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  1. Re: McDaddy Trading course -Price Behavior Not sure if this will help, but here is the online web address for all 4 parts: http://transcripts.fxstreet.com/2009/10/an-introduction-to-price-behaviour-part-1.html :)>-
  2. Re: McDaddy Trading course -Price Behavior Here's the link to one of Baghdady's Articles: "Profit from Trading by going back to Basics". hxxp://greatreporter.com/mambo/content/view/1846/9/ Once you finish the article, at the bottom is another link to a different Baghdady article: "Understanding your Trading System". I must say overall, his approach is refreshing and makes a lot more sense to me than some jumbled collection of lagging indicators (or worse "expert advisors") which is the basis of most other "systems"... If anyone has a pdf manual from one of his super super expensive courses, 1000++ Kudos if you would PLEASE post it! ^:)^
  3. Re: McDaddy Trading course -Price Behavior AlienKiller's links appear to work.
  4. Re: Squeeze the market - Markay Latimer Can anyone please share the pdf to the Squeeze course? ^:)^
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