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Everything posted by THANKS

  1. http://www.forexwhileyouwork.com/ Looks easy!
  2. http://www.fOrextrendmaster.cOm/ Has divergence trading modules. Anyone?
  3. Please share the new advanced indicators called 1. Hindsight Oracle 2. London Open Breakout scanner
  4. REQ: UPDATED Hector course There is an updated version with new advanced indicator called HINDSIGHT ORACLE predicts PA from hindsight price action pattern,Sounds awesome! Some new modules added too! If anyone has it...please share. http://www.forexknights.com/store-mentoringprogram.php#AdvancedIndicators Much appreciated :)
  5. That link did not work for me either. There was another link given which had all the modules on thepage. If you sign up to 4 share and take each module into your free account and then download it I am trying to find that other link but last 15 mins not been successfu; Searc for it on theforum... I will have to try again but have to go out now
  6. it is called forex knights.....you may have to google it to find it
  7. Thanks will open the rar file. and get it from there. Bless your kindless in the share.
  8. @ MAHMUXX Also I sucessfully downloaded the whole course from the 4 share link provided yesterday. One needs to download into your own 4 shared account first before you can download it on your PC. It is free to set up a 4 shared account. Hope this helps and many thanks to LPTUYEN for sharing. Saves many hundreds of dollars. HECTOR has started a new trading LIVE room recently. $1.00 trial for the first month. It is excellent so far.Going to be better with more added features.
  9. Anyone have the magic Bar indicator please. Appreciate very much.
  10. ANYONE HAVE Bob Iaccinos Personal Trendline Hunter System - Full Version It draws trendlines automatically. SELLS for $136.00AUD. http://www.thedownloadplanet.com/catalog/item/bob-iaccinos-personal-trendline-hunter-system---full-version-/
  11. There is a new one called forexmentor/swingtrader. Uses fibonacci H4 mainly . There is a full course and daily advisory portfolio service(subscription based) to reinforce the priniciples in the strategy. Anyone have it yet? PLEASE SHARE. http://www.forexmentor.com/swingtrader/
  12. Two more of many sucessful femail traders. Louise Bedford and Carolyn Boroden (fibonacci queen) http://massmirror.com/0419bab5fa3bcc9d0519467bcf544867.html http://massmirror.com/48e1c0ddc56344e1eee09929645bd434.html
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