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Everything posted by daya

  1. Dear Kesk, Any update after 4 Feb 25....... Regards
  2. Every time nag screen for Shareware version. you have 30 days left. what is it ? Is it educated or not Regards
  3. Thanks for your nice gesture. Please upgrade me to VIP membership
  4. I appreciate and Thankful to efforts of all uploader. But Amibroker material is not complete in a given Link hxxps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oUVpZ7edAWAGuX6rPx-WMTKpcFbmjNcf Two or three .afl file and one .dll is missing. If anybody have it and willing to share..... please.... Regards
  5. Hi, Now StartaSearch 4.5.40 is Completely Free. Please check hxxp://wwx.stratasearch.com/download.html. I personally check it. It is true and OK Please hurry and download it. Regards
  6. CandleScanner Intraday This is a specialist charting package with a difference. The purpose-designed candlestick recognition software automatically detects patterns, which takes the hard work out of identifying them visually. It identifies and presents the detected candlestick patterns in visually attractive displays, which can also be customised Speedy & Reliable Scanning: CandleScanner recognizes in total 104 patterns: 20 basic candles and 84 candlestick patterns. The following list of authors, and their books, had the biggest influence on how the CandleScanner scanning algorithms were implemented: -Seiki Shimizu (The Japanese Chart of Charts) -Steve Nison (Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques) -Thomas Bulkowski (Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts) -Gregory Morris (Candlestick Charting Explained: Timeless Techniques for Trading Stock and Futures) For Details: hxxp://www.candlescanner.com/candlescanner-overview/ hxxp://rapidgator.net/file/0a099f793ef6f795985c8c6d3c5ca744/[email protected] Change x for t and @ for a Regards
  7. Hi, I need Neuroshell DayTrader 6( Power user version). In exchange I can offer Trading Blox Builder Latest version 4.xx.(cost is $3999 ) This is educated copy checked with Kaspersky 2015. Regards
  8. Hi, Can anybody share medicine for Multicharts V 8.8 32 bit. Thanks
  9. Link is http://www.s3ndspac3.c0m/file/26jim7 Password: Q7FBfWltkSx3yrlbYZf6Yc Also I hv Crack for v 7.0 but installation file is corrupt. Anybody hv installation file for APS v 7 pl share or exchange.
  10. HI Anyone please upload working Refined Elliott wave trader with all Enable and powerpack All links in this forum are dead Thanks
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