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Posts posted by jackj

  1. Lol. I get to post twice within minutes of someone who stole JP's info! Yeah, he's a scammer (Steve Vettorel). And I KNOW that, first hand. He was booted from JP's room, and I caught him faking his name trying to get info and also touting his own site with the fake name. Why don't people just learn to trade, or just get a job if they can't?!
  2. FYI, Morad (FT) has never successfully traded in his life, to my knowledge. I was in a room with him when he claimed to own a prop shop; turns out he was a trader there, trying to learn from us! And he was trying to be an IB for a brokerage, which ultimately is what he did; he formed his own. I then joined JP's room and found he had been booted from there after having made the same claims and posting late entries. Boy, does he have the world fooled... Everyone on BigMike, for sure. What a world.
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