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    dennyyusuf reacted to stockpro in REQ: OFA NT Plugin   
    I Have Successfully Cracked It Without Decompiling with simple method in 2 minutes, I Can Post it here but if owner comes to know then this method will not work in future versions,therefore I can't post here publicly... to protect this info I Will share to only those users who are active and have done more for this forum... just pm me
  2. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to stockpro in REQ: OFA NT Plugin   
    I Have PM to 17 Peoples out of 30 Requests Mostly 1 to 2 Years Older Members get that crack, no offend to new comers that is just to protect this info from owner if he comes to know that this method will never work in upcoming versions,I Hope you will understand.
  3. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to ⭐ osijek1289 in @Dv@nced T1me & 5@les (@T@5)   
    While this is a slick looking package, there is nothing I have seen in the video that is not already implemented in NT7, often available with free add-ons or with many various 'educated' indicators endlessly posted here on indo. Don't fall into the trap of buying this based on looks and a flashy video: for the vast majority of users this will translate into 1) informational analysis-paralysis and 2) will not necessarily make you any better or profitable a trader. There is much not shown in the flashy video that you will still need to depend on for profitable trading (trendlines, traditional support resistance, fibs, VWAP) - too many traders overlook those, in search of far more glitzy options, that they don't often can't comprehend in a real-time environment.
    Not to mention, there is a practical side to consider after purchasing or using this package: ie., (separate) datafeed costs, the fact it will be unlikely to interface with your broker, meaning you have to run another package alongside for trade exectution and management, etc.
    Which components are available elsewhere via NT addons? Here there are:

    Smart Tape/Order Aggregation: vvAggregatedTS is fully configurable to display the same order grouping and large market entries as shown in the video. Graphic here ( https://cdn.bmcharts.com/v/esguqr.jpg ) and some of the configurable settings are shown here ( https://cdn.bmcharts.com/v/rmy8br.jpg ) This is an 'elite' iindicator available via BMT.


    Cumulative Delta Tracking & Volume Ladders are all available via the GOM indicator infrastructure for NT7. CD tracking has various indicators where it can visual plot for you on screen if your buy or sell delta is + or -, and the exact number. There is a PriceSwingAction indicator that has seen much variation (again BMT) that will show you exactly CD counts on all timeframe charts from a swing high to low the amount of + or -. There is also an indicator that allows you to pick a point from which you want to start tracking the CD: click the bar on whatever timeframe chart, and then select the ending bar, or, just have it accumulate in realtime to show you the balance.


    Displaying large buy/sell points on a chart is available most recently via @Borisytch 's neat indicators, which allow for excellent configuration: see my previously posted details on that here: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/22320-Big-bid-ask-orders-on-a-chart?p=283831&viewfull=1#post283831


    Market Profile charting has IMO been done to death (in various NT7 implementations) - they are all quite competent, with slight variances on graphics. Rancho has been educated to death around here, and, there are awesome. BMT versions such as AltoGOMMP are also incredibly configurable; here's an example: http://postimg.org/image/k0rsxpge3/

    IMHO when one is spoon fed all these features in an off the shelf package, as opposed to discovering and implementing them individually - adding them to a charting packaged you probably know a lot better already - and, with a decent amount of trail and error, it is then that you gain a better understanding and appreciation for how your price data is being displayed, and what to make of it. Remember: just as some people are able to make money with a small set of indicators and a basic charting package - not having a glitzy one like being offered here - is no guarantee that YOU will be able to be profitable with this package; IMHO it is better to dive into the price action with these various addons, rather than trudge through learning yet another software package, which ultimately culminates with a disappointed and unprofitable trader, who too often then has yet another reason on why they "failed": in short, stop the cycle of looking for the holy grail indicator or software, and learn how to use the ones you have in your existing package, and try to become consistenly profitable sooner rather than later.
  4. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to hliboi in (REQ) Zeraw Please unlock this super order flow tool   
    There are materials posted in this thread. Post #41 (You can try to translate via Google - There is a tool that translates documents (PDFs)). The features are just the amount of information that you want to use to analyse orderflow. You should try to learn as much about orderflow and footprint as possible and spend time observing the chart. M@rket D€lta has alot of information and there is also a thread in this sub forum where you can learn. Being Supp€ria, R@ncho Din€ro, Fin@lgo or @dv@nced tIm€ and S@les and provide (more or less) the same information. My preference goes to RD: You can use both tick or bid and ask, you have balance to spot divergences. Then you can use summary tape Jigs@w to complement, using the analysis.
    Have fun
  5. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to yamantaka in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    I'm going to post more links tomorrow. I'll try to focus on the indicators that were most popular.
  6. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to yamantaka in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    "Besides free membership, the Website also offers Elite Membership at a one-time non-refundable fee of (USD) $100 for lifetime access. Elite Membership enables the members to access certain privileged and reserved sections of the Website, which provide better services and features."
    As you can read, BMT has raised the cost of Elite membership from $50 to $100. As most of us in the trading community know, Mike is a burnt out, perennial losing trader who started the site to hoodwink other traders into becoming Elite members so he could essentially charge $50 to allow them to download indicators that were developed by other people. He pirated many of those indicators from developers without their express permission. It's constructive to know, Mike lost so much money trading, that his wife divorced him (he admits this on the site) and he had to marry his dog who is his avatar on the site. He created the site because he was broke and desperately needed income.
    Mike must have a very small wenis. Why? Because he gets a real thrill from revoking memberships from anyone who even vaguely questions his wisdom, advice, or trading prowess. On BMT, he is the Wizard of Oz--the small man behind the curtain who wields power over a community of other losing traders. He is said to never get any sleep nor take any time off from the Forum, reading every single post and stroking his faithful (many who spend their lives posting ad nauseum) with a "Thank you" on their posts. In essence, he is a modern day L. Ron Hubbard and Jim Jones rolled into one.
    Anyway, I digress. Elite membership doesn't provide anything "better" than the rest of the site. The Elite indicators are not worth $1, let alone $100, because he got them for FREE from donating members and others who developed them. So, I think it's only fair in the spirit of sharing to the community to give back what Mike has pinched from others. And, as far as the other threads in Elite (Journals, vendor reviews, psychology tips, webinars by vendors who pay Mike) they are worthless in terms of getting a real Edge because they are all opinions, setups and experiences of losing traders who seek winning methods from other losing traders and vendors who were also losing traders.
    A member who realized he was ripped off by Mike, has decided to make many of these indicators available to the community for the very same price Mike paid; namely $000.00. This member has bestowed the collection of indicators to me and carried out his wishes to share with the trading community. After all, this is Mike's mantra, clearly stated on the site: "We firmly believe in openness and encourage sharing."
    So share we will. In the next few days, I will attempt to make these indicators available for everyone in the spirit of Mike's philosophy.
  7. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to yamantaka in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Good idea
  8. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to yamantaka in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Before I do more, please let me know if these links are good. Thanks.
  9. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to windo in Market Profile / Volumen Profile DayTrading   
    Trade 6E Today
    1) 6E Key Referenced Levels
    2) VPOC Trade
    3)LVN Trade
    just for discussion
  10. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Scalping-RU in Market Profile / Volumen Profile DayTrading   
  11. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to hliboi in GET - - - - Fulcrum Trader Delta Volume Analyis   
    Fulcrum Trader Delta Volume Analysis Course
    http://[email protected]/download/r0t6t6trjdlh307/Fulcrum.Trader.Delta.Volume.Analysis.Course.part1.rar
    http://[email protected]/download/tr7srr3q4n6cqr9/Fulcrum.Trader.Delta.Volume.Analysis.Course.part2.rar
    http://[email protected]/download/zrghy05a69m3wqx/Fulcrum.Trader.Delta.Volume.Analysis.Course.part3.rar
    http://[email protected]/download/i6706l5y54w60yr/Fulcrum.Trader.Delta.Volume.Analysis.Course.part4.rar
    http://[email protected]/download/zktnf9b88tigimc/Fulcrum.Trader.Delta.Volume.Analysis.Course.part5.rar
    Have fun!
  12. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to hacktrading in Volume package patched   
  13. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Scalping-RU in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    This indicator is used to look for confluences of levels and scalping with the volume analysis + order-flow and ladder/footprint, is a deadly mix of profit;
    I have spent more than 1,400 hours of screen-time to learn how to make profit with scalping;
    Good trading and great profit to you and all
  14. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to ⭐ osijek1289 in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    I have to respectfully agree; fancy naming + usage of the term 'uses a complex algorithm' is clear overhype. From what I've seen this doing/drawing on the charts, if you can't envision this yourself, you probably shouldn't be trading. Still, a big thanks for the 'education' of the indi - this is how we all learn. :)
  15. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Gladiator858 in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    Yes, I also agree. They are using the word "Quant" just to get poor suckers into buying the indi. Thanks bassmark for educating it and saving us the real and emotional capital + time.
    I always thought that if an educated indicator works and helps me make $$, I will actually pay the vendor. So far, no one is getting my business. :D
  16. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to Scalping-RU in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    Hello everyone, is there anyone who can educate this magnificent indicator?
    Indicator link (10 days free trial)
    Indicator manual
    Thanks in advance, Scalper-RU
  17. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to omaron in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
    That is what it looks to me too. I don't see anything magnificent in this indicator...
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    dennyyusuf reacted to bassmark in (req) quantum-algorithmic levels   
  19. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to k33 in Order Flow Videos   
    As far as i know it is a limitation of ninjatrader itself not to store the bid/ask data and not even get a backfill with feeds like IQfeed that support historical bid/ask. This is why Gomi invented the GOMrecorder for the Gomitools.
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    dennyyusuf reacted to keifer in Vic Noble Recurring Forex Patterns Course   
    Here's the rest...
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    dennyyusuf got a reaction from Traderbeauty in Order Flow Videos   
    I remembered that has been shared before indicator from www.czechwealth.cz which is have orderflow tool.. Download it in http://www.sendspace.com/file/3icdu3 ..Please check it out, I think it is very interesting tool..but i dunno is it better than OFA software or not..
    And do not forget also we also have supperia market profile and supperia tape plotter.
  22. Like
    dennyyusuf got a reaction from kungfutrader in Order Flow Videos   
    Thanks k33 for answer my question.. so I have to run it continously to get my history complete? Is there any solution when i m not connected to my datafeed, in case im offline..i still get my history when im online later on..?
    Thank you
    Ps: there is also thread discussing DBDelta ,unfortunatelly not in english.
    Here http://www.trading-team.net/threads/4141-OK!-Tradiamo-sti-VOLUMI!-Volume-Profile-Order-Flow-Tape-Reading-L-AT-%C3%A8-morta!
  23. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to k33 in Order Flow Videos   
    There is no automatic bid/ask backfill in Ninja, you have to run it live.
  24. Like
    dennyyusuf got a reaction from ⭐ stocktrader78 in Order Flow Videos   
    I remembered that has been shared before indicator from www.czechwealth.cz which is have orderflow tool.. Download it in http://www.sendspace.com/file/3icdu3 ..Please check it out, I think it is very interesting tool..but i dunno is it better than OFA software or not..
    And do not forget also we also have supperia market profile and supperia tape plotter.
  25. Like
    dennyyusuf reacted to forexmaniac84 in Order Flow Videos   
    This is absolutely true.OFA is nice to have but not very necessary.One can use the free footprint such as Gomi VolLadder and basically have the same information as OFA.
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