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About tommy1618

  • Birthday 02/18/1988

tommy1618's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Ralph, thank you for sharing the excellent course. Can you do the same for the rest of part 1 please?
  2. Hi, does anyone know where I can find very old stock data that are back from 1900? Thanks
  3. Hi guys, I got burn badly during the last few years of trading (both financially and mentally) to the point that I lost the confidence in trading real money. However I am not giving up on trading yet. I changed my method of trading, and I am currently developing a new strategy. But before I play with real money again, I would like test my strategy on paper trading. I need a program that can evaluate and keep track of performance. Does anyone know a good program have such function? or recommend a better solution? Thanks in advance Tommy
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