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Sixer last won the day on October 1 2024

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About Sixer

  • Birthday 05/19/1948

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  1. DK has updated the NIFTY count for different time frames today: http://sweeglu.com/nifty-analysis-outlook-and-important-levels-for-07-oct-2019/ I use the same count for the Dow and S&P 500 indices. Sixer
  2. Tradermen, it seems that they steel each others ideas ... Is Matt Radtke a member of Alvarez Quant Trading ? I say: NO ! Have a look at the forum discussions: http://www.amibroker-courses.com/forums/ Sixer
  3. I`m looking for the AmiBroker Rational Strategies Course from Alvarez Quant Trading: https://alvarezquanttrading.com/amibroker-rotational-strategies-course/ Sixer
  4. You need the Market Matrix Add-On for DT7. It contains the solution for S&P, FTSE, DAX, Gold and GBPUSD. Sixer
  5. Here is a short summary of the Market Matrix for starters: http://www.tradersdaytrading.com/market-matrix.html Sixer
  6. You can watch the 90 mins youtube video of the Fibonacci Queen too. She shows which Tools of the DT platform she is using for her trading: Sixer
  7. Are you looking for the new CB book ? The 32nd Jewel https://aeroinvest.com/32ndJewel/contents.htm Sixer
  8. roy4hire, this course has nothing to do with astro. Sixer
  9. The NIFTY outlook for different time frames from DK: http://sweeglu.com/elliott-wave-counts-of-nifty-for-08-july-2019/ Sixer
  10. Is this the reason why the link was deleted so rapidly ? https://libraryoftrader.com/product/tradingology-options-trading-course/ Sixer
  11. Quote form laser1000it: "Old stuff already shared" Correct - most of the new forum users are acting as Re-sellers not as Traders which seems to be more profitable !? Sixer
  12. I have the pleasure to open this thread with a NIFTY count/picture/outlook as a non-indian: https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?p=12363263#post12363263 see post #1392 Sixer
  13. I can`t recognisze why it is so interesting ! Are looking for it for re-selling with big profit ? https://www.libraryoftrader.com/product/rwtrades-wolf-trading-day-trading-guide/ Sixer
  14. How shall anybody help you if you don`t provide more information to your request ?! Sixer Edit: The Dr. Keppler course about Market Profile was shared here already !
  15. You can find a lot of information from Lex van Dam and Anton Kreil at youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lexvandamofficial/videos Sixer
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