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Tradermen last won the day on September 9 2019

Tradermen had the most liked content!

About Tradermen

  • Birthday 04/07/1977

Tradermen's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Dont think it is.... This is the tc4s Version that was arround before your GB.
  2. That course isnt recorder. Its a presencial course.
  3. Maybe they started with seven figure capital.
  4. You got to BE inventive and think out of the box. Price ation works best. But most of indicators could be useffull as filters.
  5. They are friends. Both worked with c0nners. Its the same instrutor. I think its the same. ONLY price is diferent.
  6. Is this diferent from this One? https://[email protected]/course/scoring-r@nking-and-rot@tional-systems-in-amibr@ker-by-m@tt-r@dtle/
  7. 90% win rate.... Bulshit spoiler Alert.
  8. Thank you for this: 411 Amibroker auto tools to deduct advanced patterns. If possible Share 7. THE ALGO / ROBO TRADING.
  9. "Access to nearly $10,000 in indicators and automated strategies" And the guy explain it by pen and paper?
  10. This is the Key. I buy a lot of courses not because i think i Will find the Holly grail. When i watch a new course related with the subject that i have preference and i find a new setup, a new filter, a new exit, a new robustness method that i can had to the stuff i developed i Will by happy. I never watch a course or book with the expectation that the author is the real deal and i Will make millions with is method.... If it was shared, probably it wont work in real time.
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