti-redbullracing








  7. EXNESS के भागीदारों ने Malaysia Grand Prix का आनंद उठाया




    मार्च 30, 2015

    इस सप्ताह के अंत में EXNESS की टीम ने PETRONAS MALAYSIA GRAND PRIX में भाग लिया और वियतनाम, मलेशिया, इंडोनेशिया और थाईलैंड में अपने दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया के भागीदारों के साथ अपने महत्वपूर्ण संबंधों को बढ़ावा देने का अवसर प्राप्त किया, चर्चा उस रोमांचक विकास पर केंद्रित रहा कि भागीदारों को आशा है कि EXNESS आगे बढ़ेगा और अपने सभी सदस्यों के साथ सहयोग को विकसित करेगा।


    हमारी ओर से आमंत्रित भागीदारों को IRBR टीम के प्रमुख क्रिस्चियन होरनर से मिलने का रोमांचक अवसर मिला, साथ ही उनके पास ऑटोग्राफ सत्र के लिए Red Bull के ड्राइवरों डैनियल रयाकारडो और दानील कोयात से मिलने के लिए रोमांचक अवसर था। IRBR टीम के सदस्यों ने सेपांग सर्किट में EXNESS के हमारे भागीदारों का स्वागत किया। आमंत्रित भागीदारों को दौड़ से पहले टीम के गैराज का भ्रमण करने का भी अवसर मिला और कार पर काम कर रही इंजीनियरिंग टीम को देखने में भी सक्षम थे।


    EXNESS भविष्य में अपने दक्षिण-पूर्व एशियाई सहयोगियों के साथ अपने सार्थक संबंधों को जारी रखने की आशा करता है और उनके समर्थन के लिए आभारी है।


    EXNESS और Infiniti Red Bull Racing की साझेदारी के बारे में और जानें https://www.exness.com/infiniti-redbullracing.









  8. An energetic start to 2015: the partnership between EXNESS and Infiniti Red Bull Racing begins



    Beginning January 1, 2015 EXNESS will be an official partner of the Infiniti Red Bull Racing Formula 1 team. The partnership will continue throughout the entire year.


    "The past year was one of the most successful in the company's history. The trend in trading volumes and the number of new clients indicates steady growth, and traders increasingly trust us as a reliable and transparent company. As a result, we are prepared for big achievements together with Infiniti Red Bull Racing. And we believe this partnership will recharge us with special energy and power to succeed in the coming year," said Petr Valov, director of EXNESS.


    EXNESS has big plans in 2015 to improve our services for our clients. And the partnership with the Infiniti Red Bull Racing team will be another occasion to meet with partners and clients from around the world - and it will motivate us to implement ideas and joint projects.

    To stay tuned in to the latest news about contests and events being held in cooperation with Infiniti Red Bull Racing, watch for updates on the company's website under the "News" section. EXNESS' most active clients and partners will have the opportunity to participate in drawings for unique gifts with EXNESS and Infiniti Red Bull Racing branding and other unusual prizes. Follow EXNESS and Infiniti Red Bull Racing: Be at the epicenter of big events!


    EXNESS hopes that 2015 will become a significant milestone in the company's history and a success time for traders, and that it will bring many breathtaking wins to the Infiniti Red Bull Racing team.

  9. May you have success in trading in the New Year!



    Dear clients and partners,


    We joyfully extend season's greetings to you and wish the very best for you in 2015!


    Benjamin Franklin once said, "Time is money". This aphorism has since become a motto for many successful people. May the coming year bring success and be the best time for precise strategies and calculations! And may each minute of trading increase your equity!


    We value each of our clients and the results that we have achieved thanks to your partnership with us. EXNESS proudly presents our results from the outgoing year and sincerely wishes you well on a special holiday page: https://www.exness.com/intl/en/happy_new_year_2015/


    As a New Year's gift, we have prepared the "Happy New Year" bonus program for you. Participate in the program between December 23 to January 10 and you can receive a bonus of up to 70% on each deposit. Learn more about the "Happy New Year" program here: https://www.exness.com/intl/en/bonuses/bny2015eu/


    Thank you for choosing EXNESS for your professional development and trading achievements. We hope that our superior trading conditions delight you in 2015 and become the foundation for your victories on the currency market!



    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  10. EXNESS operating hours on Christmas and New Year's Day




    Due to the upcoming holidays, there will be changes to the trading conditions and operating hours of many major financial centers, which may affect your trading at EXNESS.


    Please see the changes to trading during the holidays and for EXNESS client support: https://www.exness.com/intl/en/news/article/exness_operating_hours_on_christmas_and_new_year_s_day/




    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  11. This week, the dollar may fall to 117.2 yen


    The US Federal Reserve meeting will be this week's key event. On Wednesday, the US regulator will announce the economic forecasts for inflation and GDP growth in the US over the next 2 years. The November decline in the producer price index from 1.7% (y/y) to 1.1% (y/y) in the United States signaled a weakening of inflationary pressures in the world's largest economy. The cold winter in the United States in Q1 2015 can play a mean joke on the US GDP as it did in Q1 2014. The US Central bank is unlikely to take risks and will raise the key rate at the end of Q2 2015 rather that at the beginning.


    On Monday, December 15, the preliminary results of the parliamentary elections in Japan will be announced. It is expected that the Liberal Democratic Party, led by current Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will get a comfortable majority. In this case, the implementation of an ultra soft monetary policy in Japan is likely to continue. With the USDJPY pair lowering to the 117.20 support level, opening long positions in the US dollar is worth considering.


    In the first half of this week, market participants will learn the latest data on inflation and unemployment in the UK. The expected reduction in both indicators will cause headache for the Bank of England again. According to the forecasts of the S&P agency in 2015, the UK's GDP growth rate will exceed 3% per year. The British regulator will probably raise the rate next year, but earlier than Q3. 2015. During the week, the pound may test the 1.5800 level.



    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  12. EXNESS' new website — New opportunities for traders!




    Dear clients and partners!


    We are pleased to announce that, thanks to your active assistance, we have completed a major project to update the official EXNESS website.


    We have entirely transformed the website and created a new state-of-the-art resource with convenient features that comply with the latest web technology standards. Each employee actively participated in this project in order to make our service both high-quality and informative, but also simple and intuitive. We have tried to consider the needs of each of our clients. And now the new EXNESS Group website is ready — and we are delighted to present it to you!


    Continuous improvement is one of our priorities. But effective growth is only possible with our clients' involvement. That is why for six years we have carefully listened to your wishes to create the most convenient environment for successful trading. We eagerly look forward to you visiting the updated website and would love to receive any comments about how to make it even better. Our technical support specialists are ready to receive your feedback, comments, and suggestions at any time: https://www.exness.com/intl/en/about_us/contacts/


    We hope that our new website will not only be an excellent help and source of information, but also expand your opportunities to achieve new levels of professional mastery in the forex market!



    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  13. This week, the dominance of the US dollar will continue


    Despite the fact that the ECB has postponed the issue of expanding the asset purchases program in the euro zone for Q1 2015, at the end of last week, the EUR/USD pair still declined against the background of a sharp strengthening of the US dollar. The publication of an exceptionally strong November statistics on employment outside the US agricultural sector has provided substantial support for the world's reserve currency. During this week, the euro may fall to the level of 1.2200.


    On December 8, the upwards revision of Japan's GDP from - 0.4% (q/q) to -0.1% (q/q) in Q3 2014 may provide support for the Japanese currency. Regular purchases in the USDJPY pair are worth considering near the level of 120.00.


    On December 11, it is worthwhile paying attention to the publication of the November employment statistics in Australia. The expected rise in unemployment rate in this country from 6.2% to 6.3% is likely to put pressure on the Aussie. By the end of the week, the AUDUSD pair may decline to around 0.8200.


    By the end of the week, the New Zealand dollar is likely to test this year's lows around the 0.7650 level. Factors such as the slowdown in the growth rate for the Chinese economy, as well as the expected rise in interest rates in the US will continue to put pressure on it.


    The Swiss currency is unlikely to experience much joy if on December 11, the Swiss Central Bank keeps its key interest rate in the country in the range of 0-0.25%. On this day, at the time of the publication of data on retail sales in the US, the USDCHF pair is, likely to test the 0.9850 level.



    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  14. Deflation destroys the euro zone



    Last Friday, the negative inflation statistics for the euro zone was published, putting the ECB in an awkward position. The European regulator, whose goals include targeting inflation at 2% per year, allowed it to reduce from 0.4% (y/y) to 0.3% (y/y) in November. Weak demand in the euro zone against the background of the sanctions war with the Russian Federation, as well as the 2.5% (y/y) drop in energy prices have provoked an unwinding of the deflationary spiral in the European region. At the same M. Draghi's revolutionary words on the need for an economic union in the euro zone are very pleasing for Berlin, which encourages their younger colleagues to tighten their control of expenses.


    However, it is clear that such deep European integration, in which the European states national governments give the control over the finances to Brussels, will not be implemented in the short term. In this regard, we believe that in order to support economic growth and acceleration of inflation in the European region, the ECB will resort to buying the euro zone countries sovereign bonds, including the PIGS countries bonds. Germany will certainly oppose this. On December 4, 2014 Mario Draghi will probably set the record straight.


    The chances of the euro declining to 1.2350 by the end of the week, and by the end of 2014 - to the 1.2200 level, remain very high.


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  15. The actions of the Chinese central bank will help the Aussie


    Last Friday, financial markets were shaken by the news of lower interest rates in China. For the first time in 2 years, the annual interest rate in the country decreased from 6,0% to 5,6%, while the deposit rate decreased from 3.00% to 2.75%. As a result of the monetary policy softening in the second world economy, there was a rise in the world stock indices, as well as in the price of oil and gold. We believe that Chinese Central Bank's actions can accelerate the national economy growth from the current 7.3% to 7.5% per annum in 2015.


    In the coming weeks, the commodity currency group will probably be able to strengthen against the US dollar. We expect the Aussie to grow to the 0.8800 level, the Kiwi - to the level of 0.8000, and the USDCAD pair to drop to the 1.1100 level.


    On November 27, special attention should be paid to the OPEC meeting, where the oil production quotas are expected to be reduced. When this scenario is implemented, the USDCAD in the medium term could be back in the 1,0600-1,0800 range.


    After the ECB President M. Draghi promised to stop the development of deflation processes in the euro zone "at any price", the prospects for the euro are still not too bright. Before the end of the year, the EURUSD pair will probably decline to a level of 1.2200.


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  16. EXNESS launches instruments with fixed spreads



    Dear clients and partners,


    EXNESS is announcing the launch of financial instruments with fixed spreads. Ten currency pairs are already available on Mini and Classic accounts.


    Our specialists have decided to accommodate our clients' wishes: now traders who prefer fixed spreads can also trade successfully at EXNESS. You can find the list of new financial instruments, which have the suffix "f", in the "Forex_Fixed" symbol group in your terminal. To start trading instruments with fixed spreads, you must review and accept the agreement in your Personal Area: https://www.exness.com/member/multi_configure?pass=fix

    Trading financial instruments with fixed spreads has certain advantages such as a predictable spread in changing market conditions and simple advisor settings. Bear in mind that market execution will be used for orders with these currency pairs.


    With the introduction of these new instruments, traders can perfect their trading strategies and employ them more effectively.


    You can find the list of currency pairs with fixed spreads on the EXNESS website, on the page with contract specifications: https://www.exness.com/forex/specifications


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  17. In the medium term, the euro could test the 1.2600 level


    This week, the publication of industrial production and consumer price index in the United States will attract investors' attention. We believe the slowdown in the US inflation rate expected in October, will largely be due to a drop in oil prices.


    On November 17, the USDJPY currency pair will likely to show an increased volatility due to publication of Japan's GDP for Q3 2014. During the week, the dollar may again test the level of 116.8 yen.


    This week, buyers of the euro will be monitoring the dynamics of Germany ZEW's business sentiment index with agitation, as well as the business activity indicators in the manufacturing sector and the service sector in the euro-zone. By the end of the week, the euro is likely to consolidate above the 1.2600 level.


    November 18 is worth paying attention to the price statistics of the UK. If in October, the country's consumer price index will exceed 1.2% (y/y), the GBPUSD pair could test the 1.5800 level.


    On November 20, we will find out the data on the producer price index in New Zealand Q3 2014. The expected increase in inflationary pressures in the country may allow the NZDUSD pair to test the 0.8000 level.


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  18. EXNESS announces trading volumes to be audited by Deloitte




    EXNESS has today announced that its trading volumes will be audited by the world’s largest auditing firm, Deloitte, and that it experienced record trading volumes of US$192,43 billion during September.


    Since January 2014, EXNESS has been the only retail Forex broker to have its trading volumes audited by an independent auditor and, moving ahead, Deloitte take over auditing the figures on a quarterly basis.


    Victor Masalov, Director of Product Development at EXNESS, comments: “Trust is a critical factor for traders when choosing a retail Forex broker because traders want the reassurance that they are with a broker who will be a transparent and trusted partner. For the past 9 months, EXNESS has had audited trading figures and our link up with Deloitte, one of the world’s most respected auditing firms, offers our clients greater transparency than any other retail Forex broker.”


    EXNESS has announced trading volume of US$192,43 billion in September. More than 39,000 EXNESS unique clients traded during the month, with the most popular financial instrument being EUR/USD at US$93,1 billion, accounting for 48% of the total trading volume across all instruments. In second place was GBP/USD at US$44,9 billion, with USD/JPY rounding out the top three at $US24 billion.

    Download report here: https://www.exness.com/etc/EXNESS_report_September2014_17_11.pdf


    EXNESS has also announced today record trading figures of US$198,78 billion in October. During the month, EXNESS also experienced its highest ever trading volumes in a single day - a record US$11,3 billion on 15th October.

    Download report here: https://www.exness.com/etc/EXNESS_report_October2014.pdf


    More than 38,000 EXNESS unique clients traded during the month, with the most popular financial instrument being EUR/USD at US$98,47 billion.


    Sergey Kochergin, Senior Analyst at EXNESS, comments: “In October we saw a number of significant macroeconomic events that influenced volatility and therefore the attractiveness of specific trades. For example, in the US the minimisation of QE3 led to the formation of a clear growing trend in the US dollar, which traders capitalised on. The increase or resumption of quantitative easing programmes in Japan and the Eurozone certainly led to an increase in trading activity in the Yen and Euro cross rates, with us seeing a near doubling of USD/JPY trades since August.”


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  19. EXNESS and WWF have joined forces to restore rare and vanishing animal species




    As part of projects to protect animals, EXNESS and WWF Russia have joined forces to restore the Persian leopard population in the Caucasus and the Siberian tiger population in central Sikhote-Alin. These special projects, which are being implemented with EXNESS' support, will help preserve and restore these subspecies.


    Not long ago the Persian leopard was spread quite broadly in the Caucasus and inhabited virtually all of the region's mountainous areas, but due to intensified extermination at the end of the last century its numbers have fallen sharply. It has almost disappeared from Russia. In 2007 WWF Russia advanced an initiative to restore the rare leopard subspecies in the Russian Caucasus. With the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a program was developed to restore (reintroduce) the Persian leopard to the Caucasus.


    The program is being implemented by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology in collaboration with the Sochi National Park, the Caucasus Reserve, Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Ecological and Evolution Issues, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and the Moscow Zoo. The restoration of the leopard population is not only a matter of concern for scientists and public agencies, but also people and businesses who want to demonstrate social responsibility.


    The Siberian tiger has met a similar fate. The ongoing human-induced destruction of habitats and the poaching and illegal sales of tigers, and tiger body parts and derivatives seriously threaten the subspecies' fate. The new five-year program to preserve the tiger population at the Sikhote-Alin Reserve began by reinforcing the technical capabilities, expanding the size of the anti-poaching brigade, and monitoring the state of the Reserve.


    In 2014 our company also joined the effort to protect and restore the population of rare animals. Thanks to EXNESS' support, WWF plans to continue the restoration of the Persian leopard by creating, in captivity, conditions similar to the natural environment in order to prepare a group of leopards to be released into the wild. In order to develop, animals require not only food and care, but also special structures that imitate the natural landscape and allow the leopards to develop their dexterity and strength. And to observe the leopards after their release into nature, the Fund and EXNESS will purchase special radio collars and equipment to broadcast information about the animals' movements.


    EXNESS will also support WWF Russia's work to preserve the Siberian tiger. Specifically, the infrastructure at the Sikhote-Alin Reserve will be improved by cleaning paths for employees' movements and building at least four inspection huts on the Reserve.


    EXNESS believes it is important and proper to support wildlife and thus assist the growth of the environment in which we live. EXNESS is proud to contribute to the restoration of the populations of rare animals and to partner with one of the world's largest independent nature conservation organizations.

  20. MAP Audit confirms EXNESS' record trading volume in September


    Dear clients and partners,


    EXNESS Group is pleased to announce that in September 2014 its clients' trading volume reached the record level of 191.38 billion USD. As is customary, the financial report has been certified by an independent external auditor*.


    In the past month the trading volume has grown to 19.61 billion USD. The trading took place on the accounts of more than 38,000 EXNESS clients. The most popular financial instrument in September was EURUSD (90.7 billion USD – 47% of the total trading volume across all instruments). In second place was GBPUSD (44.4 billion USD), while USDJPY rounded out the top three (23.9 billion USD).


    Download information about EXNESS trading volumes from 09/01/2014 to 09/30/2014, which have been certified by the audit company MAP Audit: https://www.exness.com/etc/EXNESS_report_September2014.pdf


    *MAP Audit (legal name Meritorius Audit Limited) is an independent member of the MAP S.Platis Group — one of the leaders in professional consultancy services in Europe's forex industry, offering solutions in a wide range of financial services: licensing, financial auditing, risk management consulting, etc.



    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  21. EXNESS to become Team Partner with Infiniti Red Bull Racing Formula One Team




    EXNESS will become a Team Partner with Infiniti Red Bull Racing’s Formula One team. The partnership will begin on 1st January 2015 and the EXNESS logo will feature on the cockpit of the team’s Formula One cars.


    Petr Valov, Director of EXNESS, said: “We are very proud to become a Team Partner with Infiniti Red Bull Racing. Both Red Bull and Formula One are two of the strongest and most exciting brands in the world, and the Infiniti Red Bull Racing team has a very similar philosophy to EXNESS - we are both young teams and very ambitious, and we share the same values of freedom and drive.”


    Welcoming EXNESS as a Team Partner, Christian Horner, Team Principal of the Infiniti Red Bull Racing Team, said: “We are delighted that EXNESS is joining our team next year. Our approach as a team is to do things differently, with a strong commitment to quality and excellence. These are principles we share with EXNESS and we greatly look forward to our partnership during the upcoming season.”


    This announcement by EXNESS follows a period of outstanding growth by the company and expansion across the globe. In September this year, EXNESS' trading volumes exceeded US$190 billion.




    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  22. Forecast for the week October 13, 2014 - October 17, 2014




    Last week, the negative IMF forecasts of future growth of the world economy intensified the folding of the carry trade operations in global financial markets before the expected completion of the QE3 program in the United States in October.


    This week, attention should be paid to the final assessment of the euro zone's GDP for Q2 2014, as well as to the statistics on inflation and industrial production. After the statement made by the IMF chief Christine Lagarde that the euro zone's economy will slide into a recession with a probability of 40%, doubts about this disappeared. The Ukrainian crisis, being the main reason for the decline of investment growth in the euro zone is likely to continue until the end of this year, which will allow market participants to see new lows for the euro. In the short term, the EURUSD pair will probably retest the support level of 1.2500.


    The dynamics USDJPY pair will be linked to the statistics on industrial production and retail sales in the United States. Despite the expected growth for these indicators, we can not rule out the dollar's decline to 107 yen as part of its adjustment to the growth.


    The British currency still looks indefinite in relation to its future trajectory of motion. This week, it can be put into a stupor by the UK's volatile macroeconomic statistics. On the one hand, a decline in the unemployment rate in the country to 6.1% is expected, and on the other hand- there is the September decline in inflation to 1.4%. In the short term, the Brit will, apparently, once again, test the 1.5950 support level before seizing the initiative from its American counterpart.


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  23. New payment systems are available for ECN accounts


    Beginning in September 2014, ECN account holders at EXNESS LIMITED (VC) will be able to make deposits and withdrawals using bank cards and various electronic payment systems, in addition to bank transfers.


    One of EXNESS' fantastic features is many methods to make deposits and withdrawals for each account type. Today clients have access to more than 30 ways to perform transfers, including through popular electronic payment systems like WebMoney, Neteller, and Skrill (Moneybookers). Profits can be withdrawn to many of them instantly and without commissions.


    These new options for performing transactions on ECN accounts mean that traders will be able to make deposits and withdrawals more quickly and comfortably.


    Learn more about ways to make deposits and withdrawals, and about the relevant rules: https://www.exness.com/deposit_operations


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  24. Forecast for the week 29.09.2014-03.10.2014



    Last Friday, a revision of the US GDP from 4.2% (q/q) to 4.6% (q/q) for Q2 2014 helped the world's reserve currency to significantly strengthen its position in the FOREX market.

    This week, the September statistics on the US labor market is capable of making the dollar bulls happy. Despite its significantly overbought value, the USDJPY pair will probably close above the 110.00 mark on October 3rd.


    Strengthening of the dollar and the continued fall in commodity prices may adversely affect the Aussie, the Kiwi and the Loonie. During the week, we expect them to reduce to the levels of 0.8660, 0.7750 and 1.1250, respectively.


    On Thursday 2 October, the foreign currency market participants will listen carefully to the ECB president M.Dragi's speech, who is likely to announce the launch of the parameters for the ABS program of asset purchases in the euro zone. In the context of an expansion of the money supply in the euro zone, the euro can be expected to decline to the 1.2600 level.


    This week, the pound will discount the data on the balance of payments, the final assessment of the country's GDP for Q2 2014, as well as the September business activity indices in the UK's manufacturing and service sectors. Given the close relationship of the British and European economies, the reduction of the latter will probably hit not only the value of the euro, but also that of the pound. We assume that the GBPUSD pair will fall to the 1.6165 support level.



    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

  25. Forecast for the week September 22, 2014 - September 26, 2014




    According to last week's results, the world's reserve currency has significantly strengthened in the FOREX market against the background of a reduction in the US FRS monthly program of QE3 asset purchases down to 15 billion dollars. We believe that the growth of long-term interest rates on the US government bonds will facilitate the settlement of carry trade transactions in the EURUSD and USDJPY pairs.


    At the end of this week, attention should be paid to the third estimate of the US GDP for the 2nd quarter of 2014. A revision of the growth rates for the US key macroeconomic indicators from 4.2% (m/ m) to 4.6% (m/ m) will increase the likelihood of increasing the federal funds rate in Q.1 2015. During the week, the EURUSD pair may be lower to the 1.2750 level, and the USDJPY pair may test the 110.00 mark.


    After the referendum held in Scotland, which turned out to be a success for the UK, a resumption of demand for British assets can be expected. In relation to the GBPUSD pair, which came down by 2 figures on September 19, opening a long position at the support level of 1.6250 should be considered.


    On September 23, the Aussie, Kiwi and Loonie commodity currencies will closely monitor the HSBC bank's preliminary evaluation of the business activity index in China's manufacturing sector. The projected September decline in the PMI index from 50.2 p. to 50.0 p., will emphasize the correct control measures taken by the Chinese regulator in order to stimulate the national economy. During the week, the pair AUDUSD, NZDUSD and USDCAD may test the 0.8850, the 0.8050 and the 1.1000 respectively.


    Source: https://www.exness.com/analytics/14/09/22/forecast_for_the_week_september_22__2014___september_26__2014/


    Risk Warning: Trading leveraged products such as CFDs involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. Trading such products is risky and you may lose all of your invested capital.

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