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Posts posted by 51friend

  1. OK, let's develop this strategy


    Ok, I know that eggzactly has deleted this thread. Could we develop this strategy further?


    As i know, the original strategy used two main indicators, Trend Director and Trade Activator. The following indicators are used in TradeStation8.


    =============#TT Trend for futures only as Trend Director=================

    [LegacyColorValue = true];



    ***** Study name: 'TT Trend'


    { ***** DLLs Section ***** }

    { ***** INPUTs Section *****}

    Inputs: Length(52),upColor(green), dnColor(magenta);

    { ***** VARs Section ***** }

    Variables: tactivator(0),mm(0),mm2(0);

    { ***** ARRAYs Section *****}

    { ***** CODE Section ***** }




    tactivator = ((xaverage(VOLUME, Length)-xaverage (OPENINT, Length))*1.800000)/1000;



    Plot4(tactivator, "S Trend");

    Plot5(tactivator, "SB");

    PLOT6 (tactivator, "TT Trend") ;


    IF (PLOT6 >= 0) THEN SETPLOTCOLOR (6, upColor) ELSE SETPLOTCOLOR (6, dnColor) ;

    Plot7 (0, "Zero") ;


    =============#TT UTrend as Trend Director=========================

    [LegacyColorValue = true];



    ***** Study name: 'TT - UTrend'


    { ***** INPUTs Section *****}


    { ***** VARs Section ***** }

    Variables: FastLen(12), MMLen(34), SlowLen(26), Length(10), StDv(1), MidLine(0);

    Variables: Average1(32), Average2(5), Smooth(5), PosColor(cyan), NegColor(magenta);

    Variables: bbMacd(0), avg(0), sDev(0), upperBand(0), lowerBand(0);

    Variables: bbHi(0), bbLo(0), t3Trnd(0), t3TrndSmth(0), smthFactor(2/(Smooth+1));

    Variables: smooth01(0), smooth02(0), smooth1(0), smooth21(0);

    Variables: smooth22(0), smooth23(0), price2(0), price3(0), xAvg01(0);

    Variables: xAvg02(0), xAvg1(0), xAvg21(0), xAvg22(0), xAvg23(0);

    Variables: xAvg31(0), xAvg32(0), xAvg33(0), sumSqr(0), mean(0);

    Variables: ii(0);

    { ***** ARRAYs Section *****}

    { ***** CODE Section ***** }


    IF true THEN


    price2 = CLOSE-CLOSE[1] ;

    price3 = ABSVALUE (price2) ;



    smooth01 = 2/(FastLen+1) ;

    smooth02 = 2/(SlowLen+1) ;

    smooth1 = 2/(Length+1) ;

    smooth21 = 2/(Average1+1) ;

    smooth22 = 2/(Average2+1) ;

    smooth23 = 1 ;

    xAvg01 = CLOSE ;

    xAvg02 = CLOSE ;

    xAvg1 = 0 ;

    xAvg21 = price2 ;

    xAvg22 = price2 ;

    xAvg23 = price2 ;

    xAvg31 = price3 ;

    xAvg32 = price3 ;

    xAvg33 = price3 ;



    xAvg01 = xAvg01[1]+smooth01*(CLOSE-xAvg01[1]) ;

    xAvg02 = xAvg02[1]+smooth02*(CLOSE-xAvg02[1]) ;

    bbMacd = xAvg01-xAvg02 ;

    xAvg1 = xAvg1[1]+smooth1*(bbMacd-xAvg1[1]) ;

    xAvg21 = xAvg21[1]+smooth21*(price2-xAvg21[1]) ;

    xAvg22 = xAvg22[1]+smooth22*(xAvg21-xAvg22[1]) ;

    xAvg23 = xAvg23[1]+smooth23*(xAvg22-xAvg23[1]) ;

    xAvg31 = xAvg31[1]+smooth21*(price3-xAvg31[1]) ;

    xAvg32 = xAvg32[1]+smooth22*(xAvg31-xAvg32[1]) ;

    xAvg33 = xAvg33[1]+smooth23*(xAvg32-xAvg33[1]) ;

    END ;


    sDev = 0 ;

    IF (Length > 0) THEN


    mean = 0 ;

    sumSqr = 0 ;

    FOR ii = 0 TO Length-1


    mean = mean+bbMacd[ii] ;

    END ;


    mean = mean/Length ;

    FOR ii = 0 TO Length-1


    sumSqr = sumSqr+SQUARE (bbMacd[ii]-mean) ;

    END ;


    sDev = SQUAREROOT (sumSqr/Length) ;

    END ;


    avg = xAvg1 ;

    upperBand = avg+StDv*sDev ;

    lowerBand = avg-StDv*sDev ;

    bbHi = bbMacd ;

    bbLo = bbMacd ;

    FOR ii = MMLen-1 DOWNTO 1


    IF (bbHi < bbMacd[ii]) THEN bbHi = bbMacd[ii] ;

    IF (bbLo > bbMacd[ii]) THEN bbLo = bbMacd[ii] ;

    END ;


    PLOT1 (bbMacd, "UTrend") ;

    PLOT2 (bbMacd, "UTrend S") ;

    PLOT3 (upperBand, "upper") ;

    PLOT4 (lowerBand, "lower") ;

    PLOT5 (0, "ZeroLine") ;

    PLOT6 (0, "ZeroLine S") ;

    PLOT7 (bbMacd, "UTrend H") ;

    PLOT8 (bbMacd, "UTrend Line") ;


    IF bbMacd < 0 then setplotcolor (5,NegColor);

    IF bbMacd > 0 then setplotcolor (5,PosColor);


    IF (xAvg33 <> 0) THEN t3Trnd = 100*xAvg23/xAvg33 ELSE t3Trnd = 0 ;

    IF (CURRENTBAR = 1) THEN t3TrndSmth = t3Trnd ELSE t3TrndSmth = t3TrndSmth[1]+smthFactor*(t3Trnd-t3TrndSmth[1]) ;

    IF (t3Trnd >= t3TrndSmth) AND (bbMacd > lowerBand) THEN SETPLOTCOLOR (1, PosColor) ;

    IF (t3Trnd <= t3TrndSmth) AND (bbMacd < upperBand) THEN SETPLOTCOLOR (1, NegColor) ;

    END ;


    =========#TT TActivator as Trade Activator=============

    {Ergodic Indicator:}


    {from William Blau's book --- "Momentum, Direction and Divergence"

    FORMAT: Ergodic_TSI(Price, r, s, u,, SmthLen)

    where r = length of first EMA smoothing of 1 day momentum,

    s = length of second EMA smoothing of 1 day smooting,

    u = length of third EMA smooting of 1 daymomentum,

    SmthLen = length of ema signal line.


    This is plotting the Average only (value2)}


    Inputs: Price©, r(7), s(27), u(1), SmthLen(7);


    Value1= TSI(Price, r, s, u);


    Value2= XAverage(TSI(Price, r, s, u), SmthLen);








    IF (PLOT1 >= PLOT3) THEN


    SETPLOTCOLOR (1, red) ;

    SETPLOTCOLOR (3, red) ;



    SETPLOTCOLOR (1, green) ;

    SETPLOTCOLOR (3, green) ;

    END ;






    Does anyone develop the enter rules and exit rules based on the above indicators yet? Any idea welcome. Thanks.



  2. Where is the thread for "Trading System for E-Mini S&P 500 Futures" by eggzactly? Yesterday i read the thread at http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/1959-Trading-System-for-E-Mini-S-amp-P-500-Futures. But today the thread doesn't exist any more.


    I'm really interested in the indicators used by eggzactly. Does anyone remember the enter rules and exit rules in the "Trading System for E-Mini S&P 500 Futures" by eggzactly? Thanks.

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