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Everything posted by didider2

  1. Thanks a lot indo37 and et_phonehome_2 for your replies. I saw the manual at profitunity web site. They say that course includes a printed tutorial manual which includes many example charts. I will follow the threads at TSD and FF also. I backtested the system at ninjatrader, (TF 15 min) and saw that it is not stable, 1 day TF is too long for me, I want to trade intraday since I don´t have too much capital to trade at least till now. I wanted the manual to check whether I understand the system corectly and write code according to that or not. I liked the philosophy of trading chaos and theory of it. It gives good understanding of market nature that is why I want to trade it. But I think I need deep understanding and practice to be successful. So I should study home study course, if I can find it :) Thanks a lot for your help.
  2. Could you please somebody reload Bill Williams Profitınity Home study course Manual, I have been searching to find it for months. I read all books of him but without manual it is not possible to build a system profitable really. Thanks a lot in advance for your help
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