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Everything posted by aclient21

  1. Admin, I know, I missed the window. I would like to become a VIP. Thanks
  2. new link for this course https://www.mediafire.com/file/1ir4vqtekuyzgkr/Balance-Trader.rar/file have fun :)
  3. well if you see the introduction video you'll see there is only 11 section my friend. total 12 videos with the introduction :) You know what it amazed me !!! this link been 1828 downloaded in few days ?? it went everywhere i guess
  4. Hi there my friend, thanks alot for you sharing. Lately i cant unzip your files. The old once works fine ? Any suggestion
  5. u can find some courses in here, and those courses seems a like i think. good luck
  6. Thanks for the share my friend, i dont know why i can,t extract your file. I am using winrar. should i use another ?
  7. thanks for the share, it is a huge file can you divide it into parts. thanks in advance :)
  8. try download it with internet download manger. just copy the link into the url
  9. Great share kanggoiseng, thanks alot :)
  10. Great thread from a Great man, thank you so much kyrus
  11. can anyone pm me the links please, thanks in advance
  12. welcome back, wishes you good health, happiness and trading profit :)
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