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    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in Using @Pex   
    I would love to be healthy and happy. All of these wishes I can't buy or find. Similarly, the matter, you are asking for you can't find anywhere. (Perchance, you can buy it, $200/month)
    Why it is still not available? Because it requires the work and the effort to do that. Much more than usually in this kind of work. This is not my daily work, nor my responsibilities and finally it is my free work. And please remember - I'm sorry, but I have to pay my bills as everybody else.
    Or somebody is going to cover my costs? I'm not a charity fund...
    So, please be patient and don't write to me a private messages asking for this stuff because of the PM box capacity (100 messages).
  2. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Wanderer in Using @Pex   
    Example of Trade under updated Volume rules.
  3. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to mulri in [Req] Advanced Ichimoku Course   
    Don't Worry... I won't let you down..!
    Here you go guys..!
    Two of his price-less courses..!



    (I'm very much hungry for kudus..!)
  4. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Wanderer in Using @Pex   
    These are the rules so far.
    Again, the goal of this project is to develop a trading method that enables me to take one profitable trade a day with the highest probability. This is, of course, going to require a lot of waiting and patience.
    The goal is not to become a Professional Trader. I don't want to grapple with the markets. I don't even like trading. I just want an income. A modest one at that. I think it is doable if I can maintain my discipline.
    A lack of discipline enables the Market Makers to manipulate me. And then I lose. I am not going to beat them at their game. So I have to change the game to one I can win. And that will be a game of self discipline.
    I have decided to add a Retest of the Deviation Levels, Current Session or Previous Session, to the rules because the strongest trades come from that. The Deviation Levels are based on Options data and forward looking.
    Price must retest Deviation Level. Current or Previous Session.
    Actual Volume must be equal to or above Expected Volume. Preferably in a stair-step pattern.
    Range Bar must be, equal to or higher than, the most recent Bar of the opposite color. Preferably in a stair-step pattern.
    Range Channel (on Price Action) Highs/Lows must be progressively higher/lower for Longs/Shorts.
  5. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in REQ Indicators from www.ninjacators.com   
    ..in thinking or understanding?
  6. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in REQ Indicators from www.ninjacators.com   
    Let's better try to find a friends, similar to you, in another place. And, don't worry - I don't care about you as well. I suppose, most of us don't need here another leecher.
  7. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to ⭐ moneyshare in REQ Indicators from www.ninjacators.com   
    kindly respect others, even you disagree with them. you don't know the value of admis.
  8. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Wanderer in Using @Pex   
    The chart below is the rest of Monday's session. The system has done its job well and kept me out of a Bad Trade Day. A day where the odds were against me. I kept my discipline and did not make an impulse trade.
    It is my goal to make this trading system as objective and mechanical as possible. This will be done with a clearly defined set of rules. Of course there will always be a degree of subjectivity. But I hope to minimize it as much as possible.
    The objective here again is to take one profitable trade a session and stop. When we succumb to greed and want it all, we are playing the Market Makers game and are in their control. So one of the ways we beat them is to take what we need at the optimum time and leave. We strike when they are most vulnerable and disappear into the fog. It is like being a guerrilla fighter or a Ninja. They are defenseless against this strategy. So lets whip them like a redheaded stepchild (no offense to redheads).
  9. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in Newest @Pex Toolkit   
    Of course, always is the chance. But I have to develop and introduce a kind of protection, independent of vendor protections. For now, I'd suggest you and others interested in this product, to track Wanderer's thread. After that, I'll ask you again for the interest in using it.
  10. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Wanderer in Using @Pex   
    Today's ES. It's character appears distinctly different than the TF. Still the volume here, as in the TF, gives us a good idea when and where to trade. Along with the other indicators. The Apex bars filter out a lot of noise. They are like range bars on steroids.
    Again, in my opinion, the Market only gives up the goods 20% of the time. Give or take.
  11. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Wanderer in Using @Pex   
    Monday - No Trade Day. Stopped at Noon EST. Midnight my time.
  12. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in Newest @Pex Toolkit   
    Simple and honest answer: It's done and works for now. But:
    A part of important indicators downloads the data from the vendor server. You can imagine, what could happen in the case of public sharing... In the past it already happened.
    There are some options. I'm sorry, none of them does not assume of sharing with all without a restrictions...
    Certainly, I'm not going to forget about the friends.
  13. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Wanderer in Using @Pex   
    This thread's purpose is to the discuss various ways of trading Futures with this Trading system. No vendor source code. We encourage anyone who profits from the use of these tools to support the developer.
    We will start as soon as the kit is prepared.
    @FloridaTrader Can we get an edit on the title of the other thread renaming it @pex etc. Like this one. Thanks.
    Hey my friend, SecretTrader has a thread started and I shot him a pm asking if he too agrees. If so, it will be changed buddy!8-)
    Update: SecretTrader approved your suggestion and changes have been implemented my friend. Let me know if other links needs changing too. ;)
    Thanks buddy. It's good to know you have our back. :)
  14. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in Using @Pex   
    I only have to finish some "cleaning" work but as I wrote earlier it must be postponed a little bit (I think till tomorrow).
    I like very much the LogikWand with one exception. It makes difficult to draw a lines on the chart, (for example the Fibonacci levels) because of intensive refreshing...
  15. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to SecretTrader in Using @Pex   
    Here is a trade I took today.
    ITM = In-The-Money
    ATM= At-The-Money
    OTM= Out-the-Money
    I Sold an ITM binary since the binary was already less than the strike, the risk on the binary was greater since the probability for it expiring in the money was greater. At the end of the hour, the binary was still in the money so I received a payout of $22.5. The initial risk on the trade was $100 -$22.5 so $77.5, but that is if you hold the binary to expiration. I usually get out of a binary trade if the market moves right to the binary strike so the binary becomes worth about $50 or ATM. On ndex you can always exit before expiration. So based on this scenario where my risk was $77.5 if I would have held it, but since i get out at $50 ($50-$22.5) my risk was $27.5.
    On my ITM binary trades I have 3 outcomes:
    1. The binary can hit my profit target (since binary's price move high as it becomes more ITM and the less time, time decay)
    2. If my profit target is not hit, I just hold to expiration to collect whatever the $100-risk amount is
    3. I place a stop limit order right at the strike price of the binary where the price becomes $50 or ATM
    Now onto the system:
    The system i was trading today is called the Spike Striker. What it does is analyze the volume between the 5min, 10min, and 15min and then plots spikes according to certain volume spikes that occur. the volume spike is usually double the volume before and after that certain volume strike. When ever the strike gets plotted on the the graph, that 2nd bar after the spike bar, you want to either buy or sell an ITM binary if the 2nd bar after the spike bar break it by a tick. You want to buy or sell the closest ITM binary on nadex. Then only 3 outcomes can occur like I discussed above.
    here are some marked up charts indicating entries using the Spike Strikes system:
    As you can see. this system has many a very high winning rate. I use ITM binaries so even if the market moves against me by a couple ticks, as loong as the market is still in the binary range I am ITM. I will later post more vids and such on how binaries move and all. All the education is for free on the Apex website!
  16. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to admis in hey guys i got a 30day trial of this algorithmic orderflow.   
    With all the respect to the developer, but this product makes the impression we've moved to the past. Maybe it is only pre beta release? Long ago I haven't seen so unfriendly software...
    I really don't understand of admiration for this product ...(?)
    The newest installation files (64bit) and patched exe to overwrite (replace).
    pw: known
    ps. I've checked it only with the NT connection and I don't even want to spend more time on that, so please don't ask me about any issues related with this software.
  17. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to exp48967 in BookM@p (an insight to the order book dynamics & order book flow)   
    Any news on this indy?
  18. Like
    dennyyusuf got a reaction from newbie0101 in [REQ] Volume at Price eBook   
    here we go http://[email protected]/file/iz9rmp
  19. Like
    dennyyusuf got a reaction from Spectral_Analyst in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    I watched videos on their youtube channel, actuallye there is also new indicator (I forgot the name) , which is basically a market profile range, u can profiling in a range u prefer( u can use LogicHand instead).
    The rests are same I think,except they added more cuztomizable indicator (EXA,VCA,MOA) which we already have.
  20. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to leledc in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    Sorry admis but i have said in the past i wouldn't have shared anymore here.I don't search nothing more than what i have:i can trade with every footprint chart.
    P.s. I don't have set of installation...
  21. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to leledc in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
  22. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to leledc in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    Top/bottom left delta,top/bottom right COT and letters are patterns: SIT Sellers initiating trading,RS Responsive Selling,NAD Neutral action down,BIT buyers initiating trading,RB responsive buying,NAU neutral action Up...But OFA is an adavnced software:before you should learn basics of tape reading/trading(usually most of people call footprint chart "trading order flow",but for me it is "tape trading" like time and sales...)
  23. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to leledc in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    :) :) :) :) :)
  24. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to leledc in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    Yes i can...Version 5.4.0 works on market replay previous one not.
  25. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to leledc in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    You should learn basics...They aren't signals:they represent some conditions based on auction market theory.Trading isn't so simple...
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