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About Dorky

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  1. Hi Steve Great to see you hear.. it is good to stretch you wings to enhance experiences... lol wow that was pretty good for a bloke who hasn't has a nap today.. lol. Sorry Steve, for some reason I think I may have crossed your path before.. if not, no problem.. welcome to CIF and we hope you enjoy your time here. Make yourself at home. Have a look around.. See you around. Dorky :)
  2. Welcome to CIF RayRay :welcomeani2: Your name is familiar to me.. I will work it out when next I see you out and about. :) I am sure there will still be a fair share of those "programs", but with your past experiences behind you, you will move forward with eyes and ears open. I feel the industry is turning in the right direction, and as you said we are in the Information Age now, there sure is plenty of it around. But we still have the issue of sorting it out. Sometimes we misread the information, so places like CIF are good for getting others opinions then make decisions.. I am rather picky where I put my money these days. Hopefully we can all work together to work the good out from the bad. Looking forward bumping into you around the threads. Dorky :)
  3. Hello Jake.. I don't think I have ever seen you out and about. But welcome to CIF, we all need a breath of freshair. Dorky :)
  4. Welcome Dennis :) It is great to have you onboard, with your experience you a real asset to CIF. Catch you around. Dorky :)
  5. Sorry I have taken so long to get here.. my mailbox over there is full.. waiting to upgrade subscription.. lol another story.. but PMed you here.. hope you get it.. Also hi to GP, Bullion and Mary.. I have really missed you all Dorky :)
  6. Hi Oakie :biggrin3: Welcome to CIF .. you know you really never know who you will bump into here.. :) Looking forward to seeing you around. Dorky :)
  7. Now JS.. if you are going to put your birthday in your profile... you can't tell little white lies now.. Born June-4-1959 Check your profile... LOL Dorky :biggrin3:
  8. Welcome mummymachine.... great to see you here. Dorky :embarrassed(1): (hey Austin... I haven't seen these little pics here before)
  9. Hi JS.. I don't know where you live.. but.. I know it is your birthday.. Sorry I didn't put any candles on the cake.. but I didn't want to melt it!! :P Dorky :)
  10. Gee thanks for the welcome guys.. and ladies of course.. I have an attack of the shys.... a new environment is like moving to me.. I guess it will take me awhile to get myself.. unpacked so to speak. @ skylady I am not quite sure what you mean, but I am always around somewhere.. just maybe not when you are at the same time Dorky :)
  11. Great to be hear! Been having a look around and I see plenty of people I haven't seen in ages. MMM.. a bit about myself.. well ... I enjoy lawn bowls, drinking beer, cars, meeting new people,chatting on the internet, and last but not least my financial freedom, Auto Surfing Programs which make me money. Just enough to live of course. I am no guru, but I have been doing this since December 2004. I have seen many programs come and go. It is the nature of the beast. Mind you, being around at the right time you can certainly get in and earn some "extra" cash. To me everyday is a new challenge... life and internet life. No, I don't have the memory of a goldfish.. LOL I also have the aid of a trusty notebook Looking forward to the days, weeks and years to come. Dorky :)
  12. Hi Kassy Nice fresh forum, glad you touched down here.. LOL Sunny Scotland.. I have never envisenged Scotland being that way, but I am sure you would have some lovely days.. coming into your summer now too.. Great to see you. Dorky :)
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