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Everything posted by CashCat

  1. All of our members are special..keep up the good work!! Guess I have some catching up to do..
  2. Hi all, I have been around this industry for a lot of years and I want to congratulate James for taking over CIF. This forum has great potential and I would like to encourage all guests to please register and post as often as you like...and make some cash while you're doing it. Who else offers that?? I will be contacting Admins to potentially purchase some advertising packages on CIF along with my Mod duties. So if you are an Admin..please feel free to contact me at: cashcat{at}collectiveinvestmentsforum.com or if you prefer..just send me a PM. We will be happy to accommodate your advertising needs at reasonable rates. Check out our rate chart here:http://www.collectiveinvestmentsforum.com/advertise/purchase.php Again..a big congratulations to James..and a warm Welcome to all CIF members. I hope we can all get to know each other and share our knowledge and information and make this forum ROCK!!
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