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Posts posted by dskvt

  1. Fxtrader23a


    You are no better off then anyone else YOU ALONG WITH EVERYONE ELSE ON THE NET who took (stold) the original idea for all currecny meters from THE FATHER and CREATOR of the idea in the first placefrom TOM YEOMANS , EVERYONE KNOWNS THAT!! you dam fool, so the next time you start calling people names and start say "you came up with the idea" I am calling YOU STRAIGHT TO YOUR FACE A DAM LIER! go home and cry to your mon and tell her how you stold something and got mad like a baby when someone just made something better than you did from something you STOLD FROM TOM YEOMANS, GROW UP!!


    You are the man German.>>>>>> PEACE!


    FXTrader you stole the original idea yourself so I am not certain why you are upset.






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