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Everything posted by Michael

  1. A man with 2 black eyes and a five iron golf club wrapped around his neck walks into a hospital emergency ward. Naturally, the doctor who sees him asked what happened. "Well," the injured man starts, "My wife and I were playing a round of golf at a course next to a farmers field. My wife sliced her golf shot way off into the farmer's field where there were some cows grazing. So my wife and I walked over into the field and started looking around for her golf ball. A few minutes later, I saw something small and white just at the back of one of the cows, so I went up behind the cow and sure enough, there was my wife's golf ball, stuck in the rear end of the cow's butt under its tail. That's when I made my mistake..." The doctor asked "What happened?" The man replied "I lifted up the cow's tail and yelled to my wife 'Hey honey! THIS LOOKS LIKE YOURS!" :kicking:
  2. Two toothless termites walk into a bar and ask a waitress "is the bar TENDER here?"
  3. Hi. I often update my Twitter status lines and they almost ALWAYS have to do with making money online. Be sure to check it out and follow it HERE! Also, is anyone else on this forum a user of Twitter? Let me and others know so we can be kept in the loop!
  4. Hey there! Which part of Alberta you from? I'm in Calgary! Good to see another fellow Albertan aboard!
  5. I'm curious to know which online (or even offline) advertising methods people here use that have gotten them a lot of either hits and/or sign-ups with their opportunities? Just to show people that I'm not here simply to ask that question but to also provide my input, here's one that works very well for me: YouTube. I've made at least a couple of videos for YouTube prompting people to goto my site and sign up. So far, in just under a month using two videos I produced and put on YouTube, I've gotten 39 people to sign up with me because of those videos. Other thoughts/input/real-life examples are definitely welcome!
  6. Howdy y'all from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Besides working full time, I just recently started my own little online presence which shows people ways to make extra money online quickly (instantly and weekly). Seeing as how I know at least a few people here on this forum, I decided to go give it a try too. I look forward to being on this forum and providing help where needed as well as being able to find answers to question I may have. All the best - Michael :dance9bh:
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