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iqofgenius last won the day on January 15 2013

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  1. Hockboon I thank you for the downloads. Even though this is over a year later I am still receiving Emails about the purported success rate of #'s 4 and 6 so I am anxious to study them.
  2. Why do these all seem to be the same? A bunch of Bootcamp videos.
  3. It's really quite simple. The guys selling the $997 program are like IB's for the 2 "brokers". They get a kickback on every trade you make. Read the Terms and Conditions for the "brokers" and see the requirements to withdraw your funds. They bait you in with special offers of additional account funding.
  4. There is nothing to share. You just go to their site and fund your account. WARNING!!! Read their Terms and Conditions and then see how fast you can run because if you send them any money you can call it a donation.
  5. Your format is not recognized by any of the seven video readers on my computer and therefore cannot be opened.
  6. I subscribe to 4shared. No De Mark stuff there.
  7. Marco and Collier is kinda nice. Been there many times. Live in SOUTHeast GA but NE GA is get away from it all country.
  8. I successfully .downloaded all eight sections but when I went to extract them they were all the same. The one with the bootcamps and Deano
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